ЁHgeocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/6755/buffypoll.htmlgeocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/6755/buffypoll.htmldelayedxял╒J                    ╚`^╫KOKtext/htmlАЪ &K    bЙ.HMon, 09 Dec 2002 18:59:25 GMT/"Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *ял╒JK Buffy: The Vampyre Slayer

Enter the Scooby Gang

In every generation, there is a Chosen one. She alone will stand against the Vampyres, the Daemons, and the Forces of Darkness. She is the Slayer.

  1. "If the apocalypse comes, beep me."
    Buffy Summers:
    The Slayer, she is a one of a long line of demon killers, begun at the dawn of humanity. She was unfortunately born in Southern California, and has the desire of a social life along with her "sacred duty, yada yada yada.." She's been involved with Angel, Riley, and Spike.

  2. "A hundred years, just hanging out, feeling guilty... I really honed my brooding skills. And then she comes along"
    A vampyre, cursed by a gypsy clan for his atrocities, he possesses a soul and a conscience. Because of this, he vacillates between being really really cool and being a total "I am melancholy, I am melancholy, Koo koo cachoo.." Interestingly enough, when he, being in love with the Slayer and what-all, coaxed her into horizontal gymnastics, he lost his soul. This reverted him to "Angelus," a bloodthirsty psychopath who is bent on torturing her and killing her, as well as all that she holds dear. When his soul returns, he has massive guilt, and they eventually break up from all the problems.

  3. "Buffy, when I said you could slay vampyres AND have a social life, I didn't mean at the same time!"
    Rupert Giles:
    Also known as "Ripper," Giles is the school librarian/watcher. Superficially, he's a tweed-clad stodgy Brit. But he's "kind of a sexy fuddy-duddy," according to Ms. Calendar and many fans.

  4. "No, this is a dumb world. In my world, there are people in chains, and we can ride them like ponies.."

    Evil Willow :
    She's Willow Rosenberg in an alternate universe in which she had been turned. She is a leather-clad, sadistic, red-of-head-wild-in-bed dominatrix. I love Evil Willow. I want to be Evil Willow. She is so freaking cool.

  5. "That's horrible! That's me as a vampire?! I'm so ...evil, and skanky. And I think I'm kind of gay."
    Willow Rosenberg:
    She's Xander and Buffy's best friend, a self-desribed nerd who ends up dating a guitarist until he has issues, leading her to discover that she's bi. More importantly, Willow is a kick ass hacker and the one of the most powerful witches in the world. Generally shy and unassuming, she can still boss people around.

  6. "I...I think I'm having a thought. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a thought. Now I'm having a plan. (*lights suddenly go out*) ...Now I'm having the wiggin's."

    Willow's friend from childhood, she always held a torch for him, but he never noticed. Indeed, Xander seems to be in love with everyone and everything but Willow: Buffy, a praying mantis lady, an inca mummy girl, Cordelia, Faith (a slayer), and Anya (an ex-vengeance demon). Xander is the loyal supporter of the group, and manages to save the day on occasion even without supernatural powers. Also, very funny.

  7. "I mock you with my monkey pants."
    Senior musician by day, werewolf by night... Oz is a man of few words. But what he does say is great. He was Willow's first boyfirend, until he had to go deal with some of his werewolf issues. We want him back. Stop making Austin Powers movies!!!

  8. "Tact is just not saying true stuff."
    A totally valley, materialistic, shallow, and blunt. That is, until her familt lost all thier money. For a while she dated Xander, which did not turn out well. The question is, will she fare better as a half demon prophetess? Who is still really blunt?

  9. "No, you don't get it Buffy. I don't care."
    The second Slayer, chosen because of some random twists of fate, she is the Spice to Buffy's Sugar. Leather-clad, brunette, sarcastic, violent, and sadistic, she becomes evil and works dilligently for the Bad Guys. (There's lots of classic "this is because I'm so messed up" psychology to her character.) She was also voted The Sexiest Person To Have Ever Appeared of Buffy on the Buffy World Forum.

  10. "I'm very into Britany Spears' early work, before she sold out, so mostly, um, her finger painting and macaroni art. Very underrated. "

    A mystical magic bubble-turned-slayer's litte sister, Dawn in a great big dork. I don't like her much. She gets into trouble, she has weird denial/identity crises, and she's basically an eighth grade teeny bopper. With good writers. As the most recent season progresses, she seems to be coming into her own somewhat, but mostly... does dumb stuff and needs rescued.

  11. "I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it.

    aka William the Bloody, Spike is an enigma whose amoral nature blurs the distinction between good and evil . . . oh, who am I kidding, we love him because he's gorgeous! And plus, although he can be evil and cruel, he's a complete romantic who doted on Drusilla until she left him. Since then, of course, he's been drowning in the Slayer, even getting his soul back by accident . . . that seems to be a trend, doesn't it? He gets all the best lines,too. Some can be seen at The random Spike Quote generator. It's friggin' awesome. I hope the link works, it the site may have changed locales. Or else, I'm behind a firewall.... damn universities.

  12. "Everything in my head is singing...we're a family again. We'll feed- grrr! We'll play..."
    A crazy vampire bitch whom Spike once loved. Actually, he was her lap dog for, oh, decades. She cheated on him, treated him horribly, and he always came back to her. She is completely insane, and psychic. Dru was made a vampyre by Angelus, after he had made her lose her mind while she was mortal.

  13. Other:___________

Why Spike is So Delicious: See for yourself.

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