Center for Language and Speech Processing
Johns Hopkins University
320 Barton Hall, 3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218

Cell Phone: (410) 905-1877
Lab Phone: (410) 516-5458,5409
Lab Fax: (410) 516-5050
Home phone: (410) 420-1352


  Automatic Speech Recognition; Statistical Modeling and Learning;
  Classification and Decision Theory; Information Theory and Statistics;


Ph.D., July 2000 (expected), Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University 

  Dissertation: Minimum Bayes-risk automatic speech recognition. 
  Advisors: Dr. William J. Byrne and Dr. Frederick Jelinek.  
  GPA: 4.0/4.0 

M.S.E., May 1995, Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

  Thesis: A novel technique for EEG signal processing.
  Advisor: Dr. Nitish V. Thakor.  
  GPA: 3.95/4.0 

B.Tech., May 1993, Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology,
Kanpur, India 

  Thesis: Automated strain analysis using techniques of image processing.
  Advisor: Dr. S. K. Mullick.  
  GPA: 10.0/10.0


The Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ

Summer Intern, May 1997 - Jul 1997
  Project: Maximum likelihood lexical modeling.
  Supervisor: Dr. Frank K. Soong

Summer Intern, Jun 1996 - Aug 1996 
  Project: Single pass real time A-star decoder implementation.
  Supervisor: Dr. Frank K. Soong 

Indian Telephone Industries, Naini, India

Summer Engineer, May 1992 - Jul 1992
  Project: Optimization of production and inventory control of MARR 


Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins University

Research Assistant, Jan 1996 - Present 

  Design of task specific speech recognizers under the minimum Bayes-risk (MBR) 
  classification framework.  Formulated a novel prefix-tree based multi-stack 
  A-star algorithm to implement the MBR decoders.  Shown that these decoders 
  yield significant error rate reduction on tasks such as minimum word error rate 
  transcription, keyword spotting, named entity detection, and gene identification 
  from genomic DNA.  Developed the idea of segmental MBR decoding in which a 
  complex MBR decoder is approximated by a sequence of simple MBR decoders.  
  Demonstrated that the well known voting techniques of ROVER and voting on 
  lattices are instances of segmental MBR decoding, and developed their 

Researcher, Jul 1997 - Aug 1997

  Workshop on Innovative Techniques for LVCSR; Syllable based speech 

Teaching Assistant, Feb 1997 - May 1997 & Feb 1996 - May 1996

  Neuroengineering : A course on application of engineering ideas for 
  diagnosis and treatment of neuropathologies.

Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University

Research Assistant, Sep 1993 - Aug 1995

  LPC analysis and neuronal correlates of anomalies in electroencephalograms.  
  Involved applied signal processing, instrumentation, and neuronal simulations and 

Teaching Assistant, Feb 1995 - May 1995 & Sep 1994 - Dec 1994

  Biomedical Instrumentation : A course on instrumentation for medical 


  Abel Wolman Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University (95-96).
  Tuition fellowship, Johns Hopkins University (93-95).
  Best outgoing undergraduate student in electrical engineering 
    at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK), 1993.
  Proficiency award for best project work in electrical engineering, IITK, 1993.
  The Tata Consultancy Services award for best software project at IITK, 1993.
  Student member IEEE, ISCA.


Journal Articles:

  - Goel V. and Byrne W.J., ``Minimum Bayes-risk automatic speech recognition,''
    Computer Speech and Language, Vol. 14(2), pp. 115--135, 2000.
  - Goel V., Brambrink A.M., Baykal A., and Thakor N.V., ``Dominant
    frequency analysis reveals brain's response to injury and recovery,''
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 43(11), pp. 1083--1092, 

Selected Conference and Workshop Papers:

  - Goel V. and Byrne W.J., ``Applications of Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding to LVCSR,''
    LVCSR Workshop, May 16-19, UMCP, College Park, MD, 2000.
  - Goel V. and Byrne W.J., ``Task dependent loss functions in speech recognition: 
    A-star search over recognition lattices,'' Eurospeech-99, pp. 1243--1246, 
    Budapest, Hungary, 1999.
  - Goel V. and Byrne W.J., ``Task dependent loss functions in speech recognition: 
    Application to named entity extraction,'' ESCA ETRW Workshop on Accessing 
    Information from Spoken Audio, pp. 49--53, Cambridge, UK, 1999.
  - Goel V., Byrne W.J., and Khudanpur S., ``LVCSR rescoring with modified loss 
    functions: A decision theoretic perspective,'' ICASSP-98, May 9-12, 1998.
  - Ganapathiraju A., Goel V., Picone J.,, ``Syllable - A promising
    recognition unit for LVCSR,'' 1997 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech 
    Recognition and Understanding, Dec 14-17, 1997.
  - Corrada A., Doddington G., Ganapathiraju A., Goel V.,, ``The syllable 
    team,'' HUB-5 Conversational Speech Recognition Workshop, Nov 4-6, 1997.
  - Goel V. and Thakor N.V., ``A model of excitotoxic injury to the hippocampal 
    neurons,'' Neural Modeling of Cognitive and Brain Disorders, Jun 8-10, 1995.
  - Kong X., Goel V., and Thakor N.V., ``Quantification of injury-related EEG signal 
    changes using Itakura distance measure,'' ICASSP-95, May 9-12, 1995.
  - Goel V., Brambrink A.M., Baykal A., and Thakor N.V., ``Autoregressive modeling 
    of EEG reveals brain's response to injury,'' IEEE/EMBS Annual International 
    Conference, Nov 3-6, 1994.
  - Goel V., Brambrink A.M., Baykal A., and Thakor N.V., ``Detection of 
    hypoxic-asphyxic insult and recovery using autoregressive modeling of EEG 
    signals,'' American EEG Society Annual Meeting, Sep 19-20, 1994.


  Programming Languages: C, C++, VisualBasic, Pascal.
  Scripting Languages: Perl, Awk.
  Toolkits: Matlab, HTK, AT&T FSM Tools.
  Operatring Systems: Unix, Windows98, WindowsNT.


  Indian citizen, at present on F-1 (student visa).


  Available upon request.


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