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Homestay Game

A creative roleplay activity to practise commmunication skills

Time: entire class, if you have enough cards!

Materials: japanese translation of the roleplay dilemnas, with each problem written on a separate card (30 examples provided below)

not awarding the full 5 points sometimes gets strong results!

This activity is extremely simple to explain - the entire class is not in a Japanese school today, but is instead doing a homestay visit to your house (wherever that may be). However during their stay they encounter many problems. Next, split the class into six groups and give each group a couple of the problem cards (the Japanese version). Since you are the homestay 'Mum', they will have to explain their problem to you (who of course says "eh?" and shrugs at the first sign of Japanese being spoken). If you understand what on earth they're rambling on about, then give them some points for it (try 1 to 5), and let them exchange the completed problem for another card.

Really go over the top with your roleplaying - the purpose of this game is to show that mistakes don't make any difference, so long as the attempt at communicating is a good one. When they've finished explaining a problem, keep the roleplay going to help everyone relax - e.g. the cockroach problem obviously requires you to make a great fuss and run around to class room trying to flatten the bug under all the desks!

The roleplay problems (english translations):

I think I've got a fever!

I'd like to eat some Japanese food!

I've broken one of your neightbour's flowerpots!

I've got gum in my hair - could you get it out, please?

I'd quite like to go to a rock concert on my own...

When I went to the shop round the corner, somebody stole the bicycle you lent me!

I'd like to change some Japanese money [yen] to English [pound].

I want to go shopping, but I've got no money...

Today's my birthday, and I was kind of wanting to have a party...

I'm really thirsty, so could you give me something to drink, please?

I want to go to a baseball stadium and watch a game.

There's a cockroach in my bedroom!!

Your son keeps trying to show me magic tricks!

I was thinking of driving up to Scotland over night... so would you like to come?

I've lost a 50 pound note!

I broke one of your cups!

I've got an allergy to your cat!

I was playing football, and I kind of broke the backdoor window...

I've lost my passport - what should I do?

My flight was scheduled for today, but there was some problem and it's been cancelled!

I've got a stomach-ache!

I've lost my house key!

I'd like to have a go at making fish and chips. Could you teach me how, please?

Can I come back and visit you again next year?

I want to go on a date this evening.

I'd like to send a letter I wrote [to my family] at the post office.

I'd quite like to phone Japan...

There's no toilet paper in the toilet!

I'd quite like to take a picture of us together in front of that building...

I don't know how to take a bus!

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