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Let's Go Shopping!
Flow-chart conversations

Shopping roleplay - 2nd year textbook
(from a workshop on TEFL theory given by Chad Hyde, Fukuoka Conference 2000)

Purpose (other than shopping):
To help students realize that in a conversation, there is often more than one possible answer to a question, and that different answers can lead you down different paths. To give them some practise in foreseeing and controlling the different directions in which a conversation may go.

Flowchart handouts (see right).
Extra-extra-large copy of handout to put up on the board. (Tip: cut an A4 copy into 9 equal pieces, 3   across and 3 down, and photocopy each at 400% onto A3. Then tape together).

20-30 minutes or more.

Let's Go Shopping! flowchart

Roleplay a shopping scene with the teacher for a warm-up. Use real clothes or pictures if possible.

Hand out the sheets and put the big one up on the board. Ask everybody to look at the board, but tell the students who can't see the board very well to follow along on their own sheets.

Explain that while the sheet looks complicated, it is actually quite simple. In a conversation, every time somebody asks you a question, you have a choice for your answer. This sheet shows those choices. The round boxes are the clerk, and the spiked boxes are the customer. The arrows show the path of the conversation.

Take a pointer (I like to grab an umbrella from a pail by the door - they get a kick out of that) and go through the roleplay with the teacher again, tracing your way through the flowchart. At the end, go back and point out some alternative routes you could have taken.

Go through once more with the students repeating for pronunciation practise. Check for understanding.

Pair them up and have them go through it themselves.

Alternatively, if you really want to make it realistic, have each group (han) draw different clothing items (shoes, hats, pants, shirts, etc.). Give each group a drawing of a (near-naked) paper doll [or famous movie star!]. Assign three members of each group to 'man the store' and the other three members to go out and buy clothes for their doll from the other groups. Then they can dress up the doll and display it to the class at the end of the period. Note that this may end up taking two periods!

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