B&W Gallery (1)

This is the Kamui black and white pix I scanned in ^_^, there all GIF's so it might be a bit quicker to down-load the things ^_^... also if you look at some of there early X manga and some of the later issues, you can see how there drawing stiyle chainges, does anyone else see this?.... most of these I scanned my self... so if you want to uses any please E-mail me... or at least sign my Guestbook ^_^

To see the full pix your going to have to click on the little cut down version ^_^ tehe.. sorry but I had to do all these thumnails by hand for you!, and it's nice when you get more than you thought you would ^_^

let's face it Kamui....

Poor Kamui-chan... it's just not his day...

Some scetches from X the Movie...

Kawaii No 1!... don't we all want to do this?... well I do ^_^