2. There are three sets of warm-up exercises. Junan Kenko Taiso are always performed, then, depending on the class, either Toitsu Taiso (for Ki class) or Aiki-Taiso (for Aikido class) are performed. They are performed to a steady rhythm and always start to the left. The count is given for each exercise, if applicable. Note that these descriptions are not a substitute for a good teacher. They are only to help you memorize the names and procedures.

    The count is as follows:

    1-2-3-4 = "ichi-ni-san-shi."

    1-2-3-4-5 = "ichi-ni-san-shi-go."

    1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 = "ichi-ni-san-shi-go-roku-shichi-hachi."

    1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 = "ichi-ni-san-shi-go-roku-shichi-hachi-kyu-ju-juichi-juni-jusan-jushi-jugo."


    1. JUNAN KENKO TAISO - MAKKU-HO (Stretches For Health)
    2. The Aikido and Ki Development warm-up exercises always start with these 6 general stretches for health. They are further described in "Makku-Ho. 5 Minutes' Physical Fitness" by Haruka Nagai, "Kiatsu" and "The Book of Ki" by Koichi Tohei. They were created by Nagai's father after he had a stroke at age 42 and the doctors told him to avoid physical exercise. He lived to be 78, when he died in a traffic accident. See Bibliography.

      1) C Kin Undo. Stretching exercise for line C of the legs.

      Sit down with legs forward. Reach hands forward over the feet while counting to 15.

      2) F Kin Undo. Stretching exercise for line F of the legs.

      Sit down and spread legs in a "V." Reach hands over feet, 2 sets of 5 times to each side.

      3) G Kin Undo. Stretching exercise for line G of the legs.

      Sit down and spread legs in a "V." Lay chest on floor in front while counting to 15.

      4) D Kin Shindo Undo. Stretching exercise for line D of the legs.

      Sit down with feet together at crotch and let knees touch floor several times.

      5) D Kin Undo. Stretching exercise for line D of the legs.

      Sit down with feet together at crotch. Lay chest on floor in front while counting to 15.

      6) A Kin Undo. Seiza.

      Sit down on legs and lie down backwards to stretch for approximately 5 seconds.


    3. TOITSU TAISO (Ki Development Exercises)
    4. These exercises are performed before Ki class. Each exercise is done twice to each side in a "left-left, right-right" fashion while counting 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 in 2 sets. They are further described in "Kiatsu" by Koichi Tohei and "Aikido With Ki" by Koretoshi Maruyama.

      1) Sayu Udefuri Undo.

      Swing arms to each side and stretch arms horizontally.

      2) Sayu Jôtai Shincho Undo.

      Stretch upper body sideways with outside arm over head and inside arm to the side.

      3) Zengo Jôtai Shincho Undo.

      Stretch upper body forward, looking backward between legs, then backward, looking up with arms up.

      4) Kenko-Kotsu Shincho Undo.

      Stretch the shoulder blades turning with arms horizontally, with fists at chest.

      5) Sayu Kubi-Suji Shincho Undo.

      Stretch neck by tilting head sideways. Hands on hips.

      6) Zengo Kubi-Suji Shincho Undo.

      Stretch neck by tilting head forward and backward. Hands on hips.

      7) Sayu Muki Undo.

      Stretch neck by turning head sideways. Hands on hips.

      8) Ryo Ashi Kusshin Undo. Count = 1-2-and-3-4-5-6-and-7-8.

      Bend and flex knees and ankles. Flex knees down on "1-2/5-6," up on toes on "and," then flex ankles down on "3-4/7-8." Hands on hips.

      9) Sayu Kyakubu Shincho Undo.

      Stretch the knee by turning 90 degrees to each side with a hand on each knee.

      10) Kata Ude Mawashi Undo (1).

      Swing one arm in a circle to the side 4 times on each side.

      11) Kata Ude Mawashi Undo (2).

      Swing both arms in circles to the side in 2 sets of 4 each forward, then backward.

      12) Kata Ude Mawashi Undo (3).

      Swing both arms in circles to the side in 2 sets of 4 each forward, then backward while bending the knees on the down stroke.

      Note that the above 12 exercises are part of the Ki Development test. See Section 7, Ki Test.

      The following exercises are performed while the teacher tests each student for proper execution. They are also used in the Aiki-Taiso below.

      13) Tekubi-Shindo Undo. Count = 1-2-3-4.

      Shake hands vigorously at hip level and gradually come to a stop. Relax and don't move.

      Test by pulling arms up and down and pushing or pulling chest.

      14) Funa-kogi Undo. Count = 1-2.

      Rowing exercise. A) Bend front knee slightly, thus moving hip forward. B) Thrust out hands forward from hip. C) Straighten front knee, thus moving hip back again and raising arms. D) Pull hands back to hip. Cease to move upon command.

      Test by pushing on back and pulling on shoulder. With student stationary, push and pull on stretched out arms.

      15) Shomen-Uchi Ikkyo Undo. Count = 1-2.

      Throw a ball. A) Bend front knee slightly, thus moving hip forward. B) Swing arms up as if throwing a ball. C) Bring hands back to hip as if catching the same ball. D) Straighten front knee, thus moving hip back again. Cease to move upon command.

      Test by pushing on back and pulling on shoulder. With student stationary, push and pull on stretched out arms, lift at elbows.

      16) Kaho Tekubi-Kosa Undo. Count = 1-2-3-4-5.

      Swing arms from side to cross hands in front of "One-Point." Cease to move at the count of 5.

      Test by lifting hands (optionally pushing chest or back).

      17) Joho Tekubi-Kosa Undo. Count = 1-2-3-4-5.

      Swing arms from side to cross hands in front of face. Cease to move at the count of 5. Do not feel weight of arms.

      Test by pushing or pulling hands.

      18) Sayu Undo. Count = 1-2-3-4.

      Swing arms from side to side, outside hand up to head level, inside hand in front of "One-Point," and bend outside knee. Cease to move upon command.

      Test by lifting on inside hand, outside elbow and pushing on inside hip.


    5. AIKI TAISO (Aikido Exercises)
    6. These exercises are performed before Aikido class. They are also required for the Aikido tests as Hitori Waza (single person techniques). See Sections 8, Children's Aikido Test. and 9, Aikido Test. They are Aikido technique exercises to be done for that purpose with grace, good balance, and extending Ki in a left-right fashion. They are further described in "Kiatsu" by Koichi Tohei and "Aikido With Ki" by Koretoshi Maruyama.

      1) Nikyo Waza. Count = 1-2-3-4.

      With hands down, lay the outside of the left hand in the palm of the right hand. Bring both hands up and both elbows down, thus stretching the left wrist. 4 sets, left-right-left-right.

      2) Kotegaeshi Waza. Count = 1-2-3-4.

      With hands up, lay the outside of the left hand in the palm of the right hand. Wrap fingers of right hand around thumb of left hand, and put right thumb between the knuckles of the left little and ring finger. Bring both hands elbows down, thus stretching the left wrist. 4 sets, left-right-left-right.

      3) Sankyo Waza. Count = 1-2-3-4.

      Hold left hand out as if to see what time it is. Place right hand on top and let fingers wrap around left hand. Stretch left hand forward. 4 sets, left-right-left-right.

      4) Tekubi-Furi Waza. Count = 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, half-half-half...

      Shake hands vigorously at hips.

      5) Funakogi Waza. Count = 1-2-1-2-1-2-3-4, 1-2-1-2-1-2-3-4.

      Rowing exercise. Left, right. Change hammi between "4-1."

      6) Ikkyo Waza. Count = 1-2-1-2-1-2-3-4, 1-2-1-2-1-2-3-4.

      Throw ball up in air. Left, right. Change hammi between "4-1."

      7) Zengo Waza. Count = 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8.

      Same as Ikkyo but turn 180 degrees between "2-3/4-5/6-7", right-left-right.

      8) Happo Waza. Count = 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8.

      Similar to Ikkyo. Step left, turn right in 8 directions. Speed up on second set.

      9) Kaho Tekubi-Kosa Waza. Count = 1-2-3-4.

      Swing arms and cross in front of One-Point. 4 sets, left-right-left-right, alternating with one hand on top of the other.

      10) Joho Tekubi-Kosa Waza. Count = 1-2-3-4.

      Swing arms and cross in front of face. 4 sets, left-right-left-right, alternating with one hand on top of the other.

      11) Sayu Waza. Count = 1-2-3-4.

      Swing arms to side. 4 sets, left-right-left-right.

      12) Sayu Choyaku Waza. Count = 1-2-3-4.

      Swing arms to side as well as sideways step-hop-step. 4 sets, left-right-left-right.

      13) Udefuri Waza. Count = 1-2-1-2-1-2-3-4.

      Swing arms from side to side without moving shoulders. On "4," the left foot steps forward in position of next exercise.

      14) Udefuri Choyaku Waza. Count = 1-2-1-2-1-2-3-4.

      Swing arms from side to side while stepping and turning 180 degrees. Forward arm "draws sword." Let arms swing out horizontally while turning.

      15) Zenshin Koshin Waza. Count = 1-2-1-2-1-2-3-4.

      Backward-forward step-hop-step. 2 sets, left-right.

      16) Ushiro-Tori Waza. Count = 1-2-3-4.

      Open jacket, step forward and "brush off" hanger-on with hip movement. 4 sets, left-right-left-right.

      17) Ushiro Tekubi-Tori Zenshin Waza. Count = 1-2-3-4.

      Arms at side, move up to rabbit ears, step forward and bow. 4 sets, change feet between "2-3."

      18) Ushiro Tekubi-Tori Koshin Waza. Count = 1-2-3-4.

      Arms at side, move up to rabbit ears, step backward and bow. 4 sets, change feet between "2-3."

      19) Ushiro Ukemi Waza - Koho Tento Undo. Count = 1-2-1-2-1-2-3-4.

      Sit down and roll backwards-forwards. 2 sets, switch feet.

      20) Ushiro Ukemi Waza. Count = 1-2-1-2-1-2-3-4.

      Sit down, roll backwards-forwards and stand up.

      Additional exercises may include:

      21) Zenpo Kaiten Waza.

      Roll forward and stand up. Repeat around the mat.

      22) Ushiro Ukemi Waza.

      Roll backward and stand up. Repeat around the mat.

      23) Zenpo Kaiten Waza + Ushiro Ukemi Waza.

      Mixed rolls around the mat.

      24) Shikko.

      Knee walking around the mat. Walk on the knees as if the ankles were tied together. (Forward, turn and backward.)


    7. The Difference Between Undo and Waza
    8. Undo, as in Toitsu Taiso, is a general Ki Development exercise. Waza, however, as in Aiki Taiso, means to do the exercise as if demonstrating and actually performing the corresponding Aikido technique. (This does not imply that you should do the Undo as if stirring your coffee while reading the Sunday paper.)


    9. AIKI-ROBICS (Aikido Aerobics)
    10. Coming soon to a dojo near you.  (Since the first print went out, many of us now know this as Relax Taiso, or Oneness Taiso.  These exercises will be described in Secrets of Aikido, Volume Two.  Stay tuned...


    11. TAIGI including Weapons Kata

Come to a dojo near you to practice, as these do not translate well into text. May we boldly suggest NJKS? You want to look cool, don't you? The taigi's are listed in Section 11.





Printed Version (July 10, 1993) © 1992 New Jersey Ki Society
Html Version © 1999-2000 New Jersey Ki Society

If you have an opinion on what is presented here, feel free to mail us at info@njks.org

Author: Bengt Lindblad
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