Sailor Moon

English Name: Serena
Japanese Name: Usagi Tsukino
Likes: eating and sleeping
Dislikes: studying and schoolwork
Birthday:June 30
Astrological Sign:Cancer
Fave Food: cake
Least Fave Food: carrots
Fave Color: red
Fave Subject: Home Ec, music
Least Fave Subject: Math, English

Serena is the leader of all the sailor senshi, although she's a wimp and a crybaby. She has a crush on every guy she's seen, especially Andrew, who works in the local arcade, and Darien/Tuxedo Mask. She loves to play video games at the arcade, watch tv, and read comic books. Her hero/heroine is Sailor V, and she hopes to become a bride someday. GeoCities Get your own Free Home Page