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Here are the photos of Karens 21st, if you dont know who she is then dont bother going there.....


Sorry about the lack of updates on this site but due to my studies and activities, etc...... i have been extremely busy of late. However, my exams will be completed soon enough and work on this page will return with a vengence. The dely was also due to my hard drive finally dying and taking everything with it......Watch this space for improvments and updates.
regards, LDTL


Just a few minor corrections and changes. No updates as yet. When i get a good graphics program, i'll fix up the rest of the logo screwups.....


This site made by LDTL and is dedicated to promoting the Japanese anime Macross and it's sequels.

With the help of various persons (me, me,, the information contained within have been compiled for general use. Please note that this site is made for followers of Macross and Anime by one who's fascination of anime is the 'exponential of infinity to the power of two' (i have no idea what it is. Just heard it from somewhere and thought it sounded quite interesting). I also have other sites which if time permits, i will link to this site.
For those of you who have been here before, you will notice a change of name and huge renovations.THIS IS WHAT I PROMISED, so i hope it will explain the long period of absence of this site.
For those who are from SBHS and uni, you will notice the abbreviations of the site name. Check out the disclaimer section.
Feel free to browse the site to your hearts content but also note that this site is always under construction so new things will be added every so often, so check this site regularly. I will also value any questions and comments that you have so feel free to use the guestbook, email, or ICQ 10204107, also please report any broken links, etc...