Sasami Stats
Name: Sasami Jurai

Age: 708 (looks 8)

Sex: Female

The Meaning of Her Name: Sasami - Beach Beauty

Powers: None. But see special notes below.

Power Rating: 0:10

Weaknesses: Sasami is about as poerfull as your average human, and in anime terms that's not so good. Should she ever get caught in a a real fight she'll quickly die. She's also very young, and this in itself can cause a lot of drawbacks.

History: Sasami was born into the royal family of Jurai some 708 years ago. Unlike her sister Ayeka, she was not brought up in the classic proper princess style. She grew up as an average child and is very well emotionally ballanced. But not all was perfect in Sasami's chamber. The ground shook from a nearby blast and Sasami fell thousands of feet to her death. Her body lay before the greatest of the sentient Juraian trees, Tsunami. Tsunami, filled with grief over the loss, did the only thing she could. She assimilated with Sasami (see Special Notes for more). Sasami suddenly found herself whole and alive and quickly went to find her family.

Yosho, Ayeka's fiance, chased after Ryoko and vanished. Ayeka, devastated by the incident, took Sasami and herself and placed themselves in a cryogenic sleep within a Juraian ship. This ship would search the universe for Yosho while the two sleept. 700 years later their ship awoke the two just outside of Earth orbit. The ship had detected Ryoko, dived down onto the planet below. Sasami had little choice but to follow, and the rest is history...........

Special Notes: In the process of assimilation Tsunami and Sasami were joined both physically and mentally into one being. Howerver, the incident had been too tramautic for Sasami and the process wasn't completed. Sasami now thinks that she's a creation of Tsuanmi. In reality she is now Tsuanmi and Tsuanmi is now her, they are one and the same. As Sasami grows older, the process will complete itself and she will become aware of her other half. At certain times the Tsuanmi half can "take over", rather then staying in the background as it usually does. During this time the little girl Sasami is now the most powerful and deadly Juraian battleship in existence