Awards Won!

Since august 3rd, 2000.

Some time ago, chatting with my friend Tory Brown (the author of "Project: Sailor Earth"), I asked her which was the difference between a linked page and a sister site.
She told me that a linked page is merely a page you (as an author) like and want to link your page to. A sister site is one where both authors have stablished a quite special friendship, and therefore both agree to stablish their pages as sister sites.
NSFFC has granted me the great chance to meet a lot of fantastic people and magnificent Fanfics, and I hope to stablish more sister sites eventually. But probably you all already know, I cannot imagine any other page to start with this gallery devoted to very special people.

Sailor Sirius

On May 7th, 1999, I got an e-mail which really surprised me:
Hello, my name is Sharon, and I just read your fanfic of the New Senshi of Mexico. The legend your story is based on is wonderful, and i enjoyed reading about your senshi. It is very rare that you see any senshi (scout) that is ethnically different than the ones you read about over and over again. I really appreciate the fact that you bring other cultures and races to liven it up. Please visit my page here:

Let me know what you think. I think you might like the fact that she is different from the other senshi we read about too. I would appreciate you writing back to me. Alright, thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!

The point is I already KNEW Sailor Sirius. I've always been interested in movements for human equality (You all may suppose I'm a big admirer of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Rigoberta Menchu, Nelson Mandela and other illustrous believers of pacific resistence), and to see stories on black senshi was a mixture of this and my beloved anime "Sailor Moon". I guess that's a main reason why I immediately felt engaged to "Sailor Sirius" and "Sailor Dark Moon".
I've kept that e-mail stored since it's very meaningful to me. Since then, Sharon has stood as a great friend and a source of inspiration to start and keep my own fanfics. She also was the person who mostly encouraged me to carry on with the idea of "Neo Sailors Fanfics Club", and I want to leave a testimony of this fact here.
Her friendship also encouraged me to do my first attempts in FanArt, and two of them are in her webpage.
By this and many other reasons, it couldn't be any other way. "Sailor Sirius" had to be my first sister site!
My endless friendship, love and gratitude for you, Sharon-chan, ¡Mi hermanita caribeña! (My caribbean little sister!).

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