Queen Anime's Sailor Moon Site!!

You are the Sailor Scout to Visit Since 4/9/99!!

A thousand years ago, our moon was home to a great civilization ruled by Queen Serenity. Everything was peaceful until the arrival of the evil Queen Beryl. To conquer the moon, Queen Beryl unleashed the awesome power of the Negaforce. Although her world was destroyed, Queen Serenity’s last hope was the power of the imperium silver crystal and the crescent moon wand. Trapped in moon beam crystals, the queen sent the princess, Princess Serena, and the children of the moon to the future on earth. Their memories lost to them all, the queen’s cat advisors Luna and Artemis must find the princess so she will at last be safe. And so our story begins...
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Sailor Moon Sailor Mercury
Sailor Mars Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Venus Tuxedo Mask
Sailor Chibi Moon Sailor Pluto
Sailor Saturn Sailor Neptune
Sailor Uranus Bad Guys!
Cats! GroupPics

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