This is some of my interest

One of my interest is computer and computer related stuff like video games. When I bought the computer I thought I was going to learn with it but mostly what I did was playing computer games. The first games I got for my computer is Red Alert, that was my only game except for the crappy one that goes with the computer that I bought which I hardly ever play. All I did was played Red Alert from dawn to dusk except for school days. I was so hooked up on that game that most of the times I didn't even eat dinner but after a summer long of playing the game I got board and stoped playing it.

The other thing I like to do with the computer is to surf the net. Shortly after I stoped playing with Red Alert my mom let me made an AOL account. I figure I can go and send people cpu viruses and screwed up there computer and cyber terrorise people like cyber stalk em and stuff like that but when I got on I didn't know jack. But after a while I figure you can't giving em viruses with out them noticing. Then I figured that I can get illegal software and stuff for free so I spent day and night downloading junks. But about 2 months ago I got into Web Page after I have seen my cousin made some of em at first I didn't know jack about HTML codes but now I knows almost all of it and I am trying to learn DHTML but I only know like only one thing for it so this should keep's me occupied for a while until I get bord of it or some cooling games or something that comes out.


My Macross Saga Page
My Cousin's site

Blizzard is the creator of Starcraft, Warcraft2, Diable etc.