Phonecard Listings for Reference

Last Update : July 17, 1996

Australian Phonecard Checklists - John Kahler
Czechoslovakia Phonecard List - Peter Gebauer
Czech Republic Phonecard List - Peter Gebauer
Germany Phonecard Listing - Regular Issues - Thomas Wellein
Germany Phonecard Listing - Private Issues - Thomas Wellien
The Greek Telecards - Alexandros Sgourakis
Hungarian Phonecard List - Joseph Szadai
Hungarian Phonecard Catalogue - Tamas Csakany
Indonesia Phonecards - Gallery Indonesia Phonecard
Italian Public Phonecards Issued - Leonardo Costa
Italian Private Phonecards Issued - Leonardo Costa
Catalogue of Telecards in Israel - Isaac Kaul
Korean List
Luxembourg Phonecard List - Alex Demange
Malaysian Phonecard List - Kee Meng Lee
New Zealand Phonecard List - Paul Sillars
Saudi Arabia Phonecard List - Sany Zakharia
Singapore Public & Definitive Phonecards - Kee Meng Lee
Singapore Special Issue & Advertiser Phonecards - Kee Meng Lee
Sweden Phonecard List - Telia
Thailand Phonecard List - Ben Chang
Turkey Phonecard List - Suleyman Sahin
United Kingdom (British Telecom) Phonecard List - Pete Bird

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