Ya know the drill - click on the thumbnail!! And scroll down for Kourin's beautiful FushigiYuugi fanart!

(lil' note: the pictures from FY manga #2 have been taken down for re-scanning (you should remember how bad quality they were...). Sorry!! They'll be up shortly (and we do mean shortly) when Nuriko lends me her FY manga #2 to scan...)

Our Scans

The cover of FushigiYuugi manga #2

The cover of FushigiYuugi manga #9

Amiboshi (the back of manga #9)

Miaka-&-Tamahome..they're so sweet. (#9)

Nuriko (#9)

Hikitsu - Genbu Seishi.(#9)

Hikitsu casting an ice spell. (#9)

Hotohori-sama...isn't he gorgeous? (#9)

Miaka-chan. (#9)

Nuriko's profile. (#9)

Miaka remembers Nuriko... (#9)

Nakago. *shudder* (#9)

Nakago in armor. (#9)

Suboshi. (#9)

Tama-chan the cat. (#9)

Yui. (#9)


Kourin's Fanart

These were all drawn by me, Kourin. Please don't take these for your pages without my permission! I spent hours working on these!

My latest drawing (June 6th, 1998) -

Yui as Seiryuu no Miko.

Nuriko. (drawn somewhen in early 1997)

(note: this is OLD compared to my work now)

Kourin-chan. (also drawn somewhen in 1997)

(this is also OLD compared to my work now)

Well, we hope you liked these! Like we said, more scans coming up soon when I (Kourin) get the chance to re-scan Nuriko's FY manga #2.

~go BACK~