
Your Majesty, the evil power of Parlos is getting out of control. Sailor Mercury
reported to Queen Serenity worriedly, her mini computer in her hands.
Parlos is the Incarnation of Evil. As long as evil exists in people s hearts, Parlos will be
there, trying his best to disrupt the peace. Queen Serenity sighed.
But if we don t do something to stop him, the evil hidden in people s hearts will soon
overwhelm the goodness in them! And there will sure be a lot of trouble. Jupiter frowned.
Parlos had already created the Negaverse, which is doing a lot of mischief on Earth
recently. I ve heard he s already taken Prince Endymion s minions and brainwashed them to go
against their rightful master. Venus said worriedly.
Did the Prince know about that yet? Queen Serenity asked, her face full of concern.
After all, this is her son-in-law-to-be they were talking about.
Mars nodded, Yes, he s been upset about that for days. But he s got the Princess with
him, which will surely minimize a lot of stresses.
I think I can picture that. Venus grinned.
Well, about this business with Parlos, what can we do about him? Mercury was the
one who always helped to get them back on track of business.
Do you have to ask? Mercury? Just trash him! Jupiter sneered.
That won t be possible. Queen Serenity shook her head. As I have said earlier, Parlos
is the Incarnation of Evil. It is the evil roots within humans hearts that had created and brought
him to this world. We can never truly destroy him, just as we can never truly destroy the roots of
evil inside human s hearts.
Suddenly they heard a terrified scream. It was Princess Serenity!
It s the Princess! Jupiter exclaimed.
We d better go check it out. Mercury added, heading to the door along with the

* * *

On the balcony of Princess Serenity s bedroom, stood a dark, shadowy figure. The
frightened Princess was hiding behind her Prince Endymion, who was pointing his sword at the
shadow maliciously. Blood was dripping from a wound on his left arm.
You ll never hurt the Princess as long as I live! Prince Endymion declared spitefully.
My sword will do you justice, for your attempt to harm Princess Serenity!
Well, then, I ll just have to get rid of you first. The shadowy figure laughed evilly, and
shot a dark power bolt at the Prince.
Venus Crescent Beam! Smash!
Venus blocked the bolt with her beam before it could reach the Prince and the Princess as
she and the others stormed in.
What happened? Mars demanded. Then, remembering something, she added, Your
This shadow creature just appeared out of nowhere and started attacking us, saying
something about killing the heir of the Moon Kingdom and taking over the universe. Prince
Endymion replied weakly -- he had lost a lot of blood.
What about your arm, Prince Endymion? Mercury asked as she eyed the prince s
bleeding arm.
Oh! Right! That creature s first shot caught us by surprise. I managed to get Serenity
out of danger but the bolt still sliced a little cut on my arm. Prince Endymion looked at his
wounded arm and shrugged.
A little cut! Princess Serenity exclaimed. Look at the pool of blood on the floor! Oh!
You poor thing! Let me bandage your arm and stop that awful bleeding!
Well, it s nothing, as long as you re safe. Prince Endymion smiled gently.
You lovebirds go on and get out of here. We ll take care of that damn thing over there.
Jupiter smiled, then she looked at Queen Serenity beside her, and added, Your Majesties.
Thanks, Jupiter. Princess Serenity smiled back and blushed. Then she and the Prince
went back in to bandage the arm.
So who are you, evil creature? Queen Serenity demanded.
I m Parlos, the Incarnation of Evil, here to take away your kingdom from your dainty
little hands. The shadowy figure said evilly.
Dream on! Jupiter flared, and gestured to the other senshi for a joined attack.
Jupiter Thunder! Crash!
Mars Fire and Light!
Venus Crescent Beam! Smash!
Mercury Bubbles! Spray!
But to the senshi s horror, their attacks dissolved into the shadowy figure, as if he had
absorbed their powers, creating no damage at all.
What wonderful energy! Parlos exclaimed, laughing evilly, sending chills to everyone.
That s impossible! Mercury gasped in horror.
So, that s all for your silly little tricks, huh? How pathetic! Now it s my turn! Parlos
laughed again as he struck a dark power bolt at the senshi.
Cosmic Moon Power!
The Queen blocked the attack easily as she stepped up towards the shadow, You didn t
expect me to stand by here and watch you hurt my attendants without doing anything, did
I thought you would! Parlos laughed wickedly. Well, then I guess I ll just finish you
first before I give those pathetic little wimps the final blow!
In the name of the Moon, I ll banish you, evil creature! Leave my kingdom now!
Cosmic Moon Power! Queen Serenity held up her Moon Wand, with the Silver Crystal attached
to it. The energy from the Silver Crystal formed a pinkish ball and struck at Parlos, who fired
another dark power bolt back at her. The two sources of power collided into each other and
created a huge explosion. But slowly, the power of the Silver Crystal started to overwhelm and
consumed Parlos s dark power bolt inch by inch, and finally smashed into him head on.
No! You can t do this to me! You can t destroy me! Queen Serenity! I m the
Incarnation of Evil! No one can ever destroy me! Beryl s troops from the Negaverse will be here
soon. Even if you can banish me into some other dimension and seal me there temporily, she ll
still defeat you with her army! And after she did, she ll release me from your spell! And I ll be
free again! You can never beat me...... Parlos shouted out his last word me as the power of
the Silver Crystal banished him into the Void, and then disappeared.

* * *

Beryl s army did come, and the Moon Kingdom was destroyed by the evil forces. But
Parlos had miscalculated one thing(maybe because he is not Sailor Mercury): Queen Serenity
had used the power of the Silver Crystal to send everyone to a new future on Earth a thousand
years later. And Princess Serenity became Usagi Tsukino and then became the legendary warrior
Sailor Moon, who defeated the Negaverse s power once and for all, with the help of her friends,
Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus, as well as her eternal lover Prince
Endymion who took form as Tuxedo Kamen, or Mamoru Chiba as his earthly identity. But this
story is not about the past or the present. It is about the future, after Usagi Tsukino became
Neo-Queen Serenity and Mamoru Chiba became Neo-King Endymion of Crystal Tokyo. This
story had taken place several centuries or so after the Dark Moon s invasion in Sailormoon R(If
you re a Sailormoon fan, you should know what I m talking about), after Chibi Usa, or actually
Princess Small Lady had matured a few years both physically and intellectually(duh!), when
everything had went back to peace......temporarily.

So, now, the story begins......
