As of Wednesday April 24th 2002 at 6:00am EST, Neo Endymnion's Fanfic Central is closing its doors. 

Dear GeoCities Member:
Congratulations, is very popular and has been receiving a large amount of traffic. Your site has become so popular, in fact, that our records indicate that you're using more than the allotted amount of data transfer we provide for a free web site, which is 3GB/month (measured on an hourly basis).

In the past we have not enforced that limit, so your site has been uneffected thus far. However, shortly, all free member sites transferring more than the allowable data limit will be disabled for portions of the day until usage falls to within the prescribed limits.
Thank you,
Yahoo! GeoCities

This was a very sad day... but don't worry,
Neo Endymnion has opened the doors at a new location!.

We will forward you automatically to Neo Fanfic Central or you may
use the link above if the auto-forward does not work.

We recieved 12,032 hits since the site was been opened!!!!!! Thanks for supporting us at Geocities, and we hope for your continued support at Tripod.