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Food For Thought
Sun Tzu The Art Of War
Encouraging Quotes And Excerpts
Encouraging Stories
 A Page to Rest - 
Breathing Space
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This is a true story that occurred in 1994 and is told by Lloyd Glen:

Throughout our lives we are blessed with spiritual experiences, some of
which are very sacred and confidential, and others, although sacred, are
meant to be shared.

Last summer my family had a spiritual experience that had a lasting and
profound impact on us, one we feel must be shared. It's a message of love.

It's a message of regaining perspective, and restoring proper balance, and
renewing priorities. In humility, I pray that I might, in relating this
story, give you a gift my little son, Brian, gave our family one summer day
last year.

On July 22nd I was en route to Washington DC for a business trip. 

It was all so very ordinary, until we landed in Denver for a plane change.

As I collected my belongings from the overhead bin, an announcement was
made for Mr. Lloyd Glenn to see the United Customer Service Representative
immediately. I thought nothing of it until I reached the door to leave the
plane and I heard a gentleman asking every male if they were Mr. Glenn. At
this point I knew something was wrong and my heart sunk. When I got off the
plane a solemn-faced young man came toward me and said, "Mr. Glenn, there
is an emergency at your home. I do not know what the emergency is or who is
involved, but I will take you to the phone so you can call the hospital."

My heart was now pounding, but the will to be calm took over.

Woodenly, I followed this stranger to the distant telephone where I called
the number he gave me for the Mission Hospital. My call was put through to
the trauma center where I learned that my three-year-old son had been
trapped underneath the automatic garage door for several minutes, and that
when my wife had found him he was dead. A neighbor, who is a doctor, had
performed CPR, and the paramedics had continued the treatment as Brian was
transported to the hospital.

By the time of my call, Brian was revived and they believed he would live,
but they did not know how much damage had been done to his brain, nor to
his heart. They explained that the door had completely closed on his little
sternum right over his heart. He had been severely crushed. After speaking
with the medical staff, my wife sounded worried but not hysterical, and I
took comfort in her calmness.

The return flight seemed to last forever, but finally I arrived at the
hospital six hours after the garage door had come down. When I walked into
the intensive care unit, nothing could have prepared me to see little son
laying so still on a great big bed with tubes and monitors everywhere.

He was on a respirator. I glanced at my wife who stood and tried to give me
a reassuring smile.

It all seemed like a terrible dream. I was filled-in with the details and
given a guarded prognosis. Brian was going to live, and the preliminary
tests indicated that his heart was ok, two miracles in and of themselves.

But only time would tell if his brain received any damage. Throughout the
seemingly endless hours, my wife was calm. She felt that Brian would
eventually be all right. I hung on to her words and faith like a lifeline.

All that night and the next day Brian remained unconscious. It seemed like
forever since I had left for my business trip the day before. Finally at
two o'clock that afternoon, our son regained consciousness and sat up
uttering the most beautiful words I have ever heard spoken. He said,
"Daddy, hold me," and he reached for me with his little arms.


By the next day he was pronounced as having no neurological or physical
deficits, and the story of his miraculous survival spread throughout the
hospital. You cannot imagine our gratitude and joy. As we took Brian home
we felt a unique reverence for the life and love of our Heavenly Father
that comes to those who brush death so closely.

In the days that followed there was a special spirit about our home.

Our two older children were much closer to their little brother. My wife
and I were much closer to each other, and all of us were very close as a
whole family.

Life took on a less stressful pace. Perspective seemed to be more focused,
and balance much easier to gain and maintain. We felt deeply blessed. Our
gratitude was truly profound.

But the story isn't over (smile)!

Almost a month later to the day of the accident, Brian awoke from his
afternoon nap and said, "Sit down, Mommy. I have something to tell you."

At this time in his life, Brian usually spoke in small phrases, so to say a
large sentence surprised my wife. She sat down with him on his bed and he
began his sacred and remarkable story.

"Do you remember when I got stuck under the garage door? Well, it was so
heavy and it hurt really bad. I called to you, but you couldn't hear me.

I started to cry, but then it hurt too bad. And then the 'birdies' came."
"The birdies?" my wife asked puzzled.

"Yes," he replied. "The birdies made a whooshing sound and flew into the
garage. They took care of me."

"They did?"

"Yes," he said. "One of the birdies came and got you. She came to tell you
I got stuck under the door." A sweet reverent feeling filled the room.

The spirit was so strong and yet lighter than air. My wife realized that a
three-year-old had no concept of death and spirits, so he was referring to
the beings who came to him from beyond as "birdies" because they were up in
the air like birds that fly.

"What did the birdies look like?" she asked.

Brian answered, "They were so beautiful. They were dressed in white, all
white. Some of them had green and white. But some of them had on just
white." "Did they say anything?" "Yes," he answered. "They told me the baby
would be all right." "The baby?" my wife asked, confused. Brian answered.

"The baby laying on the garage floor." He went on, "You came out and opened
the garage door and ran to the baby. You told the baby to stay and not
leave." My wife nearly collapsed upon hearing this, for she had indeed gone
and knelt beside Brian's body and seeing his crushed chest and recognizable
features, knowing he was already dead, she looked up around her and
whispered, "Don't leave us Brian, please stay if you can. As she listened
to Brian telling her the words she had spoken, she realized that the spirit
had left his body and was looking down from above on this little lifeless

"Then what happened?" she asked. "We went on a trip," he said, "far, far
away." He grew agitated trying to say the things he didn't seem to have the
words for. My wife tried to calm and comfort him, and let him know it would
be okay. He struggled with wanting to tell something that obviously was
very important to him, but finding the words was difficult. "We flew so
fast up in the air. They're so pretty Mommy." he added. "And there is lots
and lots of birdies." My wife was stunned. Into her mind the sweet,
comforting spirit enveloped her more soundly, but with an urgency she had
never before known. Brian went on to tell her that the "birdies" had told
him that he had to come back and tell everyone about the "birdies". He said
they brought him back to the house and that a big fire truck, and an
ambulance were there. A man was bringing the baby out on a white bed, and
he tried to tell the man that the baby would be okay, but the man couldn't
hear him. He said the birdies told him he had to go with the ambulance, but
they would be near him.

He said, they were so pretty and so peaceful, and he didn't want to come
back." "Then the bright light came. He said that the light was so bright
and so warm, and he loved the bright light so much. Someone was in the
bright light and put their arms around him, and told him, "I love you, but
you have to go back. You have to play baseball, and tell everyone about the

Then the person in the bright light kissed him and waved bye-bye. "Then
whoosh, the big sound came and they went into the clouds." The story went
on for an hour. He taught us that "birdies" were always with us, but we
don't see them because we look with our eyes and we don't hear them because
we listen with our ears. But they are always there, you can only see them
in here (he put his hand over his heart). They whisper the things to help
us to do what is right because they love us so much. Brian continued,
stating, "I have a plan, Mommy. You have a plan. Daddy has a plan. Everyone
has a plan.

We must all live our plan and keep our promises. The birdies help us to do
that cause they love us so much." In the weeks that followed, he often came
to us and told all, or part of it again and again. Always the story
remained the same. The details were never changed or out of order. A few
times he added further bits of information and clarified the message he had
already delivered. It never ceased to amaze us how he could tell such
detail and speak beyond his ability when he spoke of his "birdies".

Everywhere he went, he told strangers about the "birdies".

Surprisingly, no one ever looked at him strangely when he did this. Rather,
they always got a softened look on their face and smiled. Needless to say,
we have not been the same ever since that day, and I pray we never will be.

An Angel To Watch over You

Sent in by dr. Harijanto Solaeman
If you care

 around the corner I have a friend
 In this great city that has no end,
 Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
 And before I know it, a year is gone

 And I never see my old friend's face,
 For life is a swift and terrible race,
 He knows I like him just as well,
 As in the days when I rang his bell,
 And he rang mine..

 If, we were younger then,
 And now we are busy, tired men..
 Tired of playing a foolish game,
 Tired of trying to make a name..

 "Tomorrow" I say "I will call on Jim"
 "Just to show that I'm thinking of him."
 But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
 and distance between us grows and grows..

 Around the corner!- yet miles away,
 "Here's a telegram sir-"
 "Jim died today."
 And that's what we get and deserve in the end..
 Around the corner, a vanished friend..

 If you love someone, tell them..
 Remember always to say what you mean..
 Never be afraid to express yourself..
 Take this opportunity to tell someone
 what they mean to you..

 Seize the day and have no regrets..
 Most importantly, stay close to your
 friends and family, for they have helped
 make you the person that you are today
 and are what it's all about anyway..

Pass this along to your friends.  Let
 it make a difference in your day and
 theirs.  The difference between
 expressing love and having regrets
 is that the regrets may stay around

 Within 1 hour you must send it to
 other people.  Within five days you
 will have a miraculous occurrence in
 your relationships. You will find new
 love or have an old love rekindled..

 If you do not send it, you will have
 once again passed up the opportunity
 to do something loving and beautiful
 and continue the trend that gives you
 problems in your relationships..

 If you've received this it is because
 someone cares for you and it means
 there is probably at least someone for
 whom you care.  If you're too busy to
 take the few minutes that it would take
 right now to forward this to ten people,
 would it be the first time you didn't
 or that little thing that would make a
 difference in your relationships?

 The more people that you send this to,
 the better you'll get at reaching out to
 those you care about.  Here's the deal:

 Forward this letter to at least 10 different
 people; within 1 hour of receiving it..
 Do it, and reap what you sow: luck in love,
 people who care for you, and that warm
 glowy feeling that comes from loving others.

Sent in by Maria Fang Fang
Special Orders

Horror gripped the heart of the World War I soldier as he saw his lifelong friend fall
in battle. Caught in a trench with continuous gunfire whizzing over his head, the
soldier asked his lieutenant if he might go out into the "No Man's Land" between the
trenches to bring his fallen comrade back. 

"You can go," said the Lieutenant, "but I don't think it will be worth it. Your friend is
probably dead and you may throw your own life away." The Lieutenant's words didn't
matter, and the soldier went anyway. 

Miraculously he managed to reach his friend, hoist him onto his shoulder, and bring
him back to their company's trench. As the two of them tumbled in together to the
bottom of the trench, the officer checked the wounded soldier, then looked kindly at
his friend. "I told you it wouldn't be worth it," he said. "Your friend is dead, and you
are mortally wounded." 

"It was worth it, though, sir," the soldier said. 

"How do you mean, `worth it?' " responded the Lieutenant. "Your friend is dead!" 

"Yes sir," the private answered. "But it was worth it because when I got to him, he
was still alive, and I had the satisfaction of hearing him say, `Jim, I knew you'd come."

From This Little Light of Mine 
from A Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul 
Copyright 1996 by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen 
& Barry Spilchuk
Wild Flowers 

Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches
along the highway I travel daily to work. 

There is one particular blue flower that has always caught my
eye. I've noticed that it blooms only in the morning hours, the afternoon
sun is too warm for it. Every day for approximately two weeks, I see those
beautiful flowers. 

This spring, I started a wildflower garden in our yard. I can
look out of the kitchen window while doing the dishes and see the flowers.
I've often thought that those lovely blue flowers from the ditch would
look great in that bed alongside other wildflowers. Everyday I drove past the
flowers thinking, "I'll stop on my way home and dig them." Gee, I don't
want to get my good clothes dirty..." Whatever the reason, I never
stopped to dig them. My husband even gave me a folding shovel one year for my
trunk to be used for that expressed purpose. 

One day on my way home from work, I was saddened to see that
the highway department had mowed the ditches and the pretty blue flowers
were gone. I thought to myself, "Way to go, you waited too long. You should
have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring." 

A week ago we were shocked and saddened to learn that my oldest
sister-in-law has a terminal brain tumor. She is 20 years older
than my husband and unfortunately, because of age and distance, we
haven't been as close as we all would have liked. I couldn't help but see the
connection between the pretty blue flowers and the relationship between my
husband's sister and us. I do believe that God has given us some time
left to plant some wonderful memories that will bloom every year for us. 

And yes, if I see the blue flowers again, you can bet I'll stop
and transplant them to my wildflower garden.

-- Brenda Urbanek
Build a Box of Friendship

Into a box of friendship
To insure that it is strong
First a layer of respect
On the bottom does belong
Then to the sides attach
In the corners where they meet
Several anchors full of trust
Devoid of all deceit
The height of friendship can be measured
By the sides of four
So make them all a larger cut
And the box will hold much more
Now fill it up with courtesy
Honor and esteem
Understanding, sympathy
And passion for a dream
Add to that your honesty
Emotions joy and love
And since they're so important
Place them up above
But leave the box wide open
So all can see inside
To learn what makes a friendship work

"The Box You Built With Pride"
-- Chuck Pool

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Food For Thought
Sun Tzu The Art Of War
Encouraging Quotes And Excerpts
Encouraging Stories
 A Page to Rest - 
Breathing Space
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