Sailor Jupiter

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Name:Kino Makoto
Birthday:December 5
Astrological Sign:Sagittarius
Blood Type:O
Favorite Color:Sugar pink
Strong Point:Bargaining
This is the strongest Sailor Scouts which named is Jupiter. Not only is she an excellent fighter and a world class cook, she could make any man weak in the knees. At time she could be called a real Tomboy.

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Anime Web Turnpike
Asian Movie
Anime Music
Asian and MusicThis web site consist of techno music, asian movie and japanese animations
Chong's Place
Sprynet VecsterIt's a hentai place, but I ignore the nudity. All I want to see is art form. I am an art student only.A change:He changed his site into a business portfolio.
Flower ShopGood for anniversary, birthday, valentine, mother day, just check it out.

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