Bubblegum Crisis/Crash! Links

Series Information/Links

  • The Unofficial BGC Website
    This site intends to be huge, with information, images, multimedia, and more. Currently the new version is under extreme construction, but things are definitely looking promising from what I can tell.

  • The Bubblegum Crash! Website
    The one and only site dedicted entirely to BGC!, with plenty of information on Crash! and related works such as Soldier Blue. There are also multimedia and rare images files I had not seen or heard before.

  • BGC: Mega Tokyo 2033
    A fairly large site with information on BGC and BGC!. It has reviews, synopses, character info, and much more. Worth your time. The owner seems bent on starting up the occassional controversy, but we can all put up with that.

  • The Official Series Synopses
    Jeanne Hedge's complete and official synopses of BGC and AD.P.F. If you're in the dark about an incident or desperately floundering for how things are connected, go here and read.

  • The Shrine to Sylia Stingray and Largo
    Despite the name, this site is more informative that most available 'general info' BGC sites. It has character descriptions and otherwise unposted statistics for GENOM and the AD. Police. It is also remarkably original in its content.

  • Bubblegum Crisis
    Supposedly the original BGC site on the web. It doesn't have much that does not appear in a nicer format somewhere else (even the book info has appeared on about ten pages now), but anyone avoiding spoilers might like it.

  • BGC: Dawn of the Knight Sabers
    Character and story information, plus some other stuff. This site is currently under construction but it is a preferable general info site to most, if only because more than one character appears in it (anyone else get deja vu when seeing an image of Priss?).

  • BGC Links of Links
    One of my personal favorite pages because it offers one of the largest link libraries of any series. Positive proof that this long after BGC originally appeared, it is still spawning pages on a fairly regular basis.

  • The Ultimate BGC Link Archive
    Like the above site, it exists for the sole purpose of collecting links. Unlike the above site, it goes to endless trouble to organize them in whatever category they fit into. It also has a form to send links on, which is helpful if you have a form capable browser (and you should).

  • Sylia Stingray's Page of Bubblegum Stuff
    Contrary to what the title seems to claim, this is not a character page for Sylia any more than the Unofficial BGC Website is a character page for Priss or Nene. It has quite a lot of information and tons of original frame grabs for those wanting to use images that don't appear all over the internet.

  • Sentient Boomers: BGC's Tragic Figures
    Another favorite site because it gives attention to the oft neglected sentient Boomers, which I find infinitely intriguing. There are actual character pages for Sylvie and Anri. Also included is a page discussing the moral issues presented in BGC. Very well done and a good experience for those interested in the deeper aspects of BGC.

  • BGC: Welcome to Tinsel City
    Under construction, but I know the owner via e-mail and can assure all of you that the site will soon be up and running in prime condition. The site already is looking good and working well and you can expect more to come as soon as he gets the time to finish it.

    Sylia Stingray

  • Sylia Stingray's Homepage
    The most complete source of information for any Knight Saber. This page has it all. Data, images, multimedia, statistics, and much more. If you're a Sylia fan you must give this page a look; otherwise you are missing out on a spectacular resource center.

  • Le Sanctuaire de Sylia Stingray
    A nice Sylia page in French. It has a French version of her biography and about thirty (or so) images of our lovely Sylia doing what she is so good at: Looking sexy and enigmatic. You don't need to understand French to like the page, but be forewarned: The frames will not leave when you exit the page.

  • The Sylia Stingray Worship Center
    The lovely heroine of BGC has her share of good pages, and this is another one of them. This page is probably second only to the Sylia HP as a source of informatino (for Sylia alone, anyhow). This one, too, has everything from the basic information to intellectual looks at the leader of the Knight Sabers, and of course images and multimedia files.

  • Yet Another Sylia Shrine
    I guess I just really like the name of this one. It's hard to find a page with real personality, or one that's willing to insult Priss' concert wig, for that matter. The author of the page obviously has no qualms about stating who is wrong and who is right about certain controversies. Fun for Sylia fans, but maybe a bit painful for fans of Priss.

    Priscilla S. Asagiri

  • The Shrine to Priss Asagiri
    Honestly my favorite Priss shrine because it's in-depth and has far more to offer on Priss than even her greatest detractors might believe. The page is definitely the most informative Priss shrine by a wide margin and has an excerpt from Soldier Blue which shows a side of Priss seldom seen. This one has everything.

  • The Priss Worship Center
    Another good Priss page with the general information about Priss and her music. It also have some original scans from the B-Club (I suppose) which show Priss' rough draft Hardsuits and various B&W versions of Priss. Other scans and high quality make this my second choice for a Priss page.

  • The Priss Shrine
    This page is incredibly basic in terms of information (basically, there is none). It has images, but no thumbnails, and links to Linna and Nene shrines. There are also WAV sounds.

  • Priss' Trailer
    Another one of those pages with 'personality.' There is a section the author made for why she chose Priss, of all the characters, to make a site for, and it has some good reasoning to it. There are many images with thumbnails and a biography taken out of the BGC RPG.

    Linna Yamazaki

  • The Temple of the Mountain Headlands
    A recent Linna shrine, and what a shrine it is! This has tons of information, images, Hardsuit statistics, multimedia files, and is more or less a great site. I especially loev the banner at the top of the first page for some reason. It was about time people began making Linna sites, and it was worth the wait.

  • The Linna Yamazaki Shrine
    The first Linna shrine, and one of the earliest BGC pages. This one has some rare images in its gallery and extensive Hardsuit information. Linna's biography and statistics are there, too. Visually this site is stunning, with well-chosen backgrounds and some great images of Linna.

    Nene Romanova

  • The Nene-chan Shrine
    This is probably the most informative Nene shrine ever to appear. It has a lot going for it and, when you take a moment to think it over, is very reminiscent of the (somewhat larger) Sylia Stingray Homepage. Then again, it was created by the same person. This site is my fav' Nene page and it has some original framegrads for Nene fans to enjoy.

  • Bootastic Nene Shrine
    This site has images and multimedia files along with animated GIFs. I don't recall ever finding a plethora of knowledge herein, but it's still a good page. To contrast the innocent and pure Nene-chan, the owner's link list has links almost exclusively to hentai sites.


  • The Shrine to Largo/Mason
    This is the largest Largo site I am aware of. It has more Largo than most can swallow. Naturally Sylia makes appearances (an added plus in my eyes) and their relationship is looked at. There are theories on the Dark God and multimedia/image files.

    Leon McNichol

  • The Leon Shrine
    He finally gets a shrine! It's about time! Leon did so many important things for the BGC series, including saving the main character's life (can't beat that), that I was ready to make him a shrine on my own. But someone else beat me to it. The first page consists of information and the others are images (original frame grabs) and links. Any true BGC fan will revel in the discovery of this site.

    Reika Chang/Vision

  • The Vision Page
    Another character who was more than due her page. Vision is probably my second favorite character from the series, after Sylia, and another one that I was more than willing to create a shrine for. I did not have to because someone got around to it before I had the time. However, this page is very well done, with all sorts of 'Vision' stuff. Enjoy worshipping the Singing Goddess of Gum in this (un-)shrine.

    Other Pages

  • The Sylia Stingray Image Archive
    Overall this is the only image archive you need because, 1.) it's focus is on the gorgeous Sylia Stingray, and 2.) the image range is diverse considering how few images of Sylia alone exist. It's on Geocities so the thumbnails may load slowly, but you can still appreciate this excellent Sylia site.

  • Posie-chan's BGC Fanfiction Group
    I don't read or write fanfictions as a rule, but this site interests me. What it is, is an attempt to gather the BGC fanfic authors together so that they may write fanfictions and give each other feedback more easily than otherwise. The concept is good and the site looks promising.

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