Figgy's Info Page

Here you will meet a few more additions to our beloved Sailor Senshi. These Senshi, along with others around the globe, help to protect us all.

Sailor Figment Her Gallery
Figgy His Gallery
Sailor Starbuck Her Gallery
Sailor Romanov Her Gallery
Sailor Kamen Her Gallery
Sailor Icarus Her Gallery
Sailor Phantasien Her Gallery
Sailor Amarna Her Gallery
New Senshi Fan Fiction Walk Like an Egyptian

Sailor Figment

Name: Bethany Lynn 'Billy' McCann
Age: 14
Birthday: October 24
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Blood Type: AB
Eyes: Pink
Hair: Golden Blonde, French Braided & Wrapped in a Bun (Length?)
Pet: Dragon Named Figgy
Fave Colors: Purple & Orange
Fave Food: Hostess Honey Bun
Least Fave Food: Anything Seafood
Fave Subject: Ancient History
Least Fave Subject: Foreign Languages
Strong Points: Talking Her Way Out of Any Situation
Has Trouble With: Keeping her Mouth Shut
Dream: Archeologist
Fave Gem: Amethyst
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, & Daydreaming
Senshi Outfit: Royal Purple Choker, Collar, Skirt, & Boots. Orange Front & Back Bows, Gloves, & Tiara Jewel
Scout Color: Royal Purple
Planet: EPCOT
Henshin: Imagination Power, Make-up!
Attacks: Dreamfinder Sleep! Illusion Explosion!
Billy McCann lived with her parents and her older brother Chris in Hiroshima until she was 13. At the age of 11 she got her Sailor Senshi powers from a dragon named Figgy. Together they fought crime and youma, but Sailor Figment did most of the fighting. A month after she turned 13 her parents disappeared. Billy, Figgy, and Chris, who was 19, then moved to Kyoto where they could both find a job. Figgy and Sailor Figment continued to fight youma, but were having trouble fighting by themselves when they ran into Sailor Starbuck.

Sailor Starbuck

Name: Nancy
Age: 17
Birthday: October 1
Astrological Sign: Libra
Blood Type: O
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long brown, wavy (like the Starbuck's Mermaid)
Pet: None
Fave Colors: Green and brown
Fave Food: Mocha Frappuchino
Least Fave Food: ?
Fave Subject: Art
Least Fave Subject: Math
Strong Points: She's Fast on Her Feet
Has Trouble With: Speaking in Words People can Understand
Dream: Landscaper, Lawyer
Fave Gem: Bloodstone
Hobbies: Drawing, Painting, Computers, Sleeping, being in the Out-of-Doors
Senshi Outfit: Kelly Green Collar and Skirt. Brown Front & Back Bows, and Choaker. White Gloves, Tiara Jewel, and Roman Sandals.
Scout Color: Brown
Planet: Starbuck
Henshin: Siren Power, Make-up!
Attacks: Siren's Call! Gormet Coffee Blast!
Nancy shares a condo in Downtown Kyoto with two other's her own age who do not know she is a Sailor Senshi. She works for a lawfirm as a recptionist and doing anything they need her to. She discovered her Senshi powers when she was backpacking and was attacked by a group of thugs. She was on her way to fight youma when she found Sailor Figment and Figgy being beaten by the enemy. She joined their team and they are stronger now with their powers combined.


Age: ?
What Is It: Male Dragon
Birthday: October 1
Blood Type: ?
Eyes: Yellow
Fave Color: Bright Green
Fave Food: Onion Rings
Least Fave Food: ?
Strong Points: Likes to Give Moral Support
Has Trouble With: Bravery
Dream: To Be Brave
Fave Gem: Amethyst
Hobbies: Day Dreaming
Home Planet: EPCOT
Sailormoon and Sailor Venus each work with a cat (Luna and Artemis). Sailor Figment works with a male dragon named Figgy. He is actually from the planet EPCOT. As punishment for a deed (which hasn't been revealed) he was banished to Earth, but he brought with him the power of EPCOT's Sailor Senshi. Billy McCann rescued him from captivity in a circus freak show and he in return gave her Sailor powers.

Sailor Icarus

Name: Deinera Daedlas
Age: 16
Birthday: April 18th
Astrological Sign: Aries
Blood Type: B
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Black and grey, long in a ponytail
Pet: none
Fave Colors: Black
Fave Food: Meatloaf
Least Fave Food: Shellfish
Fave Subject:None
Least Fave Subject: All
Strong Points: Doesn't take any crap from anyone
Has Trouble With: Adults
Dream: unknown
Fave Gem: Turquise
Hobbies: Unknown
Senshi Outfit: White wings, very short black gloves with turquise at the wrists, black boots with her silver Æ medalion w/ wings and turquise Xs, White/turquise/dark blue skirt w/ silver Æ medalion, white bodice, wings and silver Æ medalion instead of front bow, turquose choaker w/ black circle, dark blue collar
Scout Color: Dark blue and bright turquies
Planet: Unknown
Henshin: (it's signed in Greek)
Attacks: Hermes Levitation! Hot Wax Shower!
Deinera is deaf, so she signs. She is very fluent signer and can sign in English, Japanese, and many different incarnations of Greek. As a human she is a goth and no one knows where she goes or what she does. Some say she has a freak store in the old section of Kyoto. No one knows how long she's been a Senshi or even her home planet. She suddenly appears at a battle one day to help Sailors Figment, Starbuck, Romanov, and Kamen fight youma.

Sailor Phantasien

Name: Moon Child
Age: ?
Birthday: n/a
Astrological Sign: n/a
Blood Type: A/AB/O
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Long, light brown
Pet: None
Fave Colors: White and opal
Fave Food:
Least Fave Food:
Fave Subject: n/a
Least Fave Subject: n/a
Strong Points: Listening, wisdom
Has Trouble With: nothing
Dream: To save the hopes and dreams of mankind and be able to return to her world
Fave Gem: Opal
Outfit: Everything is white, her broach is the Auryn symbol
Scout Color: White
Planet: Phantasien
Henshin: Tu Was Du Willst!
Attacks: Beginning Darkness!
Moon Child tells everyone she is from Germany and her original language is German. She can actually speak any language on Earth. One of her powers is that she knows the hopes and dreams of everyone they meet. The place she comes from, Fantastica in English, is actually another world made-up of the hopes and dreams of mankind. She has come to the human world, against the laws that bind her, to try and save mankind from the emptiness of a life without hopes and dreams. Her Auryn protects her, but if she were to lose it, she would turn into a lie and Phantasien would totally disappear.

Sailor Amarna

Name: Ankhsenpaaten/Ankhsenamen
Age: about 3000 yrs old, but she looks about 20 yrs old
Birthday: 1345 BC (
Astrological Sign: n/a
Blood Type: ?
Eyes: dark brown
Hair: Black, in braids, a little bit below chin legnth
Pet: None
Fave Color: Lapis Lazuli
Fave Food: fish
Least Fave Food:
Fave Subject: n/a
Least Fave Subject: n/a
Strong Points:
Has Trouble With:
Dream: To find the murderer of her husband or at least an explanation for his death
Fave Gem: Lapis Lazuli
Hobbies: Ancient Egypt and gardens
Outfit: She has the uraeus crown instead of a tiara. Lapis Lazuli blue skirt, and collar. Gold arm bands on gloves and bows.
Scout Color: Lapis Lazuli
Planet: Earth, she's from the 18th Dynasty of Egypt
Attacks: Scarab Hail!
Ahnksenamen is the reincarnation of King Tutanhkamen's wife. Modern archeologists have discovered new clues to the death of her husband. Because she is not pictured on his tomb walls, she cannot join him in the afterlife until it can be proven what happened to him and what happened to her. She was reincarnated as a Sailor Senshi because the Ba of Ay (vizier/priets of the royal court) was awoken by the bad guys. When she is not fighting with the other Senshi, Ahnksenamen works in the Egyptian section of the local historical museum. She takes care of the objects/is a dosent dressed as an Egyptian Queen and offers prayer for the Senshi and others in her private temple to the Aten.
-Read about the real Ankhsenamen here.

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