Results of Sailor Figment's Sailormoon Poll

3) Which Senshi has the best hair?

Sailormoon 33
wouldn't you love hair that long!!! - Miscopia
Sailor Mercury 6
Sailor Mars 15
Sailor Jupiter 12
Sailor Venus 12
Sailor Chibimoon 3
no one's even got original pink hair, it's rare and I love it!!! - Michelle
Sailor Pluto 14
Sailor Neptune 13
Sailor Uranus 4
Sailor Saturn 4
Sailor ChibiChibi 2
Sailor Cosmos 2
Sailor Galaxia 1
Princess Kaguya 1
Princess Kakyuu 1
JunJun 1
Sailor Galaxia 1
I don't know 1

4) Who has the best ordango?

Usagi 49
Chibiusa 8
Chibichibi 25
Sailor Cosmos 13
Luna as a human 23
Diana as a human 2

5) Which Senshi has the best shoes?

Sailormoon 17
Sailor Mercury 6
Sailor Mars 10
Sailor Jupiter 27
Sailor Venus 25
Sailor Chibimoon 2
Sailor Pluto 3
Sailor Neptune 8
Sailor Saturn 21
SailorStars 2
Sailor Chibichibi 2
Sailor Cosmos 1
Hard to Choose 2

6) Who has the best earring(s)?

Sailormoon 32
Sailor Mercury 7
Sailor Mars 9
Sailor Jupiter 34
Sailor Venus 1
Sailor Pluto 4
Sailor Uranus 1
Sailor Saturn 9
Sailor ChibiChibi 1

7) Who is the most powerful Senshi?

Sailormoon 34
Eternal Sailormoon 3
Sailor Mars 6
Sailor Jupiter 18
You shouldn't need to ask! She kicked butt even before she was a senshi! - Erin
What did you think? She is so versitle! Oak Leaves, coconuts and Lighting - only Jupiter can have a mix like that! - Jupiter Strahan
Sailor Venus 5
Sailor Chibimoon 1
Sailor Pluto 8
Sailor Uranus 2
Sailor Saturn 37
She can destroy the world in three words, I mean, I think she would be most powerful. - Sailor Mystic
Was there ever any doubt? - Miscopia
Sailor Chibichibi 2
Sailor Cosmos 5
Sailor Galaxia 4
Tuxedo Mask 1
When they all fight as a team 1
I don't know 3

8) Which do you like better?

Anime 39
Manga 27
Hard to Choose 55

9) What is your favorite anime episode? (Ones with epi #s are Japanese Episodes.)

A Moon Star is Born 1
Nightmare in Dreamland 1
An Unnatural Phenomena 1
Shutter Bugged 1
Jupiter Comes Thundering In 1
Sailor V Makes the Scene 1
A Crystal Clear Destiny 13
Bad Hair Day 1
Ski Bunny Blues 2
Ice Princess 2
Tuxedo Unmasked 1
The Past Returns 1
Day of Destiny 18
Serena Times Two 1
A Knight to Remember 2
Kindergarten Chaos 1
Food Fetish 1
Trouble Comes Thundering Down 1
Naughty N'Nice 2
Prediction of Doom 3
Promises Fulfilled 2
Legend of the Negamoon 1
Follow the Leader 2
Episode 42: Sailor Venus's Past. Minako's Bitter Love 1
Episode 46 (in Germany) 1
Episode 49: Who's the White Rose For? The Shadow Knight Appears! 1
Episode 60: An angel? A devil? The mysterious girl from the sky 1
Episode 62: The friendship of the senshi! Good-bye forever Ami-chan 1
Episode 63: Girls should be strong and beautiful! Rei's new attack 1
Episode 78: Venus Minako's Nurse Mayhem 2
Episode 96: Cold Uranus. Makoto in Danger! 1
Episode 101: Usagi in tears. Glass shoes for her birthday. 1
Episode 109: The Shocking Truth. The Revealed Identity of Each other 1
Episode 126 1
Episode 167: Time for the nightmare to be scattered! The Queen of darkness revives 1
Episode 173: The love of Moon Power! Brought together again 1
Episode 181: Seiya and Usagi's Heart Pounding Date 3
Episode 200: Usagi's Love! The Moon Light Illuminates the Galaxy 12
I'm in love with finales...I know - Miscopia
Super Sailormoon Movie 1
Sailormoon SuperS Movie 1
Hard to Choose 15

10) Which is your favorite Manga?

Act 4 2
Act 5 2
Act 7 1
Acts 7 - 10 1
Act 12 - The Decisive Battle/Reincarnation 1
Act 52 - The Wedding 4
Volume 1 3
Volume 5 2
Volume 8 2
Volume 9 1
Volume 10 1
Volume 15 1
Volume 18 2
Sailor V Volume 3 1
All 7

11) What is your favorite picture (anime or manga)?

Sailor Figment's Opening Pic 3
Sailor Cosmos with Wings and Her Staff 1
This cute picture of Serena and Rini hugging. (very KAWAII!!) 1
The one w/ serena & the pink peatls-manga 1
Last kiss between Serena and Darien 1
Split-screen manga pic of all the senshi in princess form 2
Anything with fisheye OR haruka OR Zoisite 1
Manga with them all in their princess dresses 1
The manga with Sailor Moon followed by two Usagi's 1
Anything manga 8
The Galaxia manga one with the milkyway in the background 1
Eternal Valentine 2 2
Jupiter getting married 1
Any Jupiter pics 3
Sailor Moon using a glowing Moon Rod, her hair flying (manga/artbook) 1
Any Eternal Sailormoon 1
Any and all Darien 1 1 3
The one in the manga with the star senshi all raising up their hands giving their power to sailormoon. 1
Any group pics 2
At the end of the last season, the one where they are all angels 1
All 5 Senshi w/ Luna and Aretmis 1
Picture with all the cast (manga) 2
anime: All the senshi standing together as a group 2
Sailormoon's transformation sequence 1
Any Sailor Cosmos or ChibiChibi 2
Eternal Sailormoon and Bride Usagi from Volume 18 1
Darian is holding Serena. In backround Mask is kissing Moon. 2
Chibimoon's Return 1
The one where Neflite's leaning over in that yellow shirt of his 1
Mina winking at the audience, with Ami in the background 1
When Darien and Serena kiss in the SMR Movie 2
manga: Serena with a gun 1
Mamoru has an earing in it...and Usagi's wearing a white dress with straps...and a cross necklace 1
Manga Setsuna with the champagne glass 1
Evil Rini 1
when mamoru is hugging super sailor moon (i think it's from the ss movie) 1
one from the end of the first series 1
Venus and Moon 1
any and all Serena and Darien kissing 1
When Amy got the new transformtion pen/stick from her friends 1
Sprying 1
A manga of Usagi and the healed Galaxia 1
anime Sailor Moon takes the blast from Ann standing in front of Mamoru who is lying on the ground 1
Tuxedo Mask kissing a sleeping Sailor Moon 1
Any Sailor Saturn 1
When they are all holding hands 1
Hard to choose 19

12) Do I have it?

Yes 44
No 12
I don't know 54

13) Who's the evilest villain?

Queen Beryl 11
Jedite 2
Neflyte 1
Zoicite 14
Evil Prince Darien 1
Malachite 5
Ann 1
Ann and Alan 4
Dark Moon Family 1
Four Sisters 2
Rubius 8
Esmeraude 1
Black Lady 2
Prince Demando 1
Wiseman 9
Fiore 1
Mistress 9 8
Nepherinia 4
Sailor Galaxia 26
Sailor Galaxia with Chaos in control 2
Chaos 5
I Don't Know 6

14) Which villain has the best hideout?

Queen Beryl (Negaverse/North Pole) 37
Ann and Alan (Doom Tree) 12
Darkmoon Family (Spaceship Thing) 30
The DeathBusters 1
Mistress 9 1
Nepherinia 2
Galaxia (Cathedral) 8
I Don't Know 7

15) Who's the coolest 'extra' (like Molly, Melvin, Sammy, Andrew, ect.)?

Andrew 37
Chad 3
Darien 1
Grandpa 1
Greg 1
Helios 1
Hercules the cat 1
Lizzy 3
Melvin 12
Molly 40
Ms Haruna 1
Princess Fireball 1
Queen Serenity 5
Sammy 6
he's adorable in a "little brother" sort of way -Lisa
Serena's mom on Earth 3

16) Which is your favorite season?

Sailormoon 24
SailormoonR 36
SailormoonS 20
Sailormoon SuperS 11
Sailormoon Sailorstars 30

17) What is your favorite NA song?

Sailormoon Theme 18
I Wanna Be A Star! 3
My Only Love 35
Call My Name (And I'll Be There) 2
O Starry Night 7
It's A New Day 3
Carry On 23
Rainy Day Man 17
Only A Memory Away (one from the episode) 3
Only A Memory Away (one from the soundtrack) 2
She's Got the Power 9

18) What is the saddest NA song?

My Only Love 58
O Starry Night 9
Rainy Day Man 37
Only A Memory Away (one from the episode) 13
Only A Memory Away (one from the soundtrack) 4

19) Are you mad at DIC for not making any more episodes?

Yes, and I can think of a few things to call them. 112
I am livid. They should make some more!!! I also wish that more tv stations would show Sailor Moon. - Rapunzel
Yes. Does anyone have their e-mail address? - April
I'd rather they just dubbed instead of massacreing the episodes. -Mizuno Ami
Yes, and I can think of MANY things to call them. -Anneh Inamre
Their a bunch of ^$^&*@$##& *##^$ $%#$@#$!!!!! - Mistress Lion
Many, many things.. but they're not ladylike. ^_- So I'll content myself with "idiots who deprive innocent fans of their favorite show!!!" -Elora
Those meany-heads should have their heads cut off for this!!!!!!!- Jessica
It's so fustrating,,, Sailormoon is an excellent show that should never be cut off. - Heidi
I have been searching long and hard to find a way to contact them. I almost got it. -Sailor Europa
DIC should show more episodes. -Chibi - usa
I HATE what DiC did to the seasons so far. DiC screwed up, edited, and cut so much out of the episodes that it makes Sailor Moon seem completely cheezy and pathetic compared 2 the origional. Need i mention "Sailor Says?!" If DiC were to get it's hands on the rest of Sailor Moon, i really fear how it would come out. They would make Sailor Neptune and Uranus sisters or something, or just somehow cut all the scenes with them because they're lesbians and they don't want "the kids" to get the wrong impression. They would probably cut out the whole episode200 cuz of the fake nakedness and violence that they don't want "the kids" to see. -Chibi usa Tsukino
Anyone got an address so I can go KICK THEIR BUTT? - Erin
I'd say it but kids come here. - Jessica
i'm a little ticked...but they dubbed up with 17 new ones!!!!!!!!! - Lisa
but i can handle it - Maggie Raye
and they are a bunch of@#$#%#^$%^%$###@@** - Serena
yes, Yes, but I'm glad that we even get to see what we do! -Meghan
I wish they would make more episodes, but to all the people out there that HATE DIC, be thankful to them, or we may not get anything else from them. Be thankful for what we have. -Sailor Europa
OF COURSE!!!! I've devised a plan to take the place over and re-dub EVERYTHING PERFECTLY!!! HAHAHAHA! - Jupiter Strahan
No 9
I'm dissapointed they didn't, but not mad. - Snow
No, they'd just mess it up worse. - Sailor Endor
No, but I don't hate them. -Zoe

20) If/when new episodes are made in English, should they be dubbed or subtitled?

Dubbed 20
Dubbed, but dubbed right i.e. Haruka will stay Haruka, not "Erika" - Jupiter Strahan
Subtitled 20
sub, not edited!!!... - Siva
no editing!!! - Sivakami
Hard to Choose 3
don't know..i guess some dubbed & some subtitled! -Lisa

Translated Directly -Sailor Europa

21) Who is your favorite cat?

Luna 63
Artemis 35
Diana 22

22) Who is the most annoying person in Sailormoon?

Ami 6
Ann 1
Chad 1
Chibichibi 1
Darien 4
Darien when he gets on my nerves in the First episodes of SailorMoon. -Qyuub
Diana 1
Esmaurade 1
Grandpa 1
Haruka 2
Jedite 2
Melvin 34
Melvin and Molly together 1
Michiru 2
Mina 1
Molly 8
in the english version! Her voice!!! - Miscopia
I'm from NY. I can't STAND her fake accent! - Sailor Capricorn
Moonlight Knight 3
Nephlyte 1
Queen Serenity 1
Rei 5
Rini 20
CHIBI-MOON MUST DIE!!! (even if she is really cute) - Sailor io
Sammy 4
Setsuna 1
Serena 17
Zoisite 3
Beryl became my favorite character, when she nuked him/her. -Zero+1
I Don't Know 2

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