Lookie At All These Wonderful Peoples ! ^_^

Katie Johnson - 11/09/00 01:05:31
My Email:binkmystr@aol.com
HomeTown: Orange

Thank-you for letting me on your site. Do you have any printables that i could print out? I love the music you have on your site. Please e-mail me in your spare time. I would love it if you gave me your e-mail address.Please e-mail one my friends.Her name is Lisa Dickison.Her e-mail address is jdickison@writeme.com.If you can e-mail her tell her Katie Johnson told you to .If you e-mail me please send me a picture of all the rayearth characters.Once again I'm very greatful that youlet me view your site.thank-you Bye-Bye!^_^

Irene - 06/28/00 01:00:11
My Email:I like da music!
HomeTown: N'awlins

hey Glo, It's me again, yeah I know now I've just brightened up your day! J/K!! Keep up the the good work on your site! I know u must work 24/7just so that it could be this good! Ok, I being sarcastic. Sorry, but this a kool site!!

Christina Lee aka Hikaru Shidou - 05/01/00 01:06:15
My URL:http://ff8rinoa1.homestead.com/obssessedfan.html
My Email:blackiris5886@hotmail.com
HomeTown: Winhill

Rayearth is my obssession! I luve Rayearth! I love the Mahoukenshi-the holy knight, Kailu Lantis and the crown prince of Autozam!!!!! Also I think Zazu's cute...Geo kinda cute in a macho kinda way!

Britt - 04/20/00 18:45:20
My URL:http://oocities.com/mysticxdork/xfiles.html

Hey Shau, great page!!! Keep it up gurl!! Laterz

Maria - 04/08/00 20:46:11
My Email:u know
HomeTown: New Orleans

Hey Gloria! Marion says this is a tight page and you rule. I say u need a pic of me self-approved and don't use my real name. Love, Maria

Sam AkA aznlonewolf - 02/07/00 00:37:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/market/3927/lonewolf.html
My Email:aznlonewolf@hotmail.com
HomeTown: Fremont Or Tracy

Got bored so i thought id say Hiyeee!

Ton Nguyen - 01/16/00 04:50:07
My Email:u noe wat it is
HomeTown: dur!!!!!!!!

hey nice page grl!!!! and i aint sayin dat cuz ur mah grl(not grlfriend) ne ways im bored on da nite u went out wit will and i just thought of dropin a line and u noe. hehehhee. ne ways talk to ya later. hopefully

testing - 01/15/00 02:50:50

lalalala nice page lalalalalala

Lauren... LRN fa short - 12/29/99 18:13:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ar/lrn152/index.html
My Email:greengirl82@hotmail.com
HomeTown: MC bab-e!!

Hey gaaa!! Wussup? Well, I'm jus checkin out dis kick az page.. itz koo.. keep it up.. luv yaz..

Kellli - 12/09/99 04:01:08
My Email:luvnqtz@aol.com


trisher wong - 11/25/99 07:19:15
My Email:trisherccwong@hotmail.com
HomeTown: Kuala lumpur

hi,how r u ?Can you tell me your asl pls.Can we be a friend?If yes,please reply as soon as possible.bye! regard trisher

Irene - 11/24/99 17:31:35
My Email:ipallais@aol.com
HomeTown: New Orleans

Hey Shau, This is a great website! I was finally able to see it!! Well, Have a happy Turkey Day! Luv, Irene 8)smile

sokkea - 11/20/99 05:57:06
My URL:http://aznkea
My Email:aznkea@hotmail.com
HomeTown: pomona Kali

deng ur shit is tite i really like it. hey sorry i don't even noe u and i came and see it i wass juss bored so i came on but i like to say dat shit is the bomb hey maybe we can chat some time. till den late

Courtney - 11/16/99 01:55:18
My Email:Candy098

this is the cutest webpage!

Jet - 11/14/99 04:46:12
My URL:http://got/none.foNow.com
My Email:AsionQpid@hotmail.com
HomeTown: B-Lo

Dyaaaaaaaaaaam gurl.......diss payge bee long a$$ heeeeeeeell......well anywayz.....good fo u though.....least u gotta payge...ah mean...it takez me like a day juss ta think wha kinda payge imma do.......so...u kno, besta luck blah blah blah....stuff lyke dat...aigh!!! take karez gurl...im out!

mimi ~bebesprit~ - 11/11/99 01:09:20
My URL:http://fly.to/dreamerstyle
My Email:limimi@hotmail.com
HomeTown: *dreamland*


wsup sweetie? =) i hear that your guestbook was deleted? awww..well i'm here to hit you up again...so no worries..^-^ mmm i saw your new pics! you look so cute sis, especially that pic with the pooh, you look so sweet..^-^ well drop me a line now and then ok? ::hugs:: ...oh yeah..::crosses fingers:: i hope that this html stuff works on your geocities guestbook, hope i didn't mess nething up..O_o...::love::

JadeMirage - 11/08/99 03:56:25
My Email:JadeMIrage@hotmail.com
HomeTown: SittiN DaYgo, CaLi

Dear Pupz, Aww..Soo SowwIe to HeAr dAt uR GuEsTBoOkiE goT deLeTed. ItZ oK...SupEr SiLLy MiRaGe isH heRe ^_^...hehe..ok ok, So i'M doRky. AnYhoW, u LooK so pReTty iN uR neW piCs!!! juS wAntEd 2 teLL u dAt. TaKe CarEz now, Sis! ^_~ JadeMirage

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