Wai - 11/04/99 07:13:22
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/waiwaiworld
My Email:wai7724@hkstar.com
Where you find my web site: netvigator search engine

your site is beautiful, BUT more picture is better.

Anubis K. - 06/24/99 02:18:42
My URL:http://.www.anubis@hongkong.com
Where you find my web site: TVB Weekly

It's a beautiful page!

- 02/24/99 11:42:25


~*³D¥Ö¤½¥D*~ - 12/16/98 10:38:03
My Email:vianio@hotmail.com

§Úµoı­ì¨Ó§Ú¤§«e©Ò¦³0¬JÄ@±æ³£«Y¦nÃø¹ê²{0¬J...... ©Ò¥H©O....§Ú¨M©w²³æD, ­øËݳg¤ß°Õ....¥u­n­Ó­Ó¤H³£¹ï§Ú¦n¤Ö¤Ö, §Ú³£¤ßº¡·N¨¬°Õ....§Ú­ø«Y¯u«YËݪ±±o..... §Ú³£«Y¤@­Ó¤H, §Ú³£§Æ±æ¦³¤H·|²z§Ú0¬J·P¨ü...... ³Ì«á, §Æ±æ©Ò¦³¤H³£·|©ú¥Õ§Ú°Õ.....­ü.....

teo chee wee - 11/24/98 18:05:14
My URL:http://www.franco1314@hotmail.com
My Email:www.tcwhbt@yahoo.com
Where you find my web site: newspaper

please reply me,ok?

Tony Ho - 11/21/98 02:23:06
My URL:http://home.hkstar.com/~tonyho88
My Email:tonyho88@hkstar.com
Where you find my web site: HK Star

Your page is very beautiful !!

- 11/20/98 18:54:13


Paul Chiu - 11/20/98 16:33:05
My Email:paulcch@hkstar.com
Where you find my web site: hkstar web site

The web site and the photo was very good. I like Emiri very much. Whatever she sing or on TV, she did very very good.

Whole Wheat Bread - 08/19/98 03:52:44
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/me/whole_wheat_bread/index.html
My Email:whole_wheat_bread@gurlmail.com
Where you find my web site: u tell me!

Very good! Keep going! Did u received my message from ICQ??? MY ICQ# 15194732. Please have a look on my homepage Whole Wheat Bread Bakery

Whole Wheat Bread - 08/19/98 03:52:05
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/me/whole_wheat_bread/index.html
My Email:whole_wheat_bread@gurlmail.com
Where you find my web site: u tell me!

Very good! Keep going! Did u received my message from ICQ??? MY ICQ# 15194732. Please have a look on my homepage Whole Wheat Bread Bakery

Eric Man - 08/18/98 07:22:18
My Email:littlebearjordan@hotmail.com
Where you find my web site: lalalalA

i like the words in the box at the bottom it is great

Cher - 08/05/98 07:15:18
My Email:cher001@hotmail.com
Where you find my web site: Net Search

Emiri's photos are so old, please addd some newer one. "Anyway, this page is cool!"

Cher - 08/05/98 07:14:16
My Email:cher001@hotmail.com
Where you find my web site: Net //////////


Vincent Yip - 07/16/98 03:57:25
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Dojo/5733/
My Email:wsyip@chevalier.net
Where you find my web site: SEarch Engine

¤£ ¿ù, ¦p ªG ¥i ¥H ¦³ ¦h ¤@ ÂI ¸ê °T ÃD ¥Ø ´N §ó ¦n ¤F .

Colin TSUI - 05/18/98 11:21:22
My Email:misugi@netvigator.com
Where you find my web site: Yahoo!


HIHI - 04/01/98 05:37:21
My URL:http://www.emiri.com
My Email:HIHI@hotmail.com
Where you find my web site: friends

¤¤¤s¨È·L±ù don't have 165cm.....do some research before u right about it la

CYoshi - 03/27/98 15:02:47
My URL:http://www.microsoft.com
My Email:cyoshi@hotmail.com
Where you find my web site: You Tell me

Very good

°ª¨Ð - 03/26/98 16:46:41
My Email:taller@trust-me.com
Where you find my web site: ­øª¾¼½

¶Â¥J§A´X®ÉÅÜo¥ª°µEmily, David«Y§AÃä­Ó??? :) ¦n¤Öo³¥Ú»©Q¼½.

David Burke - 02/26/98 19:59:36
My Email:dburke@ultimatte.com

98-2-26 Hi Emily! I just did a Sumitomo Visa commercial with you. I enjoyed working with you. Hope we can work together again some day. Good luck and take care. Love, David

Alex P'ng - 01/24/98 03:32:39
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Pagoda/1545
My Email:mitzrah@oocities.com
Where you find my web site: HotBot


Go to my Emiri Homepage

Alex presents......

You MUST visit this link, it is new!!! You MUST visit this link, it is new!!! You MUST visit this link, it is new!!! You MUST visit this link, it is new!!! You MUST visit this link, it is new!!!
You MUST visit this link, it is new!!! You MUST visit this link, it is new!!! You MUST visit this link, it is new!!! You MUST visit this link, it is new!!! You MUST visit this link, it is new!!! You MUST visit this link, it is new!!! You MUST visit this link, it is new!!! You MUST visit this link, it is new!!! 
Come visit my homepage dedicated to Emiri Nakayama, Did I mention I have:-
  • 2 sound clips of her songs,
  • An extensively compiled photo gallery having up to 95 pictures of Emiri.
  • Links to other great sites featuring Emiri!
  • And a great guestbook ready for you to tell the world of your date with her.
  • What are you waiting for? Click above for a peek!

    Sunny - 01/07/98 08:52:28
    My URL:http://home.hkstar.com/~lmklsss1/
    My Email:lmlsss1@hkstar.com
    Where you find my web site: you tell me!!


    eorkei - 01/07/98 08:48:18
    My Email:eorkei@mailcity.com
    Where you find my web site: u told me la.

    ha ha how are u ar!

    him - 01/07/98 08:39:16
    My URL:http://xoom.com/himpage
    My Email:himpage@usa.net

    your page is good!!!


    ½E¯«¥J~~ - 01/06/98 13:02:58
    My URL:µL¬J~~§A§Ö0ªº±Ð§Ú¾ã
    My Email:vincentlee_98@yahoo.com
    Where you find my web site: ªB¤Í

    §A¦n§r~~~~§A­ÓªÅ©Ü¼p¾ã0ªº¦n¥¿§r~~ §Ú³ÌÄÁ·N´N«Y±øª÷³½³â~~¨þ¨þ~~«Yªi°O¥J¥ýª¾ÂI¸Ñ¬[©Q~ §Aª¾«Y¦n¥{~~§A§Ö0ªº±Ð§Ú¾ã§r~~ÂI¸Ñ§ÚµL«Y§AªB¤Í¤J­±¬[~§A¼g§Ú«Y«ä«ä¦n¬¡ÅD¬J¤@¥÷¤l¤X~~­ø¸Ó§A~~ from~~½E¯«¥J~~~

    Patrick Leung - 12/25/97 13:47:11
    My URL:http://home.netvigator.com/~pleung1
    My Email:pleung1@hotmail.com
    Where you find my web site: From you

    My homepage is better than you.

    Ng Tsz Chun - 12/23/97 14:20:31
    My URL:ttp://personal.cityu.edu.hk/~96488451/
    My Email:caviarntc@excite.com
    Where you find my web site: ...........

    soo good la and come to my homepage

    ­·¤§¤l - 12/15/97 14:20:12
    My URL:http://home.netteens.net/~econda
    My Email:whf@iname.com
    Where you find my web site: ¶Ã¼²¤J¾¤¡I

    §A­Óºô­¶°µ±o´X¦n¤X¡I§Ú³£¦nÁé·N¤¤¤s¨ÈÁ¨±ù... ±o¶¢°ÑÆ[0¤U§Ú­Óhomepage°Õ¡I :)

    Louie Chun Yu - 12/01/97 07:07:51
    My URL:http://home.netvigator.com/~cyjimmy
    My Email:cyjimmy@netvigator.com
    Where you find my web site: http://home.netvigator.com/~cyjimmy

    Ha! After certain time, your page was changed! It is better than the previous version!

    Matthias Lam - 12/01/97 04:59:24
    My Email:mattlam@accessv.com
    Where you find my web site: Excite

    If the songs can record as 40kbps or more, it'll be better

    IAN - 11/29/97 19:15:56
    My URL:http://home.nettteens.net/~iany
    My Email:iany@netteens.net
    Where you find my web site: haha..you tell me


    Carmen Cheung - 11/28/97 16:07:20
    My Email:carcar17@hotmail.com
    How do find my web site: Lovelycar@aol.com
    ICQ: 3540084


    LAU TIK ON - 11/28/97 09:23:55
    My URL:http://www.starzine.com

    You home page is too little things. You should write more about you. T

    ^-^ GIGI. - 11/28/97 09:19:40
    My URL:http://ww.appledialy.com.hk

    Hi!I am 15 years old.F.4 female I am study in ·s¨È. It is in HO MAN TIN.Do u know where? I will come back soon. See you later. Bye Bye

    Zooc ^.^ - 11/26/97 15:34:58
    How do find my web site: ha ha ha ha
    ICQ: u should know..............

    «¢«¢........­É§A­Ó¦a¤è«Å¶Ç....<<°²³¥>>´N¨Ó°Õ!!! ¨þ......§Ú..·ö½u¤F...Held me..............................................................

    ©@³í - 11/25/97 15:47:25
    My URL:http://home.nettens.net/~ckp456/
    My Email:gary_18@hotmail.com
    ICQ: 3767489

    D¬Û³£´Xè°,¦ý«Y¦pªG¦hD¬Û´N¦n³â!!! °O¦í±o¶¢¾¤§Úhp!!!

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