So this is it...the dreamscape of Mieu mieu...Millenium style.

Major construction is goin' on here folks. Therefore, it is doubly important that all visitors beware the falling purple and green sky as it has a tendency to maim people on it's way to the supermarket...keep your arms and legs (and other desired appendages as well as loved ones) inside the vehicle at all times as i cannot be held responsible for any injuries incured by this dream...pregnant women, small children, and anyone with a heart or back problem may want to leave now as this dream has been known to cause severe shock in the unprepared...besides, if you're one of the aforementioned people you should be outside enjoying Mother Nature, not sitting and staring at the computer! ^_^

Well, that's all the rules and regulations involved in viewing my dream, keep in mind that this is MY dream, and if you don't like it, you can always leave... ^_^

Speaking of things that people don't like...Interestingly enough, sometimes I dream in frames...(hey! it could happen! ^_^ ) so if that aggravates you to any extreme extent, then here's your chance to make your choice. BUT BE CAREFUL!!! The choices you make today affect the life you live tomorrow... ^_^
