NAME: Diana Silver

FANFICS: Redemption


WHERE I MET HER: I met Dianna through Corvus. She sent me the nicest email that complimented my story and invited me to visit her page and I did!

MY FAVOURITE FANFIC MOMENT: When Serenity gives Nephlyte a brief time on earth. It is one of the most beautiful scenes I have ever read, a fantastic example of Diana's skill as a storyteler.


(RUSH)Tell me a little about yourself.

(DIANNA)All righty, then. I'm Dianna Silver and I'm 31 years old. I've completed college up to the beginning of my junior year, but had to drop out because my source of funding (Daddy dearest ::Chuckles::) just couldn't afford to let me go anymore. Born on June 30, 1966, I'm a native Seattleite and have lived in the Puget Sound area all my life. I'm married and have 2 kids, ages 9 and 6.

(RUSH)How did you come to love Sailor Moon?

(DIANNA)Well, I'm a kid that never grew up entirely. I love comics and cartoons-- Cartoon Network is the background noise on the TV at my apartment-- and still constantly watch all kinds of animation. And I'd always been fascinated with anime. I grew up impressed with the animation both Speed Racer and Star Blazers, and saw Voltron as a teen. As an adult still glued to a TV with cartoons, I've caught a few others, including Dragonball and Dragonball Z. When Sailor Moon was on syndicated TV the first time around-- what, 3 or so years ago?-- I happened to be working an afternoon job. Deciding to turn the TV on, I just happened to flip throught the stations and caught the station just starting Sailor Moon. Instantly intrigued, 'cause it was an anime I hadn't seen before, I sat down and watched it. It was Neph's first episode, and the moment I saw that gorgeous-looking guy who actually knew astrology ::Spaces out as she thinks about that moment and how intrigued she was at the time, then suddenly comes to:: Heh, sorry... Anyway, from that time I was hooked. I just had to see what was going to happen next with Neph and the storyline. There are very few TV shows that have moments that really get to me. Sailor Moon is one of those. Biggest shock of my life as a cartoon fan-- after all, I was used to American cartoons and their happy endings-- was Nephrite's death. It took me two episodes after that to really get it that yes, they did off a reformed bad guy. I felt so cheated. ::Laughs:: Second biggest shock about Sailor Moon was when I got online over the summer and found out the truth about Zoisite. Never even really occured to me, to be truthful. I just accepted the change in the dub without even a thought. ::Grins:: But, it gave me an interesting twist on Zoisite's character to use in my fanfic.

(RUSH)Why did you start to write fanfiction?

(DIANNA)Hmm... I guess I've always done so in one degree or another. I've always been into books and writing was a hobby I picked up early. In fact, I think I may have a noteook or two with typewritten pages that were stories I wrote back when I was just entering 7th grade. Nearly all of the stuff I've written has been because I was inspired by something else. I just see something or read something and suddenly see ways of telling a similar story in my own way. ::Giggles:: I have notebooks of handwritten stuff and computer disks of other stuff from all the years. Writing's a hobby that I've consistently done nearly all of my life. Plus, since I'm a stickler for detail, I have notes all over the place about how things look, how big they are, etc, etc. "Redemption" is just the latest in a long line of "Hey, I'm impressed. Now let's see what I can do with this?" stories that I've written mostly for my own fun. However, those few people who've read my earlier stuff have said that I should get over being shy and get myself known. So I took a chance with this story, and here we are.

(RUSH)Who is your favourite Sailor Scout and why?

(DIANNA)Hmm. I like all of the Inner Scouts in one degree or another (I don't know enough about the Outers to really have an opinion). Mercury for her intelligence, Mars for her fiery spirit, Venus for her friendly sweetness and Moon for her innate goodness and caring heart. But I would have to say that the brave, loyal, strong and down-to-earth Jupiter is my favorite overall. I like her personality, her powers and her strength of will. ::Giggles:: And I get a kick out of her ability to get a crush at the drop of a hat.

(RUSH)What's your favourite season of Sailor Moon and why?

(DIANNA)Oh, heavens! The first season, of course. ::Giggles:: I've only been lucky enough to catch the NA dub here in the States and a few AVIs here and there. I may end up liking the second half of the "R" season better than I do now if I get to see the new dubs. The first half of "R" is all right... But you just can't beat the storyline of the first season. And-- of course-- it's the first season where we see those oh-so-cool baddies, the four Generals of the Negaverse. ::Grins::

(RUSH)Why a fanfic featuring the Negaverse Generals?

(DIANNA) I suppose I might be just a bit different in that I truly like Sailor Moon for the villians of the first season. Yes, as I've cruised the Web, I've seen that there's any number of fanfics and stories that have brought back or featured the four Generals. However, I'm so enamored of the four that I had to add myself to the "old cliche". Besides, because of an idea I've had kicking around for a few years, I just might have an interesting take on these guys. Poor Jadeite (Jedite) never really got a chance for character development, but I'm convinced that the anime showed only those few schemes that didn't work. Somewhere out there are plans that didn't go wrong.::Giggles:: 'Cause Jadeite seemed to be a really bright guy when he wasn't blinded by anger. Kunzite (Malachite) was also neat. Drawn really handsome if you ask me, and another who seemed to be more than what was shown. I liked him for his powers as well, some of those were kinda interesting to watch-- especially those wicked slicers of his as well as his ability to absorb and throw back energy-- and I always thought that he actually was a good leader at heart but lost his edge through grief. Zoisite (Zoycite)... Ah, good ol' Zoey/Zoe. For some reason, I'm absolutely fascinated with this character. Wicked, having a cruel streak and just a bit nuts, vain and vindictive Zoisite is someone who I just can't help but like cause he/she's so wicked. Yet, Zoisite's also got a soft side no one but Kunzite really saw. The dichotomy there is really interesting. And then there's Nephrite (Neflyte), the bad guy with a heart and the one character I like above all the others-- the Senshi included. Cute and into astrology to boot, he was an interesting villian to start with, but then his ability to change because of the love of a human girl really endeared this guy to me. ::Sighs:: So I really felt cheated when he was bumped off. ::Grins:: However, that's the one nice thing about being a fanfic author. You can give anyone you want another chance.

Thanks Dianna for the wonderful interview!

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