onnie - 05/07/99 21:43:16
My Email:oxp5@po.cwru.edu

dude, KDPhi!!! need to scan some of those lambdas from cornell on your page . . .

Kara's Dynamic Sex - 08/14/98 12:04:40
My URL:http://www.dynamicsex.com/

Visit my web page!

Ryan Sampson - 07/30/98 20:42:11
My Email:xarcadex@concentric.net

I'm a pretty big fan of anime, and if you or anybody else wants some addresses to other good anime sites, just e-mail me!! I'll see you in the chat rooms!!

Atul Jain - 03/16/98 06:08:22
My URL:http://b60699.cwru.edu
My Email:axj3@po.cwru.edu

Viv, Where is my picture? Also, where is my link on your homepage? :-( Just joking. Nice page Viv, What's up with the titanic thing. check out my page also. atul

Gump - 02/16/98 03:07:50
My URL:http://www.gump.com
My Email:you know it....

dude, man.... i see that you have some interesting visitors signing your guestbook already... what's up with your ebonic-speaking friends? I told you not to hang out with them no more.... sigh... anyway, i am outtie.. alright alrightalrightalrightalrightvvalright okayokayokayvokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokay

chap stick - 02/12/98 01:55:55
My Email:relieves pain, and itching of fever blisters and cold sores....

damn, that nigga funny. i gots 2 words for ya' booty lookin' half baked ass of yurs...CHAP STICK haha, it's that simple beyatch, go to REVCO, GET SOME. LIP BALM MEDICATED SHIT, AITE? cool ho, i'm outtie.

Cock Sucker - 02/10/98 20:58:58
My URL:http://www.Beatch.Com
My Email:yippyskippy@silly.rrrrrr.com

Viv, Your Webpage is so damn red and what is up with that Titanic song man!!??

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