Dragon Ball
Grade: A
Best Feature: Girl scared Yamcha, and little Goku.
Worst Feature: Too much editting
Coolest Male Charactor: Yamcha
Coolest Female Charactor: Bulma

For starters I just want to say this is a Dragon Ball review as in the original DB not Dragon Ball Z, and since all I've seen is the american dub version on tv, that's what this review is based on. Anywho, Dragon Ball is the simple (and hilarious) story of a young boy who can take a huge lickin' and keep on tickin' (Goku), and a rich bratty teenager named Bulma and thier search for the seven dragon balls that will give the descoveror a single wish. Along the way Bulma and Goku meet a variety of charactors and situatuions. The people the meet are Master Roshi a perveted old hermit and martial arts master, Yamcha a very skilled fighter who's afraid of women, Puar, Yamcha's shape shifting and flying cat partner, Oolong, a shape shifting and smart mouthed pig, Ox-King the HUGE king of Fire Mountain, Chi-chi the Ox-king's tomboy daughter (and Goku's future wife), and of course Emperor Pilaf the snotty nosed and very small brat seeking the dragon balls as well. Most the fun in this was seeing Yamcha freak at the sight of Bulma and Goku who is the size of my leg beat up people the size of buildings. Dragon Ball is really cool show and definately worth the watch even if it's hugely editted (aurgh).
My Yamcha Shrine
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