Hello. My name is Petra, an avid Weezer fan and one of the many people having an er... "relationship" with Rivers. I'm still not completely comfortable with sharing this with the world, partly because there's so many emotions involved, people tend to be quite harsh in judging me about this as well.

I'm writing this for two reasons; to get this off my chest and to spread the word about this guy. I'm not out to bash Rivers, to incriminate him, or anything like that, I merely wish to share this to help other people. This is completely true and honest story, I'd never make anything like this up. So here it goes.

Weezer has been my favorite band since Pinkerton came out two years ago. I've always been a sucker for Rivers' lyrics, his looks, his charm, and personality. I aways had a goal to meet him as well as the rest of Weezer, and it became rather obsessive, bootlegs, shirts, posters, pictures, you name it, I have it. Anyway, I stayed in line for three hours to get my Weezer tickets along with my friends. It was with No Doubt, but hey, it's Weezer. I made it my goal to meet these four individuals.I figured that I had a decent shot considering I live in a rather un-Weezer town.

The concert was awesome, needless to say. During No Talent, we got up and snuck down to a lower seat level on the side. A friend of a friend was one of the Guards, so he let us in when we smiled at him. I saw a roadie dealing with a crowd of equally excited Weezer fans and told us to wait around and we'd get to meet the band. Twenty minutes later the guy comes up to me. "What's your name? Are you Asian? Would you like to meet Rivers?" he asked me. I answered all three and he told me that I'd definetly get back stage. Me, being rather naive, was excited. The guy gathered a group of girls, a few Asian, and took a few guys to balance out the crowd, and we got to meet the guys. Rivers immediatly talked to the flirtatious Asian girls, signed ther stuff, etc. I met Pat for a minute, and was talking to Brian and Rivers actually came up to me and asked me if I wanted an autograph and let me get a picture taken with him. He put his arm around me without asking and my friend took the picture. then he started asking me questions. "What's your name? Where do you go to school? How old are you?..." there were a few other girls in the same conversatrion. he seemed equally interested in us all. I was completely eating this up, he was actually talking to me! he had an interest in me! Damn, he's so nice and charming and funny! My knees felt like jello, and my heart thumped in my chest so that my entire body vibrated.

My friends didn't get any special attention and left, and I figured I'd just hitch a ride later. Pretty soon, everyone else was realizing Rivers' intentions. He was getting rather drunk, slamming beers and getting more obvious after each one. Pretty soon, it was just me and him talking about Kiss and guitars, he was impressed that I played and asked me a lot about school and my writing and drawing. The thing that bothers me so much is the fact that he seemed so genuinely interested in me, no one else really felt like that before.

"You want to come back to the hotel with me?" he asked abruptly. This completely baffled me, not like I didn't see it coming or know what his intentions were. "Sure." I said. He kissed me righ there too, I guess like a test or something. Then he started asking me questions about my nationality and such. And we got back to the hotel room, which was like forty miles from my house, and he just completely came onto me, not even talking that much any more.

Why I even was there, I don't know. Why didn't I loeave? I don't know. Why did I let him do this to me? I don't know. Truth is, I was really young, I still am. I was a virgin, I'd never really had anyone like me, especially not a rock star or a nice, charming guy like Rivers. I'd probably never get another chance. For some reason, I thought Rivers liked me back, he saw some unique quality in me, he really thought I was a great human being.

Yes, I'm a naive girl, and I completely made the wrong decision. And so it happened. Simple as that. No elaborate details needed. And the second I realized what I was doing, I felt nausious. My guts ached and I completely shut down. We talked for little bit, I think he realized what I was thinking and decided not to trouble himself with it, and slept through his drunkeness. I fell asleep somehow, and woke up in his arms when the wake-up call sounded. "You might want to get out of here," was the first thing he said to me. Suddenly, it hit me again, lyrics of Tired of Sex went through my mind, thoughts of every concievable problem, and I started crying right there.

He just looked at his feet, really ashamed and hung over, trying to hand me my things to get me out. "Look, I liked meeting you." he said, trying to cover it up. I looked right at him and asked him if he remembered my name, and he didn't. So I screamed at him, threw every name in the book at him, and took a forty dollar taxi cab ride home, crying the whole way.

He didn't care. He didn't have a clue to what I was feeling or how much damage he did to me. Not like I expected him to marry me or anything, but he could have remembered my name, he shouldn't have manipulated me, he could have been more sincere in the morning. He sent a roadie out to find asian chicks, how low is that. Here I was, just another one of these girls that he's toyed with.

And I know he went on the next city with another vunerable girl, and made her feel as bad and low as i did. Yeah, it's not all his fault, I did consent, but the concept baffles me. I know it's not uncommon for rock-stars to do this, but it hurts so fucking much. I still cry about it. I get nervous whenever a guy touches me. I have so many insecurities and phobias taht he left me with. I can't even listen to Weezer without feeling sick. I heard the song "Baby" and cried for three days straight. I know how much this hurts, and I don't want to hear another story about him doing this to someone else.

So girls, tell him to keep his dick in his pants. No matter how sweet, charming, and otherwise perfect he may seem, no matter what lyrics he sings, the guy needs to be stopped. He's like a sex vampire.

So that's my story, lif you don't like it, hard cheese. I don't think this makes me a slut, or a Rivers basher or a bitch, just another fucking statistic. And Rivers, if you ever happen to read this. My name is Petra, got it now? Remember it this time.

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