So last year I went to my second Weezer concert, a rather thrilling and monumental event for me. My dad is an entertainment lawyer, so he gets all kinds of good tickets and back stage access and such, which is cool because he scagged us some really great seats for Weezer. I went in agroup of three, me being one of two guys and my female friend Julie. We're probably three of the biggest Weezer heads in the tri-state area and were beyond stoked to get backstage.

Needless to say, the concert was really incredible. This was after Mykel and Carli died, so there as a lot of seriousness and kind of a morbid tone, at lest I thought so. Anyway, it was everything you'd expectof a Weezer show. Matt cursed and tried to be funny, and all the songs sounded awesome, almost like th doon Cd, which surprised me. Anyway, the concert kicked all ass, and before we could have the mood ruined by listening to No Doubt, we ran back to the large pile of people waiting to get backstage. They let us back after awhile, and surprisingly, there were less people talking to Weezer than had been in the line. I guess all the boys were going to go drool for Gwen Stefani.

Rivers had a mob of both girls and boys around him. He was answering questions and signing stuff. I decided to get my stuff signed by Matt and Brian and Pat first. They were all really nice and answered questions nd Matt was trying to be funny and failing mierably. I joined the Rivers groupies and quickly felt very out of place. First of all, there were like ten asian girls withinn five feet of him and he was completely talking to them, and didn't seem to involved with everyone else. He'd sign the guys stuff, answer question, and then be like "scram". So he signed my sttuff and I asked him about Mykel and Carli. He looked a me right in the eyes and started saying some really nice things and seemed sad for a moment, and then he just completely ignored me. I didn't mind too much, I mean he is a rock star and there ere a lot of people there. so I was satisfied, at least I got to talk to him.

So wih my mission accomplished, I was ready to go home. So was my buddy Ethan, but we couldn't find Julie. After a few minutes, we discovered she was part of the little girl group around Rivers. She wasnt getting a lot of attention, there were like seven girls now, all asian. People were heading home, and Rivers started to very obviously hit on the remaining girls.

There was this one girl who he hugged goodbye, and he said something to her, I couldn't tell what. She seemed really offended though and didn't say goodbye and just stormed on out. I'm pretty sure I know what he said.

And the groupies started diminishing. Rivers sure got a lot of hugs and I think a few phne numbers. Julie started to stick out in the crowd, Rivers started hitting on her too. Julie didn't quie realize his intentions and naively asked for him to take a picture of him and the three of us. She introduced us and he reacted like he completely forgot our conversation. He probably did. He put his arm around her, and only her, and then started talking to her very personally. Julie kept on flirting aand smiling, seeming very flattere. Imean the guy is nice and seemed charming and all strory-book like. I could tell she really liked him, and she probably would have slept with him. Ethan and I sooon became quite tired of this nd didn't want to see this happen to her, so we sstarted hinting it was time to leave.

"So ho old are you anyway?" Rivers asked her. She thought for a second, and I could tell she was going to lie. She's under eighteen, and we all know that lovely statgitory rape law, and I could tell Rivers just trying to watch his ass. "Old enough," she said. Well, she looks nineteen, but she sure isn't. She was only seventeen then, maybe sixteen. I refused to let her do this to her self, so to be a good friend, I butted in. "How old is old enough?"I know she was going to say eighteen, but before she could, I stepped in. "Eighteen." She's a terrible liar, and Rivers could probably tell shew was lying, plus Ethan and I don't look eighteen."well, eighteen in a few months." "I thught you were older," he said, seeming disapointed. "Does it really matter?" He shrugged and started talking with some other girls.

It took him about ten seconds to completely loose interest and we left five minutes later we were leaving. I guess he felt guilty or a little lonely, so he gave her a very long hug and a more than friendly kiss. Ethan and I slippedout unnoticed and Julie felt rather bad.

The whole way home she was alking bout what a creep he is and how he seemed so nice when he was really out to get some. I elt bad for her, she really liked him and go all worked up about it. She elt completely dumped and insulted, and I tried to comfort her. "I should have just stuck with eighteen," she told me. "No, you shouldn't of." "But he would have still liked me." "Not in he way that you're thinking. He didn't have any respect for yu." You just don't get it," she told me.

Well, maybe I don't but I still think she did the right thing and is completely better off without getting involved with him. I feel bad for her, but I feel worse for the person that wound up going home with him.

I dunno if this makes him a pervert. But he's a scumbag at least.

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