Konnichiwa, minna-san. Ore mo Kurama desu. Welcome to my room.

Well, should I introduce a little bit of myself? I am known as Minamino Shuichi, son of Minamino Shiori, my dearest mother. But, in front of Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, and the others. I am known as Kurama, a plant-controller. In Makai, where I actually born, I am Youko Kurama, the cruel thief in Makai thousand years ago.

I have a sweet family. My mother, my step-father, and a cute step-brother who's name is like my human name-- Shuichi. Sometimes, 'kaasan will mistake the person she's calling since there's two 'Shuichis' in the house. *chuckle*

Well... guess I don't need to say too much now. I'll just show you the photo I've got in these days. Since lots of people are taking it. *smile*

Have a nice day!

Photo Album for Kurama/Youko Kurama This is a picture of my room, Kura-chan designed it. *smile*

Click on the image to review the full version. Domo.

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