The SailorSaturn Ring of Destruction made possible by
the Webring and New Dream Network.

Welcome to
The Sailor Saturn Ring of Destruction

Hello!!! I am so happy you came here!!!
The more people that join this ring the better, and the more pages that you can visit! ^_^

Note: The Ring should be working smoothly, but if something doesn't work the way it's supossed to, Puuuuulease let me know!!!...other than that...join the Ring and have fun! ^_^

***There are some rules for joining this ring***

1. You must have a "SailorMoon", Manga, or Anime related homepage, and if it is a SailorSaturn Shrine, better than better!!!

2. Your page has to be suitable for children (no bad words, no weird pics...etc) [Your page can have hentai, BUT you must have some sort of web monitor in that page so that little kids can't access that page] please!!!

3. Some rings tell you that you can't belong to more than 5 rings...Well, I encourage you to join as many as you want!!! So to join more rings besides this one go to my "RINGS" page.
Go here after joining my Ring!!! ^_^

4. Please check your page and make sure that you have no broken links or broken images, we want people to surf your pages and be able to see everything that you have to offer. A decent amount of images would be nice too! ^_~

5. After you fill out the form you have to put the HTML fragment somewhere in your site, I won't add you to the Ring unless you already have the fragment.


6. Well, that's it...go ahead and join us!!! ^_^

Join this ring!

I'm already a member and I wanna see the index

I wanna see who is in the queue

I wanna edit my Info! (change of password, URL, name, page title...)

I wanna copy the HTML fragment.

I would like to submit a graphic for the ring! Submit! Submit!!!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?... E-mail me!

WOW! Look at all the people who have visited this site since October 12, 1997 --->

I wonder how many more visitors will join us...!

Thanks to Apatt and CyberWarlock for providing some of the graphics ^_^

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