Max The Moogle's Final Fantasy VII Music Page

Welcome to my Final Fantasy VII Music Page.

I have all the known songs from Final Fantasy VII here.


My Views on Final Fantasy VII

If there is a game that has revolutionized RPG's the most, it has to be Final Fantasy VII. Final Fantasy VII is a world-wide seller in the MILLIONS. It is the first game to have polygons as the main type of graphic (most RPG's are made in sprites), the first RPG to have FMV's (Full Motion Videos), first to have a death of a main character (that you can't bring back to life. Chrono Trigger and Suikoden has shown us this can happen), and the first game to be on three discs! Talk about amazing! I personally like this game for it's incredible interaction with the characters, so you get to know them like they are real people. The story is also very interesting. The best I've seen in an RPG so far. Not really the best Final Fantasy (Final Fantasy III is alot better), but a good enough show for the fans. This game will hold out the competion and truly become a classic.

Stop this song before playing another.

List of Final Fantasy VII Songs (In Order of Appearance)

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