Hana no Monogatari--The Stories of Flowers
Here is the VERY LONG list of flower meanings. I have lost count how many flowers are being mentioned here. However, I would suggest you use the Search function on your browser to search for the flower you want. It is because there may be a variety of the same kind of flowers (such as roses, lilies, etc.) which are put under different titles (such as "red...," "white...," "wild...," etc.).  
Absinth, or Wormwood 
Separation and Torment of Love
Bitterness and Heartache
Herb of Mars (Astrological)
Acacia Blossom
Beauty in Retirement and Platonic Love
Bad Luck Gift to a Woman
Acanthus Leaves
Admiration of the Arts
Aconite, or Monkshood
Misanthropy and Poisonous Words
Symbol of Crime
Herb of Saturn (Astrological)
Symbol of Life and Immortality (Nordic)
Adam's Needle
A Friend in Need
Recollection of Life's Pleasure 
Flower of New Year's Eve (Japanese) 
Symbol of Gold and Wealth (Japanese)
Fortune-Longevity Plant (Japanese) 
Tree of Life and Abundance (Mexican) 
Alder Tree, or Elm Tree
Genesis Tree of Embla, the Woman (Nordic) 
Tree of the Fairies (Celtic) 
Tree of Divination (Old Irish)
Virginity and Fruitfulness
Symbol of Happy Marriage (French) 
Almond Blossom
Hope and Watchfulness
Flower of the Annunciation
Almond Tree
Tree of Heaven (Persian)
Tree of January (Semitic)
Almond Twins
Lover's Charm and Symbol of Good Luck 
Wisdom and Integrity
Dedicated to Zeus and Jupiter 
Alyssum, Sweet
Worth beyond Beauty
Constancy and Fidelity
Faith and Immortality
"My love will never fade or die!" 
Pastoral Poetry
Refusal and Abandonment
"Go away!"
Dedicated to Aphrodite and Venus
Symbol of Perpetual Concord 
Dedicated to Aphrodite and Venus 
"Peace be with you!" (Chinese) 
Good Luck Gift
Apricot Blossom
Timid Love
Emblem of the Fair Sex (Chinese) 
Arbor Infelix
Tree of Crucifixion
Arbor Vitae, or Thuya Tree
Tree of Life Unchanging Friendship
Artemisia Leaf
Symbol of Dignity (Chinese)
Ash Tree
Tree of Life (Nordic)
Genesis Tree of Ask, the Man (Nordic) 
Aspen, or Trembling Poplar
Lamentation and Fear
Languor and Regret
Symbol of Death (Greek)
Elegance and Daintiness
Talisman of Love
Herb of Venus (Astrological) 
Autumn Bell, or Fringed Gentian
Flower emblem of Autumn (Occidental)
Fragile and Ephemeral Passion
Emblem of Womanhood (Chinese) 
Bachelor's Button
Balm, or Melissa
Sympathy and Love
Symbol of Rejuvenation (Arabic) 
Friend of China
Symbol of Graceful Strength (Chinese)
Durability and Longevity (Chinese)
Candidness and Devotion (Japanese)
Bamboo Staff
Mourning for a Father (Chinese) 
Banana Tree
Birth and Life Tree of the Tropics 
Barrel of Fruit, or Vegetables
Symbol of Abundance
Bay Tree
Glory and Resurrection (Roman)
Immortality and Transmigration Magic and Mysticism
Beech Tree
Oracle and Divination (Greek)
Dedicated to Zeus and Jupiter 
Prosperity and Pleasant Memory
Flower Emblem of Denmark 
"Beware! I am fanciful!"
"I bring you bad luck!"
Fatal Gift to a Man
Coquette and Busybody
Passing Attachment without Consequence
Birch Tree
Light and Fertility
Dedicated to Thor and Donar
Flower Emblem of Estonia
Blackthorn, or Sloe
Difficulty and Austerity
"There are many obstacles to our love!"
Bad Luck Gift to a Woman
Bellflower, White
Bluebell, or Harebell 
Delicacy and Humility
Emblem of St. George
Bo Tree, or Pipal Tree
Meditation and Perfection 
Tree of Nirvana (Buddhist) 
Dedicated to Gautama Buddha
Symbol of Courage (Medieval)
Bouquet of Full-blown Roses
Token of Gratitude
Bouquet of Withered Flowers
Token of Rejected Love
Box Tree
Firmness and Stoicism in Adversity
"I never change!”
BoxHolly, or Butcher's Broom
Activity and Cleanliness
Brake, or Eagle Fern
Confidence and Shelter
Envy and Jealousy
Bad Luck Gift to a Woman
Solitude and Thoughtfulness
Courage and Strength 
Herb of Mars (Astrological) 
Bad Luck Gift to a Woman
Broom Plant, or Planta Genista
Ardor and Humility
Badge of the Plantagenet Kings of England 
Flower Emblem of Brittany
Buckeye, or Horse Chestnut
Luxury and Health
Good Luck Charm for a Man
Buddha's Hand, or Citrus Medica
Blessings of Buddha (Chinese)
Bundle of Birch Rods, or Fasces
Union and Strength
Symbol of Lictorian Authority (Roman)
Importunity and Boredom
"Do not touch me!”
Mockery and Sarcasm 
Ingratitude and Spite 
Dedicated to Mars and Ares
Bravery and Endurance (Amerindian) Fairy's Hand (Chinese)
Bad Luck to a Pregnant Woman (Chinese)
Excellence and Steadfastness 
"I shall love you always!” 
Good Luck Gift to a Man
Symbol of Sudden Death (Japanese) 
Initiative and Ingenuity
Energy in Adversity
Herb of Mercury (Astrological) 
Canterbury Bell
Constancy and Warning
Emblem of St. Thomas
Cardinhl Flower
Distinction and Splendor
Carnation, Pink
Flower Emblem of Mother's Day 
Carnation, Purple
Antipathy and Capriciousness 
Carnation, Red
Admiration and Worldly Sentiments 
Carnation, White
Pure and Ardent Love
Good Luck Gift to a Woman 
Carnation, Yellow
Disdain and Rejection
Carnation, Striped
Cassia Tree
World Tree and Tree of Life (Chinese)
Peace and Prosperity (Amerindian) 
Cedar Tree
Nobility and Incorruptibility
Flower Emblem of Lebanon
Cherry Blossom
Symbol of Good Education (Chinese) 
Flower of April (Chinese) 
Wealth and Prosperity (Japanese) 
Flower of March (Japanese) 
National Flower of Japan
Cherry Twins
Good Luck Symbol and Lover's Charm
Cherry-apple Blossom
Emblem of Feminine Beauty (Chinese)
Symbol of Peace and Concord (Chinese)
Independence and Injustice 
Bad Luck Gift to a Woman
China Aster
Jealousy and After-thought
"I shall fight against fate!" (Selam) 
Christmas Rose
"Relieve my anxiety!"
Cheerfulness and Optimism 
Flower of November (Occidental) 
Rest and Ease (Chinese) 
Flower of October (Chinese) 
Badge of the Old Chinese Army 
Long Life and Happiness (Japanese) 
Flower of September (Japanese)
Kikumon - Imperial Crest of Japan
Chrysanthemum, Red
"I love."
Chrysanthemum, White
Chrysanthemum, Yellow
Slighted Love
Love and Beauty
"My fortune is yours!" (Selam)
Dedicated to Aphrodite and Venus 
Artifice and Ingenuity
Good Luck Gift to a Woman 
Dignity and Restraint
"I love you secretly!" (Selam) 
Fertility and Domestic Virtue Symbol of Trinity
Good Luck Gift to a Woman 
Clover, Five-leaved
Symbol of Bad Luck
Clover, Four-leaved
Symbol of Good Luck
Cockscomb, or Celosia
Silliness and Foppery
Coconut Palm
Tropical Tree of Life and Abundance
Maternal Love and Care
Cuckoldry and Deserted Lover 
Fool’s Staff Flower 
Bad Luck Gift to a Man
Humble Perseverance 
Good Luck Gift to a Woman
Love and Marriage (Chinese) 
Always Cheerful
"You have hidden merits!" (Selam) Corn 
Innocent Charm and Daintiness
Good Luck Gift to a Woman
Cornucopia, or Horn of Plenty 
Horn of the Goat Althea (Greek) 
Symbol of Abundance
Crane's-bill, or Wild Geranium 
Constancy and Availability 
"I desire to please!"
Youthful Gladness and Attachment 
Crown Imperial
Majesty and Power
Crown of Laurel
Symbol of Victory at the Pythian Games
Dedicated to Apollo (Greek)
Crown of Parsley
Symbol of Victory at the Nemean Games
Dedicated to Zeus (Greek)
Crown of Pine
Symbol of Victory at the Isthmian Games
Dedicated to Poseidon (Greek)
Crown of Roses
Symbol of Superior Merit
Crown of Thorns
Symbol of Martyrdom (Biblical) 
Crown of Wild Olives
Symbol of Victory at the Olympian Games
Dedicated to Zeus (Greek)
"I am worthy of you!" (Selam) 
Resignation and Good-bye
Bad Luck Gift to a Woman
Cypress Tree
Mourning and Lament (Occidental) 
Symbol of Death (Greek)
Emblem of Grace and Joy (Oriental) 
Emblem of the Annunciation
Flower of Easter
Treachery and Instability 
Sterility and Misrepresentation 
"Many words but no soul!”
Gentleness and Innocence
Purity in Thought and Loyal Love
Flower of April (Occidental) 
Dedicated to Aphrodite and Venus 
Good Luck Gift to a Woman
Damask Rose
Ambassador of Love (Persian) 
Oracle of Time and Love
"Faithful to you!"
Date Palm
Tree of the Calendar Year (Egyptian) 
Sacred Emblem of Judea
Tree of Life and Abundance (Arabic)
Symbol of Fecundity (Chinese)
Datura, or Thorn Apple 
Deceitful Charm 
"You are poison!”
Devil's Herb (Gypsy Lore)
Day Lily, or Hemerocallis
Emblem of the Mother (Chinese)
Dead Leaves
Sadness and Melancholy
Symbol of Autumn (Occidental) 
Digitalis, or Foxglove
Treacherous Magnificence
"You are beautiful but careless!”
Dipsacus, or Teasel
Flower which keeps the Dew
"I thirst after you!”
Dog Grass
War and Death
Dedicated to Mars (Roman)
Dog Rose
Love and Poetry
Hope and Fear
"You have enchanted me!” 
Love in Adversity
Dried Figs, or Dried Prunes 
Emaciation and Sterility
Bad Luck Gift to a Woman 
Daring and Noble Courage
Purity and Immortality 
Emblem of Alpine Achievement
National Flower of Switzerland 
Spring and Poetry
Elderberry Blossom 
Humility and Kindness
Compassion and Zeal
Eleeampane, or Helenium
Woe and Tears
"You are hurting me!” (Selam)
Flower of Helen of Troy (Greek) 
Everlasting Flower
Attachment and Constancy 
"Always yours!”
Good Luck Gift to a Woman 
Everlasting Pea
Sweet and Constant Memory 
Evening Primula
Inconstancy and Fickleness 
Festoon of Laurel
Emblem of Victory
Fern, Maidenhair
Fig Tree
Peace and Abundance (Hebrew) 
Tree of Heaven (Arabic) 
Wisdom and Integrity
Tree of Jupiter (Astrological)
Filix-mas, or Male Fern
Confidence and Fascination 
Good Luck Gift to a Woman 
The Lucky Hands (Mongolian) 
Occultism and Power (Mongolian) 
Talisman of Genghis Khan
Fir Tree
Boldness and Fidelity 
Dedicated to Pan (Greek)
Integrity and Ingenuity
Tree of Mercury (Astrological)
Lasting Affection and Eternity (Chinese)
Good Luck Gift to Departing Friends (Chinese) 
Domestic Industry
Flame of Light, Life and Power
National Emblem of France 
Forget-me-not, or Myosotis
Faithful Love and Undying Memory
Good Luck Gift to a Woman
Frittilary, Crown
Majesty and Power
Amiability, Anxiety and Confiding Love
Fungus, or Ling Chih
Divine Plant of China
Symbol of Everlasting Life (Taoist)
Furze, or Gorse
Cheerfulness in Adversity
"My thoughts for you are like golden butterflies!”
Good Luck Gift to a Woman
Garden Balsam, or Impatiens
Refusal and Severed Ties
"Touch me not, you have offended me!”
"I love you in secret!”
Good Luck Gift to a Man 
Flower of November (Chinese)
Garland of Flowers
Love's Bondage
Courage and Strength
Herb of Mars (Astrological) 
Folly and Stupidity 
"You are childish!” 
Bad Luck Gift to a Man
Geranium, Scarlet
Geranium, Wild
Strength and Longevity (Chinese)
Clear Judgment and Vigor (Chinese) 
Gladiolus, or Sword Lily
Flower of the Gladiators (Roman) 
"You pierce my heart!”
Globe Flower, or Luckan Gowan
Witches' Gold (Scottish) 
Goldenrod, or Solidago
Treasure and Good Fortune 
Token of Canaan, the Promised Land 
Peace and Abundance (Biblical) 
Symbol of the Wine of the Eucharist 
Good Luck Gift
Utility and Submission
Bad Luck Gift to a Woman
Green Leaves
Revived Hope
Guelder Rose
Whitsuntide Flower (English)
Sweet Hope and Marriage 
"You are my only queen!” 
Dedicated. to Hymen (Greek) 
Flower of May (Occidental) 
Good Luck Gift to a Woman
Hazelnut Tree
Communication, Reconciliation and Peace 
Dedicated to Mercury (Greek)
Tree of Wisdom (Celtic)
Tree of Thor and Donar (Nordic) 
Emblem of St. Philibert
Happiness in Recollection
Heather, Purple
Beauty in Solitude and Admiration
Heather, White
Protection from Danger (Scottish) 
"Your wish will come true!”
Eternal Love and Devoted Attachment 
Dedicated to Apollo (Greek) 
Herb of the Sun (Astrological)
Madness and Delirium (Medieval)
Perfidy and Death 
Poison-cup of Socrates (Greek) 
"We who must die!"
Bad Luck Gift
Hepatica, or Liverwort
Confidence and Cure
Delicate Beauty
Honesty, or Satinflower
Money in all Pockets
Foresight and Defence
"I dare not approach!”
Flower of December (Occidental)
Ambition and Liberality
Symbol of Nature and Fecundity (Chinese) 
Devotion and Affection 
Generosity and Gaiety 
Bond of Love
"We belong to each other!" (Selam) 
Flower of June (Occidental)
Hop Plant
Injustice and Destruction
"I overcome all difficulties!” (Selam)
Flower of October (Occidental)
Bitter Herb of Bondage (Jewish Passover) 
Symbol of Vivacity
"My friendship for life!”
Games and Sport 
Rashness and Woe (Greek)
Dedicated to Apollo (Greek) 
Boastfulness and Frigidity 
"Beautiful without scent and fruit!" 
Bad Luck Gift to a Woman
Ice Plant
Frigidity and Heartlessness
"Your looks freeze me!”
Refusal and Severed Ties 
Faith, Wisdom and Valor 
Hope, Light and Power 
Eloquence, Message and Promise 
Flower Emblem of France (Fleur-de-lis) 
Dedicated to the Virgin Mary
Herb of the Moon (Astrological)
Good Luck Gift to a Man
Emblem of the Warrior (Japanese)
Flower of May (Japanese)
Attachment and Eternal Friendship
Fidelity and Wedded Love
"I die where I cling!”
Dedicated to Dionysus and Bacchus
Ardor and Zeal
Jasmine, Red
Folly and Glee
"Our love will be intoxicating!” (Selam)
Jasmine, White
Amiability and Cheerfulness 
"Our love will be sweet!” (Selam)
Symbol of Womanly Sweetness (Chinese) 
Jasmine, Yellow
Timidity and Modesty
"Our love will be passionate!” (Selam) 
Flower of Epiphany
Sob's Tears
Repentance and Faith
Violent Sympathy and Desire
"Have pity on my passion!” (Selam)
Confidence and Protection
Initiative and Ingenuity
Herb of Mercury (Astrological)
Refusal and Loneliness
"You have broken my heart!'
Lady's Slipper
Capricious Beauty
Open Heart and Ardent Attachment 
Success and Renown
Glory and Victory
"I shall conquer you!” 
Dedicated to Apollo (Greek) Luck and Pride
Plant of the Sun (Astrological)
Constancy and Loyalty
Sweetness and Undying Love 
"Fervent but silent love!” 
Good Luck Gift to a Woman 
Herb of Mercury (Astrological)
Flower Emblem of Wales
Dedicated to St. David'
Symbol of Harvest (Jewish Succoth)
Lemon Tree
Passion and Discretion
Luck and Pride
Tree of the Sun (Astrological) 
Lilac, Mauve
"Do you still love me?" (Selam) 
Lilac, Pink
Youth and Acceptance (Occidental)
Good Luck Gift to a Woman
Friction and Strife (Chinese)
Lilac, White
"My first dream of love!” (Selam)
Lily, Orange
Hatred and Disdain
Lily, White
Sincerity and Majesty
Purity and Virginity
Symbol of Motherhood (Semitic)
Dedicated to Hera and Juno 
Easter Flower
Emblem of the Virgin Mary
Rod of St. Joseph
Good Luck Gift to a Woman
Purity and Humility 
Tears of the Virgin Mary 
Sweetness and Renewed Happiness 
"Let us make up!” 
Flower of Spring
Whitsuntide Flower (English)
Linden Tree
Conjugal Love and Marital Virtues
Tree of Baucis (Greek)
Locust Tree, or Robinia
Affection beyond the Grave
Mystery trod Truth
Symbol of the Sun (Persian)
Creation and Resurrection (Egyptian)
Flower Emblem of Egypt
Golden Throne of Brahma (Hindu) 
National Flower of India
Symbol of Heaven (Buddhist)
Fruitfulness and Offspring (Chinese) 
Perfection and Purity (Chinese) 
Flower of July (Chinese) 
Emblem of Summer (Chinese) 
Past, Present and Future (Japanese)
Flower of Midsummer (Japanese)
Love-in-a-Mist, or Nigella 
Delicacy and Perplexity 
"Butterfly wings of our love!”
Dedicated to St. Catherine 
"Hopeless not heartless!"
Madonna Lily
Resurrection and Annunciation Flower of Easter
Dedicated to the Virgin Mary 
Splendid Beauty and Sweetness
Flower of May (Chinese) 
Maidenhair Fern
Secret Bond of Love
Dedicated to Aphrodite and Venus 
Delicate Beauty and Gentle Affection
Maternal Tenderness and Beneficence
Flower of September (Chinese) 
Mandrake, or Mandragora
Conception and Fruitfulness (Biblical)
Plant of Circe (Greek) 
Devil's Candle (Arabic)
Root of Black Magic (Medieval)
Maple Leaves
Symbol of Autumn (Occidental)
Flower Emblem of Canada 
Lover's Valentine (Japanese) 
Flower of October (Japanese)
Maple Tree
Reserve and Retirement
Disquietude and Jealousy
Grief and Sorrow
"What is the matter with you?" 
Comfort and Consolation
Kindness and Courtesy
Mascot Flower for Lovers (Gypsy Lore)
Marsh Marigold
Pensiveness and Winning Grace
"You are my divinity!”
Flame of Love
Meadow Saffron
"Our pleasant days are over!”
"Let us separate!”
Flower of Autumn (Occidental)
Bad Luck Gift to a Woman
Mecca Balsam
Balm of Gilead (Biblical)
Improvement and Cure (Turkish) 
Timidity and Peevishness
Bad Luck Gift to a Man 
Modesty and Hidden Beauty
"Your qualities surpass your charm!” 
Milfoil, or Yarrow
Disputes and Quarrels 
Emblem of War (Greek) 
Herb of Achilles (Greek)
Daintiness and sensibility
"Be careful, do not hurt me!” 
Violent Love and Consolation
Plant of Jupiter (Astrological) 
Affection and' Love
"I shall surmount all difficulties." 
Good Luck Gift to a Woman
Magic Plant of the Druids (Celtic)
Molucca Bean, or Virgin Mary's Nut
Good Luck Charm (English)
Morning Glory
Farewell and Departure
Flower of September (Occidental)
Symbol of Mortality (Japanese)
"Charity, nothing more!”
Bad Luck Gift to a Woman
Moss Rose
Superiority and Pleasure
Mountain Ash, or Rowan Tree
Antidote and Mercy
Tree against Magic and Sorcery (Nordic)
Dedicated to Thorand Donar (Nordic)
Mountain Clover
Fecundity, Conquest and Victory (Japanese) 
Flower of July (Japanese)
Mulberry Staff
Mourning for a Mother (Chinese) 
Mulberry Tree, Red
Symbol of Unhappy Love
"I shall not survive you!” (Selam)
Tree of Pyramus and Thisbe (Babylonian)
Tree of Sorrow (Chinese)
Mulberry Tree, White
Wisdom and Immortality
Industry and Comfort of Home (Chinese)
Herb of Love (Medieval)
Wisdom and Integrity
Plant of Jupiter (Astrological)
Musk Rose
Capricious Beauty
Love, Mirth and Joy (Egyptian)
Flower of Hathor (Egyptian) 
Emblem of Marriage (Hebrew)
Flower of the Tabernacle (Hebrew)
Dedicated to Aphrodite and Venus 
Sacred and Heavenly-Bamboo (Japanese)
Symbol of Clear Air (Japanese)
Gift of Purification (Japanese) 
Egotism and Conceit
Plant of Nemesis (Greek)
Symbol of Good Fortune (Chinese)
Emblem of Winter (Chinese) 
Mirth and Joyousness (Japanese)
Emblem of Formality (Japanese)
Nasturtium, or Tropaeolum
Conquest and Victory in Battle
Cruelty and Slander "You break my heart”
Bad Luck Gift to a Woman
"You are cracked!”
Bad Luck Gift to a Man
Oak Leaf Cluster
Token of Heroism and Victory (Teutonic)
Oak Tree
Stability and Hospitality 
Tree of Philemon (Greek)
Dedicated to Zeus and Jupiter 
Tree of Life (Nordic)
Dedicated to Thor and Donar 
Celestial Tree of the Druids (Celtic)
Symbol of Masculine Strength (Chinese) 
Beauty and Grace (Chinese)
Olive Branch
Safe Travel (Biblical)
Peace and Reconciliation
Emblem of the Archangel Gabriel
Fidelity and Fruitfulness
Dedicated to Athene and Minerva
Emblem of Studious Pursuit (Chinese) 
Happiness and Prosperity (Chinese)
New Years Goodwill Gift (Chinese) 
Orange Blossom
Virginity and Innocence
"I shall not sin!" (Selam)
Marriage and Fruitfulness (Saracen)
Chastity and Eternal Love (Japanese) 
Orange Tree
Generosity and Fecundity
Flower of Magnificence
"I await your favors!” (Selam)
Symbol of Love and Beauty (Chinese) 
Refinement and Fragrance (Chinese) 
Symbol of Numerous Progeny (Confucian)
Our Lady's Bedstraw
Symbol of the Nativity
Ox-Eye Daisy
Flower of Midsummer Day
Dedicated to St. John the Baptist
Palm Leaves
Victory and Conquest
Success and Peace
Symbol of Harvest (Hebrew Succoth)
Symbol of Martyrdom (Catacombs)
Emblem of Palm Sunday 
Dignity and Felicity (Chinese) 
Emblem of Retirement (Chinese)
Palm Tree
Creative Power and Peace (Semitic)
Flower Emblem of Judea
Thoughtful Recollection
Flower Emblem of Trinity Sunday
Good Luck Gift to a Man
Parma Violet
"Let me love you!”
Flower Emblem of Easter
Faith and Piety
Symbol of the Passion (Spanish)
Justice and Benevolence (Japanese) 
Flower of December (Japanese)
Kirimon - Crest of the Empress of Japan
Happy Marriage and Fertility
Fruit of Eternal Life (Chinese)
Good Luck Gift to a Man
Peach Blossom
Bridal Hope and Generosity (Chinese)
Flower of February (Chinese)
Feminine Softness and Matrimony (Japanese)
Emblem of Springtime (Japanese)
Peach Stones
Good Luck Charm for Children (Chinese)
Peach Tree
Tree of the Fairy Fruit (Chinese)
Emblem of Immortality (Japanese)
Badge of Actors and Musicians (Chinese) 
Pear Blossom
Health and Hope
Purity and Longevity (Chinese)
Flower of August (Chinese)
Pear Tree
Wise Justice and Good Government (Chinese) 
Plant of Healing (Greek)
Gay Life and Prosperity (Japanese) 
Happy Marriage and Virility (Japanese) 
Flower of June (Japanese)
Sweet Memories and Unerring Devotion
Persea Tree
Symbol of Fame (Egyptian)
Symbol of Joy (Chinese)
Emblem of Victory (Japanese)
Anger and Resentment
"I am furious!”
The Loving Tree
Sweet Dreams and Proposal of Love
Pine Cone
Life and Fecundity (Semitic)
Pine Needle Twins
Faithfulness and Conjugal Love (Japanese)
Pine Tree
Boldness and Fidelity
Dedicated to Poseidon and Neptune 
Symbol of Friendship (Chinese) 
Stability and Strong Old Age (Japanese) 
Flower of January (Japanese)
Pink, Red
Ardent Love and Pure Affection 
Pink, White
Refusal and Departure
Pink, Yellow
Disdain and Rejection
Plane Tree
Genius and Magnificence (Persian) 
Symbol of Self Education (Chinese)
Plum Blossom
"Keep your promises!” (Selam)
Beauty and Longevity (Chinese) 
Flower of January (Chinese) 
Emblem of Winter (Chinese) 
Happiness and Marriage (Japanese) 
Flower of February (Japanese) 
Emblem of Spring (Japanese)
Plum Tree
Taoist Tree of Longevity (Chinese)
Patience and Perseverance (Japanese)
Emblem of the Samurai (Japanese) 
Christmas Flower (North American) 
Life and Fecundity (Semitic) 
Dedicated to Hera and Juno
Symbol of a Hopeful Future (Oriental) 
Good Luck Gift to a Woman 
Flower Emblem of Granada - Spain
Badge of Catherine of Aragon 
Pomegranate Blossom
Symbol of Posterity (Chinese)
Flower of June (Chinese)
Eternal Sleep and Oblivion (Greek)
Dedicated to all Nocturnal Deities 
Flower of August (Occidental) 
Emblem of Memorial Day 
Flower of December (Chinese) 
Imagination and Dreaminess
Herb of the Moon (Astrological)
Early Youth and Young Love
Flower of February (Occidental)
Pussy Willow
Flower Symbol of Easter
Ragged Robin
Curiosity and Dandyism
"I am humble but proud!”
Symbol of Music
Plant of Pan (Greek)
Lust and Vanity
Dedicated to Priapus (Greek)
Green for Ten Thousand Years (Japanese)
Symbol of Happy Retirement (Japanese) 
Rose, Full-blown
"I love you" (Selam)
Rose, Pink
"Our love is perfect happiness!” (Selam)
Rose, Red
Love and Desire
"May you be pleased and your sorrows mine!” (Selam)
Dedicated to Aphrodite and Venus 
Flower of Eros and Cupid 
Emblem of the Martyrs 
Good Luck Gift to a Woman 
Badge of the House of Lancaster
Rose, White
Charm and Innocence
"You are so pure and lovely!' (Selam)
Emblem of Harpocrates (Greek) 
Symbol of Secrecy and Silence 
Flower of the Virgin Mary 
Good Luck Gift to a Woman 
Badge of the House of York
Rose, White on Rod
Badge of the House of Tudor
Flower Emblem of England
Rose, Withered
Reproach and Fleeting Beauty
Rose, Yellow
Infidelity and Jealousy
Bad Luck Gift to a Woman
Beauty and Youth
"Your ignorance of love is sweet!" (Selam)
White Rose within a Sunburst
Badge of the House of York
Rose of Jericho
Symbol of Resurrection
Constancy, Fidelity and Loyalty 
Enduring Love, Devotion and Memory 
"Your presence revives me!” 
Herb of Aries (Astrological)
Morals and Mercy (Medieval)
Magic and Witchcraft (Shakespearean)
Flower Emblem of Saxony
"Beware of excess!" (Selam)
Luck and Pride
Herb of the Sun (Astrological)
Esteem and Domestic Virtues 
"I respect you deeply!” (Selam)
Health and Longevity 
Herb of Zeus and Jupiter
St. John's-wort
Suspicion and Superstition 
Devil’s Flight (Medieval) 
Charm against Evil Spirits
Sakaki, or Shinto Tree
Sacred Tree of Shintoism (Japanese)
Sakaki Branches
Farewell Gift to the Dead (Japanese)
Sardane, or Herha Sardonica
Irony, Scorn and Mockery
"I laugh at you!” (Sardinian) 
Sedum, or Stonecrop
Lover's Wreath
Persian Language of Flowers 
Flower Emblem of Ireland
Dedicated to St. Patrick 
Sheaf of Wheat
Symbol of Abundance 
Shooting Star
"You are my divinity!”
Snail Plant
Sluggishness and Stupidity 
Presumption and Desperation
Hope and Consolation
"Let us wait for better days!” 
Flower of January (Occidental) 
Emblem of Early Spring 
Dedicated to the Virgin Mary 
Symbol of Candlemas
Solomon's Seal
Concealment and Discretion 
"Our secret will be duly kept!”
Vedic Plant God of Vegetation 
Constancy and Perseverance 
Lover's Plant
Herb of Mercury (Astrological)
Speedwell, or Veronica 
Fidelity and Sanctity Emblem of St. Veronica
Spindle Tree
Ineffaceable Memory
"Your charm/s engraved in my heart!" 
Star of Bethlehem
Purity and Reconciliation
Straw, Broken
"Rupture of our union!” 
Intoxication and Delight
"You are delicious!”
Good Luck Gift to a Woman
Strawberry Leaves
Completeness and Perfection 
Homage and Devotion 
"My eyes see only you!” 
Symbol of the Sun (Incan) 
Flower Emblem of Peru
Sweet Basil
Poverty and Hate
Sweet Pea
Departure and Adieu
Sweet William
Gallantry, Finesse and Perfection
Love and Fertility
Mirth and Joy
Tree of Life (Egyptian)
Love and Beauty
Plant of Venus (Astrological)
'Easter Flower
Emblem of St. Athanasius
Tea Rose
"Our love will be fruitful!” (Selam)
Defiance and Surliness 
Flower Emblem of Scotland 
Dedicated to St. Anthony
Courage and Activity
Spontaneous Emotion
A staff entwined with Vine and Ivy topped by a Pine Cone
Symbol of Life and Fecundity (Semitic)
Emblem of Dionysus and Bacchus
Tiger Lily
Wealth and Pride
Symbol of Good Luck
Traveler's Joy
Rest, Safety and Playful Gaiety
Tree Peony
Love and Affection (Chinese)
Flower of March (Chinese) 
Emblem of Spring (Chinese) 
Dangerous Pleasures
Mistress of the Night (Malayan)
Flower Emblem of Persia
Symbol of the Perfect Lover (Persian)
"A declaration of love!” (Selam) 
Flower of Spring (Occidental) 
Flower Emblem of Holland 
Imagination and Dreaminess 
Herb of the Moon (Astrological)
Tulip Tree
Retirement and Rural Happiness 
Valerian, or Vandal Root
Dissimulation and Rupture Herb of Mercury (Astrological) Fatal Gift
Venus' Looking Glass
Flattery and Pride
"You are charming but somewhat haughty!"
Verbena, or Vervain
Wish-granting Herb (Persian)
Herb of Mars (Roman)
Enchantment and Affection 
Herb of Venus (Astrological)
Peace and Plenty (Semitic)
Emblem of the Chosen People (Hebrew)
Symbol of the Redeemer (Biblical) 
Emblem of the Christian Faith (Byzantine) 
Luck and Strength
Plant of the Sun (Astrological)
Vine 'Leaves
Mirth and Intoxication
Dedicated to Bacchus and Dionysus
Modesty and Simplicity
"I return your love!”
Flower of March (Occidental)
Good Luck Gift to a Woman 
Herb of Jupiter (Astrological)
Flower of Io (Greek)
Emblem of the French Bonapartists 
Friendship in Adversity Fidelity in Misfortune
Good Luck Gift to a Woman 
Hard Fate and Trickery
Bad Luck Gift to a Man
Walnut Twins
Symbol of Good Luck (Mediterranean)
Water Lily
Eloquence and Persuasion
Flower of July (Occidental)
Wild Rose
Simplicity and Modesty
"I shall follow you everywhere!” 
Wild Rue
"I like my independence!”
Wild Thyme
"You are careless and thoughtless!” 
Wild Vine
Poetry and Imagination
Forsaken and Slighted 
Love Grief and Mourning (Occidental) 
Powers of Resurgent Spring (Chinese) 
Patience and Perseverance (Japanese) 
Flower of November (Japanese)
Emblem of Meekness (Buddhist) 
Youth and Poetry (Japanese)
Flower of April (Japanese)
Emblem of Summer (Japanese) 
Wreath of Flowers
Flora's Diadem
Wreath of Fragrant Olives
Reward for Literary Merit (Chinese) 
Wreath of Hawthorn
Symbol of Marriage (Greek)
Wreath of Myrtle
Symbol of Marriage (Hebrew)
Wreath of Oak Leaves, or Civic Crown
Award for Saving a Life in Battle (Roman)
Wreath of Orange Blossoms
Symbol of Marriage and Fecundity (Saracen)
Wreath of Verbena 
Symbol of Marriage (Roman)
Wreath of Wheat
Flower Emblem of the Ukraine (Russian)
Wood Anemone
Maternal Love
Xeranthemum, or Eternal Flower
Eternity and Immortality
Disputes and Quarrels 
Yew Tree
Death, Grief and Sorrow
Faith and Resurrection (Celtic)
Witches Tree (Old English)
Nordic World Tree
"Yours until death!”
Thoughts about Absent Friends
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