
* * *Get a piece of paper and* * *
* * * * number it 1-4* * * *

1. YoU aRe WaLkInG tHrOuGh A fOrEsT. NaMe ThE fIrSt AnImAl YoU sEE.


2.YoU hAvE cOmE oUt Of ThE fOrEsT aNd YoU aRe StAnDiNg In FrOnT oF a WaLL. HoW tAll, ThIcK, aNd WiDe Iz ThAt WaLL?


3. YoU hAvE gOttEn PaSt ThAt WaLL aNd NoW yOu HaVe CoMe AcRoSS a BoDy Of WaTeR. WhAt KiNd Of BoDy Of WaTeR iZ iT? (ex: OcEaN, pOnD, lAkE...etc)


4. NoW yOu ArE oUt ShOppInG fOr A b-DaY pReSeNt FoR yOuR fRiEnD. YoU hAvE sEaRcHeD EVERYWHERE fOr A pArTiCuLaR iTeM, bUt YoU cAn'T fInD iT aNyWhErE. FInAllY yOu CoMe AcRoSS tHe LaSt OnE iN tHe WhOlE cItY, bUt JuSt As YoU rEaCh FoR iT, SoMeOnE eLsE sNaTcHeZ iT aWaY fRoM yOu. HoW oLd Iz ThAt PeRsOn?

* * * *


1. The characteristics of the animal you chose is how you believe others view you.


2. The wall represents your will power. The thickness is how strong it is, the length is how long it will hold up, and the height is how much it takes to get beyond it.


3. The body of water is how much love you have for others.


4. The age of the person who took your present is how old you are spiritually.

REMEMBER: None of this is true. It wuz just a fun thing to do.

HoMe All AbOuT mE MaH pIcZ

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