“Vegita,” a voice soothed.


“Vegita, wake up Vegita.”

“What… were am I?” He asked in a low tone. He didn’t even know why.

“Open your eyes Vegita, see for yourself!”

As he opened his eyes he sees nothing but black.

“Is this some kind of trick?” He yelled.

“No look over here, to your left.”

He was greeted by the sight of an enormous nightblue orb that was hovering peacefully less than six feet from him.

“What, what are you?” He asked.

The orb responded, “I am you and the one you call Kakarrotto.”

“What?” Vegita almost screamed, “I am myself, your talking nonsense!”

“Am I?”

“Yes! Kakarrotto left a long time ago. He had the Dragonballs absorbed into him”

“True, however I was here long before that.”

“Damn it! I was sleeping peacefully for once, and I have to be awakened feeling like crap only to talk to a nonsense orb?” Vegita yelled.

The orb laughed, “I see Vegita, let me explain myself. Do you remember when you and Kakarrotto had to fuse together with the Kaio-shin's earrings?”

“Yes what does that have to do with this?”

“Everything.” The orb remarked.

“What? Explain!” Vegita sneered.

“As you may or may not know, that fusion was never supposed to be undone. Your minds were to slowly come together and form into one so that you may better understand one another and that you may coexist in the same body.”

“So your saying you are…”

“Yes, I am the link that was brought alive by your fusion!”

“Then what does this have to do with me?”

“I am here to set you free on one condition, you due so for me first.”

“What? What the hell are you talking about?”

“Vegita, do you know why you were sleeping so ‘soundly’?”

“Yes I had finally become the strongest, even though Kakarrotto is somewhere out there.”

“Wrong, Vegita this is the reason.”

Another orb popped up into existence next to the larger one, howeverthis one was translucent. After a couple seconds it displayed an image of a person hooked up to a life support machine, and some people with very worried faces looming over him.

“Why.. That’s me!”

“What is this some sort of illusion?”

“No. That’s you lying there barley alive”

“Liar! That can’t be me! I’m at home sleeping, or rather here.” Vegita said enraged.

The orb seemed to sigh. “Wrong again, while you were sleeping your heart failed. Having not been able to die you were brought to the hospital eventually, when Bulma couldn’t wake you up,”

“So? I know I’m hard to wake up! We had this happen all the time she usually lets me lie in on the mornings I actually do sleep.”

“But, Vegita she rushed you to the hospital after nine days of nonstopsleeping.”

“What? How could that be?”

“Vegita, you should be dead right now...”

“Bull! I’m the greatest Fighter in the Universe!”
“Besides Goku…”

“Shut up!” Vegita clenched his teeth in rage.

“I don’t like being interrupted, let me explain the reasons why?” Itsaid calmly.

“Yes do so now! Before I lose my patience!” He demanded, Vegita could hardly contain himself at the thought of him dying from such a stupidcause.

“Goku has surpassed death, you have not. You were supposed to have died nine days ago. However Goku’s power kept you alive for he was unknowingly transmitting it to you through me.”

“So you’re telling me Kakarrotto's keeping me supposedly alive through you?” Vegita was mesmerized.

“Correct” The orb responded.

“So I’m remaining alive, big woop. I’ve cheated death my fair share oftimes.”

“No Vegita, you don’t seem to comprehend the situation. I’ve been transmitting massive waves of energy to keep you alive without my choice I’ve been constantly wracked with pain beyond your imagination. The worst part is I can’t die!” It seemed to say with much anguish.

“So you want me to kill you or as you say it set you ‘free’?” Vegita almost laughed.

“I take it you’re not willing to do it are you Vegita?” It said with asob.

“Hell no! I’m gonna survive and live on! You want me to nobly sacrifice myself for you?” This time he did laugh.
The orb seemed to stretch out and thin out over and over now, as if in anger.

“No, Vegita,” It boomed,” For your family, and your friends.”

“What do you mean by that?” Vegita questioned.

“Look into the seeing orb Vegita.” It commanded.
As he did so he saw Trunks, Gohan, and Goten trying to comfort Bulma who was crying unendingly despite their best efforts.

“Why? Why Him? Why now?” Bulma half choked through her tears.

“Bulma it’s going to be o.k.” Gohan assured her.

“Yeah, dad’s a survivor.” Trunks added in.

The only thing Bulma could do was keep crying.

“What? She would, care so much as to be by me while I supposedly die?” Vegita remarked.

“Yes, she would. She’s that type of person.” It said with a deep sadness.

“Well let’s not disappoint her, revive me now!” Vegita demanded simply,crossing his arms.

“No can do Vegita.” The orb pressed.

“What you would dare let her suffer? Right when you have me in front of you ready to blast you into oblivion if need be!” Vegita raged.

The orb seemingly sneered. “Vegita, do you know what you just said? It was quite noble but very blind and impossible also.”

“What are you talking about?” Vegita asked, powering up.
“You will do so or suffer far more that you can believe!”

“ No I won’t You can’t hurt me with your precious energy blasts.”

“Want to bet?” Vegita fired a shot at the orb, which went through it, without harm.

“Vegita calm down, you can’t hurt me. I am you remember?”
Vegita slowly powered down as he got a grip upon himself.

“What I said was noble was that you care so much for her now, before you had no know true emotions except for anger and fear. The impossible part is that I can’t revive you. I had barley enough energy to summon your conciseness here and that was only due to the relief that machine you are hooked up to gave me. If I was to draw the energy from Goku to revive you it would kill me and your soul might be lost into hell by the massive amount of purity his has. However if you kill me you die with dignity-“

“Bullshit!” Vegita sneered.

“Let me finish! And by dying with dignity you are left to end up in heaven.”

“What if I refuse to kill you?” Vegita smiled.

“Then you have Bulma there wither to death, by your hand and you die alone and are stuck in hell due to killing your lover and taxing upon a celestial being.”

“I see,” Vegita considered his decisions, “What if when I die they just revive me with the Namek Dragonballs?” Vegita said content with his intelligence at finding this flaw.

“That won’t happen you naturally died, your time is up by nine days.” The orb remarked, crushing Vegita’s plans.

“Oh great,” Vegita sneered. “ I have a choice to die all sooo nobly or rot in hell, hmm let me think that’s a tough choice.” He remarked sarcastically.

“Dying is always hard, but remember how Kakarrotto died almost continuously, but somehow ends up being so much more than you are.”

“What? You dare offend me? I am a friggin’ part of you! You are dust without me!” Vegita observed with rage renewed.
The orb could but laugh. “Vegita, think about it if you die I am free, and you are and Bulma... well I will take care of her for you.”

Vegita, with the remarks of Bulma going to be o.k. calmed down again almost immediately.

“So… That’s the price for freedom: my death, and Bulma’s well being.”

A pause…..

“ So you are willing to set me free?” The orb said anxiously.
Vegita sighted and did something he hadn’t done for along time, hecried.

“ Yes if death is the price of her then so be it. What must I do?”

“Simple, punch me.”

Vegita stood up, rose to his full height, Stood in front of the Orb and after a long moment Swung.As he did so, He remembered all the good times had:
all the victories,his actual wedding with Bulma
him playing with Trunks (if only a few times)
he remembered seeing the joy of life as death greeted him.

BEEEEPPPPPPP The machine resounded, and a doctor ran in.

“Everyone out, we need to save him!”

The doctor reached for the “shocker” machine he found a red eyed Bulma in his way.

“No doctor,” she choked “he’s gone, I just have….to..” she was trembling “ let go.” She then collapses on the floor from exhaustion.

*Later that night*

A golden form of Goku enters the hospital room were Vegita’s body lay.

(It had not been moved yet due to the policy of everyone paying their last respects before the cremation.)

“Vegita, I guess I’d never think of saying this to you but... I’ll miss you, you were one of the Universe’s best fighters.” He said with atear.

“You know Goku that all those insights and that love came from your pure spirit not his.”

“No Temporal, in your knowledge of him and me you have yet to learn that the love he had for his family couldn’t have come from me.” Gokusighed.

“So then it was….?”

“Yes, it was his completely choice to marry Bulma and to die for her.”

“Strange isn’t it then that humans could change such an enraged soul to such love. Pity though, that Bulma will never know of this.” Temporal remarked.

“No, I have a good feeling that she already knows.” Goku said satisfied.

-Elsewhere in the world-

In her bed Bulma wakes up with a startle, knowing that her husband wasn’t here to sooth her back to sleep. This made her cry again knowing that nothing could bring him back.

“Why dear God did he have to die?” She managed to squeak out.

I died, did I?

“Vegita? Is that you? Were are you?”

In front of you,

A thin glowing figure of Vegita appeared at the opposite wall restingon a chair.

“Vegita! I missed you!” Bulma tried to leap out of bed, but when she tripped over her own feet she found Vegita already carrying her.

“I.. I love you.”

I love you too.

Their kiss lasted several moments. But when she found him lying her back onto the bed she started up in alarm.

“No! You can’t leave me now not again!”

Oh but I must! I would wish to have years with you but I can not

“So then I lose you again” she sobbed.

Yes, but remember that all people die, I will wait for you at heaven’s gate.

“You will do that for…me?”


“I.. I …”

He soothed as he shut her eyes for her.


Author- Joey Pino

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