24 February 2004 (Thu)
The traffic, the talk, and the test

wow, grabe... first time in a long time na natraffic kami ni papa sa roxas! let's go back to the beginning...

we left the house and it was bad... st*pid workers sa entrance ng coastal just dug this st*pid hole near the entrance to coastal road. of course, filipino traffic being filipino traffic, it takes an average of 15 minutes to get through. (hey, tell the freakin' bus drivers to load their passengers elsewhere! they load beside the st*pid pit!

anyway, get through, it was great... being a wednesday and all (baclaran day), it was smooth sailing... then roxas... before we even got to baclaran, it was hell. ok, so it's a wednesday and the traffic's as normal as it can be. then, we noticed that it was crawling. "what the heck's up?!" got through the pedestrian overpass and whoah! puno ang edsa flyover! ok, it must be something like an accident... 15-30 minutes later, we get to the japanese embassy (at the bottom of said flyover) and we see the whole roxas filled with cars! what's up?! luckily, we were tuned it at 630... ted failon suddenly had an announcement: there was this thing going on at vito cruz and southbound lane was, get this, closed at rush hour. hmm... ok... if they closed down southbound because of an activity that did not have an advisory (and hey, it's free on AM radio which motorists do listen to), how the heck will everyone be on time?! (including me :(( )

hence, road trip kami ni papa... ended up going in libertad then harrison, then buendia, then some more side streets before ending up at vito cruz. finally. 25 minutes until class and it's the first time i've come in *this* late...

anyway... finally got to school and attended the lecture we were asked to go to. interesting siya and i have to react on it... siguro i'll do the paper tomorrow if i get back early :D gala! :D (sama noh? supposed to remember edsa and where will i be? ^^; sa mall... hey, supplies namin are low for the upcoming weekend activity haha)

>>ahem. afterwards, ate my beloved siomai with rice before we left for makati. thankfully (or is it ironically? *laughs*), the company we were going to had their building across from where i had my ojt... hmm... i see a trend here! *laughs* a 6-part exam later, with my brain giving me nausea, we got back to taft... only to find out na ayaw i-extend yung deadline ng thesis :(( kainis! we have to cram na tuloy... and ms. just texted kanina to ask when she'll see the docu :( haaay...

ang buhay estudyante... bow...

22 February 2004 (Tue)
Lost... again *laughs*

why is it when the gang goes for a drive, the gang always ends up getting lost along the way? :)) yep, happened to us again... was going to take an exam for a company today at the fort and for some reason, we couldn't find the freaking side street... lo and behold, we ended up exiting the fort and ending up at kalayaan avenue :)) in typical adventure style, "where's the u-turn slot?!" :))

so, finally getting there, we took exams... one comment for myself: should really study c/c++ again... as in from scratch! i totally forgot how to use c! :)) i kept thinking of codes in JAVA! hence, i was laughable on that exam hahaha! ahem... i'm so miserable... ^^;

the adventure continued as decided to take early dinner over at market market :) cool place, really :) given the fact that the whole place where the fort now stands used to be a golf course my dad was a member of... you can still see the grass ^^; yeah... nostalgia... i remember coming there - to bonifacio golf course - to pick up my dad from time to time or for business... but like all things, it doesn't last... enough with the nostalgia and reminiscing ^^; *chews on chips ahoy* man... hungry tuloy... aga kasing maghapunan! :))

got back to school for a slight "heart-to-heart" talk... some issues i've been having (or was it just me? :-?) was getting some closure... i hope it does, for all our sakes... *sigh* i won't elaborate on this just yet... other issues suddenly sprang up and i'm still dealing with it...

waiting for the shaman king replay... man, going to sleep real late again because of it ^^; not my fault i suddenly got hooked! hahah... good though... have one of my hobbies revived :)

all in all, i'm sleepy and damning tired... but shaman king is still my priority ;)) hihihi good night to all! :)

21 February 2004 (Mon)
One day later...

what's up? hmm... just got a little sentimental... we picked up our graduation pictures today and, well, it's almost time... just a few weeks to go and, poof! we're outta school ^^; *crosses fingers* thesis... thesis... dang it... :D i'll just worry about it when i get there, i guess ^^;

ended up sneaking on the tv when i got home and, lo! return of the king was on! *dances around* yep, still have the LOTR syndrome hahaha then for some reason, ghostbusters was on again... and finally, i discovered a new anime series that i think i will be following... *drum rolls* shaman king! :D *everyone just stares at me* whaaaaaat? *innocent smile* i know, i know... been showing for ages sa local tv and i can just pick it from an anime shop... but i never really liked dubs (right... what am i watching then? *laughs*) and i don't get home in time to see the local viewing so... tada! cable :D the magic of cartoon network here hehehe and to think i was losing interest in anime hahaha hey, don't blame me... nothing new to watch... thankfully, there was :D and it rocks! first episode and i'm hooked *chuckles*

anyway, gtg... have things to work on :)

20 February 2004 (Sun)
Blog #2

Haha... I opened a blog at another service. It means I'll be entering more stuff there (it's "private" haha) while I will post some of what I posted there :D (of course, I'll edit out some things that shouldn't be seen here :p

Want to see it? Let me know and I'll tell you where :)

18 February 2004 (Fri)
The Yesterday that was a day of surprises...

I would say that yesterday had been a day of eye-openers and challenges... I can't reveal the contents of my surprise here but they were indeed shocking...

For a long time, I haven't thought myself capable of being shocked but people in and outside of the family have. For better? Maybe for some... But it was nevertheless something that I was not expecting in the course of the present era... It was kinda disturbing but I hope I can help in my own ways.

I am being deliberately vague

08 February 2004 (Tue)
The "Misadventures" of Lee :))

Talk about a bad day... Not only did Kuya and I catch that stupid traffic over at Macapagal Ave. this morning, I just HAD to trip near my building... Luckily the jeep on the street was slow *blush* Lots of scrapes and bruises :( But otherwise I'm fine... Got nursed... Saya :D Got advanced birthday gifts din hahaha

So tired... Have homework... :( Til the next update ehehehe

06 February 2004 (Sun)
A trip to UP and to Eastwood

For the second time in my life, I ended up in the University of the Philippines (UP) campus... The first was for my entrance exam some four odd years ago, today was the second to watch a play :D Was interesting... Not to mention a little bit adult-themed but 'twas ok ;))

Afterwards, my barkada got sidetracked to Eastwood for lunch... and got some bad service while we were at it *sweatdrops* Oh well... That's life for me and my friends sometimes hahaha First time I've been there and I gotta say that it reminds me of Baywalk, ATC, and Glorietta rolled into one :)) The shops looked superb anyway :D

Commuted home 'coz papa was lazy to pick me up again *chuckles* Got back a little after 4PM. Laugh trip but fun and it was worthwhile. A few problems along the way (AHEM... who came in late, I wonder? :D Just kidding to that person! *hugz*) Not to mention we almost got lost again *laughs*

The story of our exploration days. Bow.

05 February 2004 (Sat)
Saturday blues... :D

Been trying to convince myself to sleep hehehe Was tagging some time ago for the thesis... New corpus to tag soon enough :D hihihi But enough of school ;) Or maybe not :D Gotta sleep early... Have to go to UP tomorrow to watch a play for LITERA... not to mention I have to write a paper for the same subject ;))

So, what's up, you may ask :D Stress galore hahaha! what's new? Last Feb. 1, papa celebrated his 64th birthday with us :) Tanda na pero kaya pa rin! Then we got our results from T.M. (won't tell you which company except for the initials... might get into trouble ;)) ) stating that we got accepted for another interview next month... Have to study @.@ amidst my studies @.@ Do I even make sense? 8-}

I so wanna rant about other things but this is not the right place nor the right time :( *sigh* Konting tiis na lang, pwede na siguro ;)) Haaay....

So many things to do, so little time...