Awards I've Won

This award means a lot, because I love Seren's site and her fic. And, of course, it never hurts to get Willow's seal of approval.
This is especially cool, since Camille's the one who got me doing web pages. So if you don't like this page, it's all her fault. *g*
art by Joe Bennett for Dark Horse Comics
Dianna writes the coolest fics. It's so nice to get awards from people I worship. And she's a anime fan. There is no bad here.
How fitting is it that I win an award from a Willow/Xander site on Valentine's Day? I think it's the Gods talking. Joss? You listening?
An award from someone who is an amazing writer in his own...uhm, right. I'm all giddy.
Yay me! Proof that I know too much about Willow and Xander.
Marie's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Links
Yay! Another award! This one's from Sonja - a fellow Washingtonian and, of course, ASH lover.

Equal Romance Ranma 1/2 Sailor Moon Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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