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[New!]Compassion in Action, Meditation in Action

Tour Announcement

This is to announce that Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena will be visiting Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar and later on Europe and USA. He is the Founder and President of a humanitarian and spiritual welfare organization, the Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC) in Ladakh, an Indian Himalayan region on the Tibetan Plateau. Any interested individuals or groups who would like to meet with Ven. Sanghasena or arrange for him to speak about MIMC, the teachings of the Buddha, or charitable work, please contact the schedule coordinator by email. For Europe or USA contact vensang03@yahoo.com. For Asia contact mimcdevachen@hotmail.com or Ven. Sanghasena directly by post or telephone at MIMC. For those to whom Ven. Sanghasena is already known, he would be especially happy for the opportunity to meet you again.

About MIMC:

Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre offers Dhamma teachings and meditation courses for all the seekers of truth and lovers of peace.

The residential school offers education, housing and food, medical treatment, and all necessities free of charge to underprivileged children from remote regions of Ladakh.

The 50-bed charitable Hospital offers advanced medical treatment free of charge to those in need. Regular medical camps (eye surgery, dental, acupuncture) are organized to serve those in remote villages.

The home for the elderly as well as physically and mentally handicapped individuals is the first and only such home in Ladakh. It offers a comfortable living area as well as care and affection for those who have no one to look after them.

The nunnery is a model for the region with excellent facilities for dharma study under qualified resident and visiting teachers. Generally nuns in Ladakh have little opportunity for religious training and little community support.

Adult Women’s Literacy Project: Women in rural villages are given skills and knowledge for their empowerment through education and handicraft training classes.

About Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena: Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena is a Ladakhi monk who trained in Theravada tradition of Buddhism under a renowned Indian Buddhist master Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita who is the founder of Mahabodhi Society in Bangalore, South India. Many young men and women in the Himalayan region of Ladakh grow up with few opportunities or choices in life. Like others, Ven. Sanghasena grew up on a small farm with almost no schooling and then joined the Indian Army at a young age. But he found his true calling in the study and practice of the Buddha’s teachings. Since becoming a monk, he has strived tirelessly to put the Buddha’s teachings of compassion into action through multifarious charitable humanitarian works scattered over 210 acres of moon like desert land. He has also made the meditation techniques of the Buddha available to the common people of Ladakh through donation-based intensive vipassana retreats. Compassion in action and meditation in action are the guiding principles of his work. Ven. Sanghasena is also current executive President of the Maha Bodhi Society in Bangalore. These two (MIMC and MBS) organizations bring a wealth of education and opportunity to the people of Ladakh. MIMC is a non-sectarian, non-profit institution dedicated to inter-faith harmony and understanding. Ven. Sanghasena is very eager to meet his old Dharma friends and supporters as well as to make new ones. Those interested to meet or have him address an audience should please ensure that your event is an appropriate venue for a Buddhist monk and is concerned with the spread of truth and understanding and / humanitarian works. He will also be carrying slide pictures and photographs of the various activities of the MIMC and also pictures and slides on the land, people, temples, religious customs and festivals of Ladakh. We also welcome those who would like to volunteer by organizing this trip in given regions. For more information about MIMC and Ven. Sanghasena, please visit our homepage at www.oocities.org/mahabodhi.geo From the office of: Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre, Post Box 22, Devachan, Leh-Ladakh194101, INDIA, and Tel: +91-1982-48052/44155 Email: mimcdevachen@hotmail.com

Tour Schedule:

Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre: Leh, Ladakh, 03 April, to 18 Nov, 02 Singapore: 22-27 Nov Meeting of the Executive Committee World Buddhist Sangha Council. C/o: Singapore Buddhist Federation, Tel: 7444159,Fax: 7473618 27 Nov to 02 Dec: C/o Mr. Chen Chong Tay, Hand Phone: (65) 96934893. E-mail: ctay@warburgpincus.com Malaysia: Johor: (1) 02-05 December 02,C/o Ven: Seck Cheng Yeow, Tel No: 07-472052 Kuala Lumpur: (2) 05-08 December 02, C/o Ven. Dhamma Sakaro, Asarama Dhammapala, Buddhist Loge, Lot PT 4527, Jalan TS 1/9, Taman, Semarak, 71800 ‘Nilai’ N, Sembilan, Malaysia, Tel: 06-7996698, e-mail: dhammapa@tm.net.my Selangor: 9-13 Dec: The 13th General Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth Myanmar: 13-30 December, 2002, C/: Ven. Ashin Nanissara Sitagu International Buddhist Academy Sagainng Hills.Tel: 072-21611, 21270. Delhi, North India: 01-January-22-Februry-03 C/o Mahabodhi Delhi Office, Tel: ++91-11-6165017, Fax: ++91-11-6062978. Bangalore, South India: 26-Febuary – 17- March 03 C/o: Mahabodhi Society, Tel:91-80-2250684 Fax: 91-80-2264438, Email: mahabodhi@vsnl.com Europe: 22 March-1 May 03 Contact person: Gertrud Elser, Tel: (O): 0841/4934321, (M) 0178/4934302 (R) : 0841/3709385: C/o: Sebastrian, Tel: ( R) : 0841/3709385 (M): 0178/3840155 e-mail: bastoe@web.de C/o: Mr.Heinz Roiger.Munich, Germany Tel: +49-8142-53450 E-mail: HR_PR@compuserve.com C/o: Buddha House, Uttenbuhl Tel: 49-8376-502 E-mail: winfried.boehler@t-online.de, Switzerland contact persons: Mdmd. Helen Berger, Tel: 0041-61-313-63-04, e.mail: myouju@bluewin.ch Ms. Ruth Kunz, Tel: 0041-61-401-1387, e.mail: ruth.kunz@intergga.ch *USA: 03 May-02 June 03 C/o: (1) Hsi Lai Temple, 3456 S. Glenmark Drive, Hacienda heights, CA, 91745 Tel: 626-923-5150 (2) Hsi Lai University.1409 N. Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, CA, 91770,Tel: (626) 571-8811 (3) Santa Barbabara San Francisco Bay Area Ladakh, North India: 07 June onwards: Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre Post Box No 22, Leh-Ladakh, 194101, India Tel: +91-1982-48052,44155, Email: mimcdevachen@hotmail.com *The USA trip is yet to be confirmed. The following dates are booked and engaged 28,29, 30 March 03 at Uttenbuhl, Buddha Haus, e-mail: winfried.Boehler@t-online.de, 3 to 6 April 03. Kwan Yin festival at Gottengen, e-mail: avatara_devi@hotmail.com 27 April 03 at Frankfurt e-mail: ute.prema@t-online.de

[New!]Spring '03: Ven. Sanghasena Visits Europe!

Compassion in Action

Tour Announcement

Dear Friends, Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena will be visiting Europe from March 20 to May 1 (dates subject to change). He is the founder and president of a humanitarian welfare organization, the Mahabodhi International Meditation Center (MIMC) in Ladakh, an Indian Himalayan region on the Tibetan Plateau. Any interested individuals or groups who would like to meet with Ven. Sanghasena or arrange for him to speak about MIMC, the teachings of the Buddha, or charitable work, please contact the schedule coordinator by email at vensang03@yahoo.com or Ven. Sanghasena directly by post or telephone at MIMC. For those to whom Ven. Sanghasena is already known, he would be especially happy for the opportunity to meet you again.

About MIMC:

The residential school offers education, housing and food, medical treatment, and all necessities free of charge to underprivileged children from remote regions of Ladakh.

The 50 bed hospital offers advanced medical treatment free of charge to the needy. Regular medical camps (eye surgery, dental, acupuncture) are organized to serve those in remote villages.

The home for the elderly as well as physically and mentally handicapped is the first and only such home in Ladakh. It offers a comfortable living area as well as care and affection for those who have no one to look after them.

The nunnery is a model for the region with excellent facilities for dharma study under a qualified resident teacher (Geshe). Generally nuns in Ladakh have little opportunity for religious training and little community support.

The Women’s Literacy Project aims to empower rural women with skills and knowledge for better opportunities.

The Ladakh Project and Desert Development Project provides a model for the region in sustainable, ecological development and desert irrigation.

About Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena: Venerable Sanghasena is a Ladakhi monk who trained under Ven. Acharya Buddharakkhita in Bangalore, South India. Many young men and women in the Himalayan region of Ladakh grow up with few opportunities or choices in life. Like others, Ven Sanghasena grew up on a small farm with almost no schooling and then joined the Indian Army at a young age. But he found his true calling in the study and practice of the Buddha’s teachings. Since becoming a monk, he has strived tirelessly to put the Buddha’s teachings of compassion into action through charitable humanitarian work. He has also made the meditation techniques of the Buddha available to the common people of Ladakh through donation-based intensive vipassana retreats. Ven. Sanghasena is the current president of the Mahabodhi Society in Bangalore as well as MIMC, Ladakh. These two organizations bring a wealth of education and opportunity to the people of Ladakh. MIMC is a non-sectarian institution dedicated to inter-faith harmony and understanding.

Tour Schedule:

So far Ven. Sanghasena has a fixed schedule in Gottingen, Germany on April 4-6, 2003. He also plans to visit Switzerland and other countries as opportunities develop. He is very eager to meet his old dharma friends and supporters as well as to make new ones. Those interested to meet or have him address an audience should please ensure that your event is an appropriate venue for a Buddhist monk and is concerned with the spread of truth and understanding and/or humanitarian work. We also welcome those who would like to volunteer by organizing his trip in a given region. For more information about MIMC and Ven. Sanghasena, please visit our homepage at www.oocities.org/mahabodhi.geo. Thank you for your kind attention May all beings be happy and well! Mahabodhi International Meditation Center P.O. Box 22, Devachan, Leh Ladakh, India, 194101 Tel: 91-1982-48052/44155 In case of urgent need to contact Ven. Sanghasena, please contact Mr. Daya at the Delhi office: tel: 91-11-6165017 Fax:91-11-6162978 email: mimc@ndb.vsnl.net.in For general inquiries about the tour, email vensang03@yahoo.com

[New!]New Non-Profit Tax I.D. for MIMC. As of March 8, 2002 Mahabodhi International Meditation Center has permission to receive tax-exempt donations for all its charitable projects under section 80-G of the Income Tax Act of 1961. The reference (file) number with worldwide authorization is: F.No : CIT/JMU/Tech/II/5249 Exemted u/s 80-G of Income tax Act, 1961 Valid from 08/03/2002 to 31/03/2005
[New!]June 26, 2002: First Graduation Ceremony for Mahabodhi Residential School This year on June 26th, the Mahabodhi Residential School and the whole community of Devachan honored the first class of “graduates”, students who have passed the tenth class and are moving on to higher education elsewhere. The Mahabodhi students achieved a 93% success rate in their government exams (compared to 22% overall in Ladakh). Eleven girls have gone to Bangalore to BNM women’s college, and one of these girls may transfer to school in Singapore, thanks to the kind efforts of a sponsor family. The two boys will study in Chandigarh, and one girl will continue her education in Leh. It is an important event for Mahabodhi, this first graduation ceremony. We are very proud of our students’ good results thus far; we have great faith in their abilities and potential for future excellence. These students are excellent not only in academic performance, but in their development as human beings: their moral outlook and strength of character. We send them as ambassadors into the world with our deep love and best wishes and prayers, knowing that they will continue to work for the benefit of Mahabodhi, for Ladakh, and for all beings. The higher education for our graduating students will no doubt be costly in financial terms, but we are certain that the future of Ladakh depends on giving them the quality education they deserve. In 2004 these students will be ready for university level education. We hope our compassionate supporters will step forward to help us in the task of finding them sponsors, suitable school, and homes for their higher education.
[New!]MIMC Photo Album is here. It contains some of the most memorable pictures since MIMC's establishment.

[New!] MIMC Newsletter Volume – I – No. 4 – Fall - 2001 is now available for download in Winword (doc) format !


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MIMC is registered under the Indian Government Societies Registration Act.
Send mail to
mahabodhi.geo@yahoo.com or mimc@del2.vsnl.net.in to contact MIMC.
Send mail to
chen_chong_tay@hotmail.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: July 9, 2002