Technical data




Mars operation




The Showdown - Earth Orbit




On the way to Earth




The life after the Rain

Escape from Earth - to the stars.




Khyron's personality




Azonia's personality




Links to related sites, contact info

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Lord Khyron KravesheraCloning sequence: Kamijin Kraveshera/Quamzin Kreveshna

Vocal chord pattern: Greg Snegoff

Primary skills: Battle tactics, Fighter piloting;

Secondary skills: Hand-to-hand combat

Techno-tactical characteristics: High learning abilities, quick decision-making, rich piloting potential, authoritarian leadership. Tends to independent operation.

Glaug Officer podPreferred Mecha: Glaug officer pod, Nousjaedul-Ger Male Power armorNosjaedul-Ger male power armor

Social status: Warlord

Rank: Captain

Position: Commander of the 7th Mechanized infantry Space division

Physical data

Age (Earth years): 15 (he doesn't look like a teenager, but he thinks like one)

Height (meters): 16.6

Weight (metric tons): 8


Commander Azonia LaplamizCloning sequence: Lap Lamiz

Vocal chords pattern: Alexandra KenworthyQueadlunn-Rau female power armor

Primary skills: Strategic command

Secondary skills: Fighter piloting;

Preferred mecha - Quaedlunn-Rau Female Power Armor

Techno-tactical characteristics: Advanced intelligence, high strategic abilities, collegial leadership.

Social status: Warlord

Rank: Commander

Position: commander of the Meltran fleet

Physical data:

Height (meters): 16.0

Weight (metric tons): 6.8

Age (Earth years): 48 (yes 48, macronized Zentraedi do not physically age). Back to the top


The Warrior

My first home was a Zentraedi cloning tank. My second home was deep space. My third home will be yours.Though passionate and impulsive, Khyron always calculates his plans carefully and doesn't allow heart to interfere with brain. Thanks to his unstandard tactics he was usually victorious and quickly achieved a high position in the Zentraedi army-society - the rank of a division commander. In his fleet there is one Queadol Magdomilla command ship, six Thuvert Salan-class cruisers, four transports and several hundred assault craft of different classes (mainly Regults and tri-thrusters). However, he was denied the use of more advanced weaponry, like Rineunadou Lojmeuean reflex cannon platforms, probably because Zentraedi High Command didn't trust his sense of discipline. Indeed, Khyron often disregards subordination and, once defeated by the Micronians on Mars, swears to destroy SDF-1 no matter what orders received from his superiors.


First Appearance

The 7th Mechanized space division has arrived. We're reporting as ordered, BreetaiAs Khyron first enters the scene he effectively shatters the common image of Zentraedi as soulless war machines. When Exedore hears that Breetai ordered Khyron's infamous 7th Mechanized infantry Space division to stage the Mars base Sara ambush, he reminds the commander how Khyron got drunk once and wiped out two friendly divisions while successfully destroying the enemy. This probably was habitual to Khyron, and earned him an unpleasant nickname All right, Commander, what is it you want us to do?of "The Backstabber" among his own troops.

Khyron immediately proves his singularity - cruisers of the 7th defold too close to Breetai's fleet, and four ships collide, though no severe damage is done. The warlord appears on screen, his looks as uncommon as his actions - bright blue hair and light purple skin, the color evident in no other Zentraedi. He wears a brown uniform and a high-collar cape of traditional Botoru battalion dark green. As Khyron with shocking impertinence reports to Breetai of the division's arrival, Grel, his executive officer, accidentally reveals that, to the fury of Exedore, he made a bet with Khyron on how many ships will be rammed upon defold! Breetai, however, doesn't accept the humor of the situation and threatens to take away Khyron's command if he stages any more games. The Commander then proceeds to outline the operation for capturing SDF-1 on Mars.


Mars Operation

Gerao, are those gravity mines ready yet?After examining Sara, a Micronian Mars base abandoned after the Global civil war, the Zentraedi activate the communications system and plant powerful gravity mines in hopes to capture SDF-1 when it will descend to investigate sudden activity in a supposedly empty base.

Khyron positions his troops in a gorge near Base Sara, while executive officer Gerao buries his scout pod close to the SDF-1 landing site to monitor micronians and gravity mines. Soldiers grow very nervous because of long waiting, but the mines haven't accumulated full power yet. One trooper breaks up and launches his pod to intercept the enemy; Khyron is infuriated by disobedience and personally shoots him down to prevent detection. The explosion is detected nevertheless; soon a micronian recon plane flies over the gorge and reports thousands of battlepods ready to attack. SDF-1 tries to take off, but the gravity mines are now at full power; without the main engines the fortress is helpless and Khyron gives permission to attack.I Hate to Loose a Fight! But we will meet again, and next time I'll win...

Very well, you have permission to attack!In his deadly Glaug officer pod Khyron leads a blitzkrieg assault on the fortress. Weak destroid opposition is quickly exterminated by highly maneuverable Regults; Khyron attacks the Veritech squadrons, success within his reach. Unfortunately, one micronian was able to explode the Base's core reactor; gravity mines and many battlepods are destroyed by the blast, and SDF-1 escapes. Khyron is enraged by the defeat and swears vengeance.



Mars Orbit

After his defeat on Mars, Khyron is ordered to block SDF-1 on its way to Earth; enraged by the Micronians' continuous resistance, he launches several assault waves but still fails to shatter the fortress' defence. Khyron sees that a new tactic is needed to achieve victory.

This is the last thing you'll see!Despite Exedore's disapproval, Breetai insists that SDF-1 must be captured intact, though the reason for such order is yet unknown to the Commander. He specifically forbids Khyron any attacks on the battlefortress. However, the reckless warlord deceives his superior by performing a series of innocent-looking training maneuvers which end up as a direct assault on the micronian ship. As Zentraedi approach SDF-1 under cover of a radar jamming system, a squad leader asks Khyron if such an operation was approved by high command, and has his squad immediately appointed as He cannot recall me.... he cannot!a decoy group to lure the Veritech forces away from the battlefortress. While this task is successfully carried out, Khyron with core units attacks from behind, justifying his nickname. The defence of slow-moving destroids is wiped out, leaving only a few Veritech squadrons in protection, Rick Hunter leading one of them. Khyron selects him as his prey, and a lightning duel takes place; Hunter's Veritech is severely damaged, battlepods are demolishing the remnants of opposition, when Breetai, furious at Khyron's disobedience, decides to override the 7th division's mecha controls and withdraw all pods from the obviously won battle. By taking victory from Khyron's hands, Breetai earns himself a devoted enemy.

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A little warningIf we will fire the warning shot right there.... it might accidentally hit the ship's radar...

I'm ordered to fire a warning shot across the bowel of SDF-1.... I'm planning something else.Breetai plans to simulate an artillery barrage on SDF-1 to frighten Micronians and make them surrender the fortress. Khyron's fleet is among those ordered to fire warning shots, but he is willing to strengthen the warning by "accidentally" taking out the SDF-1 long range radar. Just when captain Gloval becomes convinced that the Zentraedi do not intend to harm SDF-1, Khyron moves his Queadol Magdomilla command cruiser in range and fires its main gun. Even the combined effort of three pin-point defence barriers can't withstand the awesome energy blast, and the radar tower is demolished.

Though this was against Breetai's intentions, the Commander and Exedore agree that it was indeed a far more effective warning. From their point of view, Khyron finally did something right. To check if the micronians will continue to fight after such a demonstration of force, Breetai sends a group of battlepods near the fortress. Unsupported, the group is quickly destroyed by the defenders.


----Enter Meltrandi

Azonia LaplamizDolza, angered that the micronian prisoners have managed to escape, relieves Breetai of command and places Meltran fleet commander Azonia in charge of the whole operation. Once again the image of Zentraedi is shattered - this time by the appearance of beautiful (by RT standards) females on their side.Miriya Paarino

Azonia Laplamiz is not as stern and unemotional as she looks like. Though doing her best to support an image of a cold-hearted effective commander, she is not accustomed to dealing with Zentraedi males, and is confused when the Supreme commander suddenly appoints her as leader of the Sol fleet group. Since placing spies on SDF-1 is now Azonia's responsibility, she orders Miriya, leader of the elite Meltrandi Quadrano squadron, to break through SDF-1's defences and plant the capsule with three micronized spies somewhere inside the battlefortress. Azonia offers a diversionary barrage to aid Miriya, but the beautiful ace refuses any support for such an easy task. And indeed, the task proves to be a cakewalk as Miriya's agile and deadly Queadlunn-Rau female power armor dodges several Veritech patrols, blazes through destroid screens, tears a hole in SDF-1's armor and throws the capsule inside. The first stage of the intelligence operation is a success and adds to Miriya's ego.


Earth Orbit

Moving at maximum speed the micronian ship will penetrate our net  and escape... are we going to sit with our arms folded while they get away? Order the squadron to increase speed and attack!SDF-1 is moving towards Earth, Azonia's fleet keeps it surrounded yet doesn't attack according to High Command's orders. Khyron is baffled by such attitude, and plans to stop the battlefortress before it reaches the micronian planet. He orders a direct fleet attack - something never used before in fears of damaging the SDF-1, since Zentraedi capital ships mount weapons easily capable of penetrating the pin-point barrier system, as Khyron proved with his "warning You fool! Dolza has given you no authority whatsoever to destroy the micronian ship! As commander of this force I order you to cease the attack, or you'll find yourself under Zentraedi guns.shot".

The division moves into firing range. Several ships are damaged by the battlefortress' reflex cannon, but the second wave opens fire and wrecks havoc upon SDF-1. Another salvo and the fortress will cease to exist... This forces Azonia to mount a desperate attempt to stop Khyron by whatever means necessary. She blocks Khyron's line of fire by the Meltran fleet and threatens to destroy him if he refuses to abort the attack. Under aim of Meltran guns Khyron watches helplessly as SDF-1 descends towards Earth. Once again victory was taken from his hands, this time by a female commander whom he promises to hate forever. But promises are made to be broken...

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Battle cry

Destroy every one of those inferior micronians!As SDF-1 is forced to land in the ocean by the Earth authorities, Khyron prepares a new offensive against Azonia's orders. His Queadol Magdomilla command cruiser's bow section, housing an attack force of battlecraft, detaches and speeds towards Earth. This time Azonia is curious about Khyron's plans and, instead of recalling him immediately, decides to wait and observe his actions. Nevertheless, she orders Quadronos to follow Khyron in case things get out of hand.

The rapidly descending bow section is observed by Earth defence forces, and an array of missiles is launched to destroy it. However, conventional warheads are useless against Zentraedi armor. To Grel's surprise, Khyron refuses a counterattack on missile silos - the main obective is not the micronian planet but the battlefortress.

When the bow section reaches SDF-1, Khyron deposits two assault groups - battlepods to fight on surface and tri-thrusters to take care of the Veritech squadrons, himself leading the first group. Micronian defensive formations are soon overwhelmed and penetrated in several places; battlepods are swarming the battlefortress, annihilating veritechs right on launch pads. Azonia decides not to take chances and orders Miriya to stop Khyron while not fighting the micronians herself. But the arrogant and bloodthirsty Quadrano leader decides otherwise - to actually assist Khyron in his plan.

Violation of my orders? But I havent done anything to these miserable micronians... at least, not yet... in the centuries to come, if any of them are left alive, they whill speak with terror the name KHYRON!!!   (Azonia): Don't joke with me, turn back!Khyron, however, appears to have something else in mind, and when ordered by Azonia to abort the attack, surprisingly agrees and recalls his forces. But not before making sure Gerao didn't forget about the little souvenier for the micronian friends...

Azonia dispatches a group of landing craft, and as Khyron's troops evacuate under water, suddenly the Queadol bow section, operated by remote control, starts moving on a collision course with SDF-1. If not for a last-second Daedalus maneuver, the battlefortress would've been destroyed; even then the Daedalus (SDF-1's right "arm") broke through the Queadol hull and, errously launching missiles on the other side, damaged several veritechs. Your ego will be the cause of your ultimate destruction, Miriya.

Khyron's plan has failed, and Azonia's sarcastic remarks add to his helpless fury.

Miriya is upset by Khyron's, and partly her own, failure; in reply to her mockeries Khyron proclaims that micronians boast a better pilot than she. Miriya decides to ignore Azonia's orders and attack the SDF-1 to destroy the micronian ace.

The Meltran command cruiser descends to the Earth surface, and Miriya, along with several Quadrano wingmen, approaches the battlefortress. As Veritech squadrons scramble for defence, she orders her fighters to attack, and waits until the ace shows himself. Indeed soon he does, and the two master pilots clash in a fearful fight, which continues inside SDF-1. Khyron was right - the micronian manages to defeat Miriya; furious, she promises to kill him no matter what the cost.

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Bursting Point

Are you serious? Miriya, why would an excellent pilot like you want to become a micronian spy?Upon return to the Meltran fleet, Miriya approaches Azonia and requests permission to become a micronian spy. The commander is astonished that her best pilot wishes to trade the noble art of war for living among the loathsome micronians; Miriya, of course, doesn't mention that she disobeyed her superior and was defeated by a micronian, and Azonia grants her the necessary permission. The plan to plant micronized Miriya is similar to the one previously executed, but there is one unpredictable interference...

When SDF-1 reaches the Earth's populated areas, Khyron sees it as the perfect time to strike, but Azonia informs him of the High Command's orders, which make clear that there is to be no attacks on the battlefortress whatsoever until the intelligence operation is over. Enraged by yet another denial, Khyron slams off the video comm and decides to resort to his habitual disobedience.

He devises a plan truly worthy of his military talent. The Zentraedi already learned that micronians care a great deal about their planet, and especially about civilian lives, so Khyron decides to bring the fight directly to the densely populated areas of Ontario quadrant, where SDF-1 has been allowed to land. He assigns a strike force to penetrate Earth atmosphere and place electronic counter-measures equipment to cover the approach of Zentraedi capital ships. The strike force consists of tri-thrusters, since Regult battlepods woud not survive the rapid descent through atmosphere. The capital ships, led by Grel, are to maneuver at extra low altitudes and use the terrain, along with ECM, for stealth approach. Khyron, as usual, will lead the strike force, in his Glaug with an attached armored booster to allow transorbital maneuvers.

Acknowledging the faultless plan, Grel nevertheless is worried, but not about micronian opposition. His commanding officer completely ignores superiors, and Keep your shields up and fire when ready... let's get them now!sooner or later there will be trouble. Yet Grel again risks his military career and supports Khyron in this dangerous endeavour.

The tri-thrusters swarm out of landing bays and speed towards SDF-1, which hovers above the city of Ontario. Recognizing the great danger to civilians, Gloval scrambles all Veritech squadrons, and the sky is immediately full of fighters, missiles, shells and explosions. Zentraedi activate the radar jammers, and under their protective screed Grel's ships descend towards Earth.

Not far from the enormous firefight, a lone Queadlunn-Rau approaches the battlefortress. In its manipulator is a capsule with micronized Miriya, bent on finding the enemy ace and destroying him. The simple task of planting the capsule inside SDF-1 is complicated by Khyron's attack, since all micronian Air Force seems to be scrambled to defend the fortress. On the other hand, the attack is a perfect diversion, and there are no Veritech patrols, so the capsule is planted without even engaging in dogfights and Miriya begins her mission.

Khyron orders Grel to move the cruisers into firing range and makes sure fire is to be opened only once he gets back aboard the Queadol Magdomilla. Getting caught in the crossfire is obviously not in Khyron's plans.

Lets get out of here before we're all dead!When Khyron's safely back on the bridge, Grel reports strange energy activity around the battlefortress, which appears to be some form of a new omnidirectional barrier system uncommon to Zentraedi. But there is no turning back, and Khyron orders full artillery barrage. Regrettably the Command cruiser's main gun was lost with its bow section, but hundreds of heavy particle beam turrets would be enough for the fortress' destruction. Yet after the first salvo SDF-1 appears undamaged; baffled, Khyron orders the barrage to continue, and moves cruisers to closer range for maximum effect. Blast after blast, and soon the barrier begins to lose power; in a desperate attempt to stop the Zentraedi, Veritechs attack the cruisers, but it is too late - the barrier system is severely overloaded and explodes. The energy barrier transforms into a great mass of subatomic particles; out of control, it expands, annihilating everything on its way - veritechs, tri-thrusters, city blocks, and several Zentraedi cruisers. Khyron orders immediate withdrawal, saving his own life and the majority of his fleet. Among micronian casualties there are Ben Dixon and the whole city of Ontario.

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Battle Hymn

You say there's chaos aboard Breetai's cruiser? So, everyone's losing their minds about what's happening on the battlefortress, eh.... I'm going to destroy the micronians and their robotech ship.Grel reports to Khyron that the three spies, recently returned from SDF-1, are wrecking havoc upon Zentraedi morale onboard Breetai's flagship. The commander has a hard time believing his XO, since psychological warfare was unheard among the Zentraedi (only Supreme commander Dolza and his trusted advisors carried knowledge of an ancient culture which almost destroyed the Zentraedi society). Soon, however, Grel's claims will be proven right before Khyron's unbelieving eyes.

Dolza has already recognized the danger which the Zentraedi society was facing; he becomes convinced that micronians discovered the secrets of Protoculture, and reveals to Breetai that after scientific evaluation of the micronian species has been completed all earthlings must be annihilated. To accomplish the first stage of this plan, Dolza orders Breetai to capture several micronians for examination.

While leaders discuss important matters, rumors of the pleasureful micronian society spread fast among Zentraedi troops. Bron, Rico and Konda convince the micronization chamber operator to micronize them and, along with many other soldiers, plan to defect during the oncoming attack on SDF-1.Blasting away!

Breetai and Exedore decide to make use of SDF-1's common Daedalus maneuver. A small fleet of 30 ships move towards SDF-1 and surrounds it; Khyron's battlepods blast out and engage the veritech defence squadrons. The flagship alone approaches the battlefortress, provoking the Daedalus attack. As Daedalus breaks through the flagship's bow section and opens, the trap springs - dozens of battlepods emerge from their ambushes, crush the unsuspecting destroids and enter SDF-1. Veritechs are withdrawing to help defend the fortress; behind them, 7th division battlepods slide inside unnoticed. "This is too easy", murmurs Khyron as his forces begin demolishing micronian defenders.

Zentraedi soldiers are totally confused; they do not know whether to shoot at the enemy or admire the micronian way of life. Near the concert hall, two battlepod pilots stare in amazement at singing Minmay, whom they've seen in a form of a tiny doll. The awkward psychological balance is broken by Hunter, who attacks the unsuspecting, shocked Zentraedi and bravely kills them.

She's not a missile, sir, she's a micronian girl! The most incredible creature any of us has ever seen!The only Zentraedi inside SDF-1 who remain loyal and ignore the micronian wonders are those from the 7th Mechanized. Khyron annihilates one defence screen after another, joyous that at last he has been allowed to lay waste upon the hated micronians. Soon his forces meet one of the defecting groups, who report that they're wandering around the city in search of Minmay. Khyron, who of course has no knowledge of the girl singer, perplexely asks what missile type are the soldiers talking about and sends them into a burst of uncontrollable laughter. Embarassed, Khyron angrily demands an explanation, and finally understands that the soldiers are looking for a micronian female. This stuns him; one of the pilots can't stop laughing, and, enraged, Khyron shoots at him. Suddenly all battlepods begin to scatter, probably aware of the commander's infamous nickname. Completely baffled, Khyron chases them, trying to find out If we let the traitors get away with this, we might just as well surrender to the micronians!why would Zentraedi warriors want to see an earthling singer; hearing that soldiers prefer the micronian way of life, he becomes convinced that they've gone mad and begins to destroy the insane defectors.

When Breetai receives a report from Lord Khyron that desertion is spreading among the Zentraedi ranks, he is surprised, angered, and frightened. Robotech Masters were right: the micronians indeed possess strange powers, and any future attacks are useless unless a way to overrule these powers is found. Breetai orders total withdrawal, and demands that Khyron captures some defectors for interrogation. Furious, Khyron wants to kill all traitors immediately; having to escort them to the flagship humiliates him and spawns more hatred towards the micronians... and Breetai.

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The Messenger of Doom

What happens now then? We can't just let the micronians go!After an unsuccessfull attack on a micronian transport, when his forces were scattered by a new enemy fighter, Khyron waits for another opportunity. And one indeed occurs, when under orders of High Command Breetai has the Zentraedi flagship approach SDF-1 to begin diplomatic negotiations. Seeing that the space fortress doesn't open fire, Khyron sends several squadrons of tri-thrusters to take advantage of the apparent micronian carelessness. To his horror, the flagship starts firing at Zentraedi craft, destroying the whole strike force. Enraged, Khyron demands an explanation from Breetai, who gives little importance to the fact that he just now backstabbed hundreds of pilots; executing High Command's orders is imperative to Breetai.

To me it seems that Dolza did not give any orders about starting negotioations. Previously we have seen Breetai and Exedore decide that no further actions could be taken unless they had something to counter the awesome effect of the micronian society on Zentraedi warriors. In hopes of learning more about this effect and perhaps getting some protoculture, Breetai invokes negotiations by his own initiative, and tells those who disagree, like Khyron, that these are orders from High Command. Azonia immediately informs Dolza of the happenings, and the Supreme Commander decides to annihilate the micronian race, traitor Breetai and all Zentraedi who took part in the operation.

The diplomatic mission is a success, Exedore and Gloval conjure a peace treaty of sorts. But soon Azonia declares that in a matter of hours Dolza with his Main fleet of 4.8 million ships will arrive; the Zentraedi ships have almost ran out of protoculture supplies, and are unable to fold away from the doomed planet. Exedore states that they'll have to fight alongside micronians against Dolza's armada. Breetai consults the two other fleet commanders, Azonia and Khyron, for their opinion. It will be a great honor to go with you into battle, commander Breetai.The odds are too great... a fight we can't winAzonia agrees that there is no way out - they must fight together or die. She wishes success to Breetai in the oncoming battle. Khyron, sane and rational as always, points out that the odds are too great - almost five million battleships, among them many flagships and Reflex cannon platforms, against the battered and disorganized remnants of Breetai's fleet plus the unreliable micronian foes-turned-allies. Rudely Breetai puts him down, exclaiming that he wasn't counting on Khyron's loyalty anyway. Insulted, Khyron slams off the videolink and tells Grel to start moving away from Earth.

As the 7th Mechanized drifts away on conventional thrusters, Earth orbit begins to fill with Dolza's battleships - thousands, then millions, they surround the planet in a gigantic sphere, dominating Earth sky on every continent, in every city, sending a feeling of imminent doom into billions of suddenly turned cold hearts. Azonia stares in awe at the cosmic power about to unleash its rage upon micronians and Zentraedi alike.


Force of Arms

Rineunadou Lojmeuean preparing to fireRineunadou Lojmeuean firingFrom his Command Base on Earth orbit, Dolza orders full barrage upon the micronians' mother planet. Hundreds of Monitors send tremendous blasts of energy towards helpless cities; in the empetrifying energy storm Earth surface is devastated, and desert spreads through lands once fertile with life. A moment's notice and most of the human civilization is turned into ashes; only a few underground bases survive, and among them the Grand Cannon in Alaska. It has time enough to fire only one shot, annihilating many Zentraedi cruisers, before its own destruction.

Terrified as they are, the SDF-1 and Breetai and Azonia's fleets stage a powerful counterstrike. Using Minmay's singing and kissing to divert the attention of Dolza's warriors, they are able to crush one division after another. The fight is bitter however; Dolza's armada boasts the best in space warfare - reflex cannon platforms, officers' power armors, plus numeric superiority.

Mmm..... pretty thing...Khyron observes the great battle from his safe haven not far from Earth. He and Grel also monitor the micronian psychological weapon - Minmay singing, and indeed it takes effect on Khyron. The commander orders to approach Breetai's position; Grel is shocked, for he thinks Khyron is going to attack their comrades-in-arms. But Khyron has something else in mind - a feeling catalyzed and brought out from subconsciousness by Minmay's song, a passion for the Meltran commander Azonia. The ships of the 7th division move in just in time to save Azonia from imminent death in her wrecked cruiser.

Then SDF-1 breaks through several armor layers of Dolza's enourmous Command Base and fires a full reflex missile salvo from within. In an immeasurable explosion the Command Base is destroyed, along with Dolza and the vast majority of Zentraedi fleets. SDF-1 survives thanks to the omnidirectional barrier; so does Breetai's flagship and the crews of several hundred Zentraedi cruisers which manage to crash-land on Earth. Among them are Khyron, Azonia and the remnants of the 7th Mechanized infantry Space division, who land their ships in Alaskan snow plains.

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The Protoculture chamber

Two years passed since The Rain of Death had washed all life from the face of the Earth. Around SDF-1's landing site a new city is formed - New Macross; throughout the world other dwellings increase their numbers. Nature is unstoppable, and first green plants begin growing in once radioactive wastelands. Yet the newborn Eden is not without its temptation... and its serpent.

Thousands of Zentraedi warriors grow wary of dull and hard work. Brought up to fight and die, they see little sense in building houses and infrastructure; their own society was destroyed, and only a few, like Bron, Rico and Konda, managed to merge with the micronian one. To all the rest it is a pain, a shock, an everlasting desire to fulfill the Imperative of war. One by one, they wander away from micronian towns, searching for a goal, for someone to lead them into battle again.

Buried under the ice and snow of Alaska, the 7th Mechanized division ships are stone cold from the outside and full of activity from the inside. Reports come that throughout the world, ten thousand Zentraedi have left the micronians. The news bring joy to Khyron, Azonia and Grel - there is hope once again. To his troops Khyron declares that he will make every micronized Zentraedi proud and tall, and that the day of battle is at hand.

Rumors that the legendary commander puts together the Zentraedi army spread lightning-fast; soon more and more Zentraedi begin gathering around Khyron. The only thing missing is the Protoculture chamber - a device that will restore normal size to the micronized, and give Khyron a powerful army.

Through his net of spies Grel organizes an attempt to capture the chamber by several Zentraedi who've been working close to the device. They had a chance to disable the guards and tried to escape on transport trucks. They failed to eliminate the communications center, and, though immensely happy with the feel of weapons in their hands again, those few Zentraedi were, unfortunately, no match for a squadron of Veritech fighters sent to retrieve the chamber.

You know how to handle your soldiers....Frustrated, Azonia blames Grel for the failure of the operation; the XO tries to justify himself, Azonia angrily interrupts, Grel looses his temper and the two begin shouting at each other. The fierce argument is stopped by Khyron, who gives Azonia a good example of handling subordinates, frightens Grel, and sends the trembling XO to again try and get the chamber.

Azonia asks the commander if he really thinks Grel will eventually succeed. Softened by her intimate approach, KhyronWe are the last true Zentraedi and we must capture the protoculture chamber. No sacrifice can be considered too great. We shall succeed.reveals to Azonia that he doesn't count on Grel and in total secrecy another strike is to be made, led by himself. Leaving the pleased Meltran in command of the base, Khyron assembles a squadron of Nosjaedul-Gers and in a short speech inspires the Zentraedi pilots for combat.

Power armors sweep through the sky and soon reach the unsuspecting town of New Detroit. Several destroids are quickly annihilated, though one Nosjaedul-Ger is shot down by flak fire, and Khyron begins roaming the town in search for the Protoculture chamber. Soon it is detected within the expocentre, and after a brief assault is once again in Zentraedi hands. The lightning operation, performed with surgical swiftness and precision, is an obvious success.

Azonia in loveNear Khyron's command cruiser, long queues of Zentraedi awaiting macronization form; as his army grows larger and larger, Khyron celebrates victory in a micronian way - by drinking beverages with Azonia, who is fascinated by the commander's skill and courage. Two years in isolation with Khyron have dissipated Azonia's arrogant scorn; both feel something new growing inside them towards each other, and an open manifestation of feelings is bound to happen.

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Broken Heart

Now, with a force sufficient enough at his disposal, Khyron plans a new offensive. The aim is of course SDF-1 - a way to escape this miserable planet and head off for the Robotech Masters' empire. Taking the battlefortress by direct assault is completely out of question - Khyron possesses no weapon capable of damaging it (yet), and soon comes up with a new strategy. Years of living on Earth taught him how much micronians value individual life; they'll do anything if threatened to kill someone particularly important to them... someone like Minmay, the famous girl singer.

The rebel Zentraedi manage to get hold of a micronian arsenal, provoking several veritech patrols; while the veritechs fight with automatic missile launchers, Khyron personally leads a small strike force of several battlepods to the concert hall in which most of New Detroit population gathered to admire Minmay's performance. The town is once again caught off guard; a feeble attempt to protect Minmay is swiftly dealt with, and soon both the girl and Lynn Kyle are put in a fork-cage within Zarcopolus, Khyron's new base of operations.I really must be going now...

Once the hostages are secured, Khyron contacts the micronian command and announces his conditions - tommorow by 1200 hours the space fortress must be turned over to him, and then Minmay will be released. As for Kyle, he'll be set free once Khyron is given back his arsenal - the one veritechs captured after destroying remotely controlled missiles. Micronians are shocked by such sudden change of tactics - Zentraedi never took hostages before because they valued individual life so low. One bright micronian even shouts that Khyron has gone mad, on what the humourful commander remarks: "Ah, but there is method to my madness..."

Waiting, the Zentraedi play with their miniature prisoners. Khyron declares that the micronian mentality of valuing life so much makes him quite sick; however, soon enough he will prove the opposite...

All Zentraedi understand Minmay significance - her singing brought chaos first to Breetai's soldiers and then to the whole Dolza's armada. Khyron wants to test if even now she will produce the same effect on his troops, and asks her to perform. Minmay gladly demonstrates her power - as singing fills the air, Zentraedi gasp in sudden awe, their deepest thoughts coming alive in their souls, breaking the psychological barriers established by their society and culture. Not one can stay calm in the face of his feelings forming and powerfully manifesting themselves. In Khyron and Azonia their love is fully awake, shattering the remnants of hypocrisy and self-deceipt. Deeply shocked, Khyron is spellbound by the song; for a moment war appears a senseless waste of precious, loved lives, and he decides to set You sure fooled me....Minmay free as a first act of peace. . . but the moment ends. The spell is broken, Khyron and all other Zentraedi regain control of themselves. Secretly embarassed, the commander claims that he is immune to Minmay's witchcraft, provoking a burst of laughter from Azonia. This angers Khyron, and he looks for a pretext to avenge his emotional failure in front of the micronian love song. An opportunity occurs when Minmay calls him a "big overgrown clown"; sarcastically Khyron hints that it appears he's not the only one around subject to loosing his temper. He decides to teach the girl a lesson on good manners, but in the process looses control and would squeeze Minmay to death if not for Azonia's warning. After a few pokes, the poor singer regains consciousness; micronians are well-built little things. Flexible, too, as proven by Azonia after some experiments on little Kyle.

Night falls, and the time designated by Khyron is closer every second. Joyful Zentraedi celebrate their apparent victory in a simple yet effective manner - getting drunk. I just wonder where did they get those huge bottles of wine from? Grel and Khyron try to outdrink Azonia, but the girl is just too tough for them. Anyway, everyone is happy, eating and drinking, when Kyle decides to babble his usual propaganda crap. Still nobody would've payed any attention if the peace fighter didn't call the Zentraedi cowards - pretty stupid, I think, considering they This is good... mmm....weren't cowards and each was about 10 times bigger and badder than Kyle. His supper spoiled, Khyron desperatly breaks the wine bottle and gets ready to show the moronic micronian some pain. Azonia saves the day again, and by the time he approaches the cage Khyron is back into good mood. Since Kyle said that Zentraedi can't think about anything except their own bellies [jeez what a jerk!] Khyron decides to show what he's learned from the micronian culture about pleasure. Wine and Minmay's singing destroyed all his complexes; with boyish brutality he grabs Azonia and gives her a long powerful kiss. The girl is not ready for such direct actions, but soon she overcomes embarassment and begins taking pleasure... mmm... oh damn here comes Grel with bad news and spoils everything. Duh. Looks like some dumb soldiers are under attack by micronians. Khyron must have an incredible sense of duty and care towards his troops, cause he interrupts the pleasureful demonstration and immediately begins to organize a relief attempt. To make fighting micronians more fun, he invites Azonia to come along, but the poor girl has no battlepod. Khyron gives her the Glaug and mounts himself atop a captured Monster destroid, which he plans to control by giving it a good kick. However inside there sit three stupid micronized Zentraedi who are too drunk to remember the knock pattern, so they Kicking assjust slam the accelerator and bring the whole force into a micronian ambush.

Yup, it appears that the whole mess was staged by deceptive micronians. Khyron's troops are surrounded by Monster destroids and the slaughter begins. Despite being outgunned, the Zentraedi fight bravely; when veritechs begin attacking Khyron's command post on the Monster, the commander bare-handedly destroyes one veritech and damages two others. But soon luck turns away from him once again - protoculture shortage takes its toll as Zentraedi weapons run out of power. Azonia's Glaug is damaged; despite his "disregard for individual life" Khyron runs to save her, and then, seeing that there is no hope left for victory, orders a full retreat. When the battered Zentraedi reach their base, they find that the hostages have been resqued. A bad day, I guess...

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Season's Greetings

Repairing battlepods and the monitorThe hostage plan has failed, and Khyron looks for new way to leave the micronian planet. His Queadol Magdomilla is severely damaged, and had permanently lost all heavy artillery with the bow section, so he looks for another crashed Zentraedi ship in better condition. Soon one such is found deep in the rainforest of South America, and it satisfied all Khyron's desires. The new ship appears to be a Rineunadou Lojmeuean reflex cannon platform, one of those which have layed waste upon Earth in the Rain of Death. Experienced through years of living and working among the micronians, Zentraedi manage to repair the monitor and many battle craft which were found inside it. Now all they need is a protoculture matrix to power the ship, and bye-bye Mother planet.God, at least the lights work... I want all reflex weapons functioning immediately - we're moving out!

Through his network of spies Grel learns that a suitable fuel tank can be acquired somewhere in New Macross industrial sector warehouses (duh, did he really need spies to figure that out?) and Khyron prepares a complex operation.

Zentraedi forces assemble inside a cruiser wreck near New Macross coastline. From there one force - Khyron, Grel, several battlepods and troopers - approaches the coast under water and begins roaming the industrial sector, while Azonia and a group of Queadlunn-Raus, probably the remnants of the Quadrano squadron, stage an ambush to ward off any micronian reinforcements.

Grel's information proves to be not very accurate, and he leads his angered commander in circles around the supposed fuel tank location. Soon the Zentraedi are discovered, but their strange attack pattern puzzles the micronians, who make a guess that the aim of Khyron's operation is not SDF-1 or any other miliary target but rather the protoculture storages. Immediately veritech squadrons are dispatched to deal with the threat. Khyron did not anticipate such heavy resistance; however, he enjoys the fight and with pleasure single-handedly shoots down an incoming veritech.

Pods ready.....   Now!A new group of micronian reinforcements approaches from seashore and falls into Azonia's ambush. The Meltran commander shows suprisingly skillful piloting, and in an amazing firefight Quadranos destroy several veritech fighters, but there are two aces on the micronian side, one of which, to Azonia's rage, is Miriya, her former comrade-in-arms. Most of the Meltrandi forces are destroyed, but Azonia leaves knowing her objective has been achieved - Khyron finally found the fuel tank and is now preparing to evacuate.Very well... prepare to retreat

Inside the warehouse, Khyron shoulders the heavy tank and, strainfully, carries it out. Covered by other soldiers, he secures the tank in the Glaug manipulators and orders all forces to retreat. Zentraedi are surrounded, there seems no way out, when suddenly a great scout vessel lands in New Macross, wrecking several buildings. Khyron's troops slid through the hangar doors and the scout ship takes off. Veritechs attempt to pursue, but Khyron has one last surprise for them - a Christmas gift to the whole micronian city. When he gives the order, Zentraedi agents dressed as Santa Clauses all over New Macross activate remote detonators... As the preplanted mines explode, great firestorms sweep through the unsuspecting streets, demolishing buildings and killing hundreds of civilians. "May all your foolish holidays be as bright as this one...." wishes Khyron through loudspeakers. Veritechs are called off to help fight fires; the operation is a success and Khyron awards himself with a new nickname - The Destroyer. Quite justified, I think.

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To the Stars!

We have full power... we are ready!Buried in the South American rainforest, the Rineunadou Lojmeuean slowly awakens - newly repowered by the reserves of protoculture matrix, stolen by its resourceful commander. Inside the huge ship, lamps flood decks with light, and all Zentraedi cheer the might finally at their disposal. On the bridge Azonia reports with a smile that full power has been restored and the ship is ready to take off. Everyone is shocked when Khyron suddenly declares that before leaving the micronian planet he must have his vengeance and destroy SDF-1, but soon the Zentraedi agree entusiastically to follow their commander into the final battle. SDF-1 is severely battered by the lengthy war - according to intelligence reports it doesn't have energy enough for serious resistance, and Khyron feels victory is at hand. He orders to take off and head for New Macross.But before I leave Earth I want to destroy the SDF-1!

"As the protoculture flows through its systems, the long-idled battleship comes to life... Outside the ground rumbles, then begins to give way, torn asunder by an artificial earthquake of alien power, as the battlecruiser frivolously tears free from its earth-bound prison. The venerable Khyron is once again armed and at large, bent on vengeance and destruction."

Cautiously navigating at extra-low altitude, using terrain as cover and employing a variety of radar jammers, the Monitor moves towards New Macross. On bridge, as snowy mountain caps pass by, Khyron, Azonia and Grel are waiting anxiously for the micronian fortress to come into firing range."The SDF-1 will soon be little more than a footnote in the Zentraedi history books," growls Khyron; the fortress is within thirty miles now, and he orders missile barrage on the unsuspecting city. Warheads liberate their awesome power in fierce explosions, annihilating stone and flesh alike. Micronian forces are scrambled, all veritech fighters are in air, and to defend the Monitor dozens of tri-thrusters engage the enemy. Zentraedi are outnumbered, but it is too late for the micronians - Rineunadou Lojmeuean is now within firing range.

On the bridge, Khyron views with satisfaction as the micronian fortress comes to his grasp. My revenge is well worth waiting for... Admiral Gloval will wish he'd never heard of me... Azonia reports that the main cannon is in full power, and Khyron orders to fire.

Reflex cannon firing With mesmerizing slowness the Rineunadou Lojmeuean bow section splits apart; energy concentrates between the sections in bluish electric discharges, and next second a monstrous beam of pure destruction shoots from the Reflex cannon. It is the weapon that destroyed the great cities of Earth, and now its target is the last protector of micronian culture. Buildings and people turn to dust as the beam sweeps through New Macross and finally collides with the battlefortress. In a tremendous explosion a section of SDF-1 is destroyed and the fortress starts slowly falling in the lake.

But the time for rejoicing has not come yet.... Miraculously the crippled battlefortress still has resources enough to make one last shot... In terrified disbelief, Zentraedi watch as SDF-1 climbs from its supposed watery grave, energy starts gathering within its own Reflex cannon, and a deadly wave rushes towards the Monitor. It is too late to turn away; the beam rippes through Zentraedi armor, and burning wind wildly brushes away crewmembers caught in its fiery way.

On the bridge, Grel is thrown out of his seat and smashed at the wall... the floor is covered with glass shards from the broken windshield... blood tickling from a wound on his brow, Khyron looks at the sprawled body of his old comrade-in-arms, old friend, remembering all battles they've been through together, their youthful enthusiasm, their lives full of mirth... and so desperately short... sorrow is soon drowned by a flood of rage at the inexplicable micronians who reduced his friendship and life into mizerable dust of nonexistence. But one thing they couldn't destroy.... his love. It will be glorious!

It requires a sacrifice.... are you willing to face it with me, Azonia?He glances at the woman sitting in the control chair, apparently unharmed, and when her deep blue eyes meet his gaze, rage goes away like sorrow did a moment before, overwhelmed by the power of love... Purified, they look into each other's souls, accepting whatever destiny life has prepared for them, and feel a desire to unite... It will require a sacrifice... are you ready to face it with me, Azonia? ...It will be glorious!... ...Yes... glorious...

Khyron locks the Rineunadou Lojmeuean on a collision course with SDF-1; as the battlefortress is closer and closer he takes Azonia's hand and feels her thoughts flowing through as if they were one... flying away... to the stars!


To the Stars!The cruiser was a fiery javelin in a ballistic fall, called by the Earth's own inherent powers to deadly rendezvous with its techno-savior. On the bridge of the Zentraedi ship, Khyron and Azonia stood hand in hand facing that divine wind in a way only warriors could, victorious in the final moments as much for destroying the object of their years-long pursuit as for the strength of their extraordinary bond, their marriage in death..... The mile-long cruiser rammed into the main guns of the fortress, splintering the twin booms as it continued to dive. Metal shrieked against metal, shafts, connectors, and joints snapping and roaring in protest. The bow of the leviathan ship forced the booms apart and impacted against the main body of the SDF-1, shearing off the head and going on to crash and explode once, twice, and again. The fortress took the full power of these against its back and itself exploded, blowing the supercarriers from their mountings and ripping away the battle-scarred armor that had seen so much violence. The lake boiled, releasing massive clouds of steam into the cold air, and lightning storms appeared spontaneously in the skies over head. A fire ball rose and mushroomed there, announcing the event to the rest of the world. (Doomsday, 501)


Khyron and Azonia were not forgotten. Their martyrdom inspired many micronian-wary Zentraedi warriors on a desperate quest for freedom, a struggle against alien society and culture for a right to live by Zentraedi native standards, which micronians called The Malcontent Uprisings and which was brutally repressed. But the memory will live forever.

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The Backstabber

Khyron is probably aware of his nickname and does his best not to live up to it. He treats Grel, his executive officer, more like a friend than a subordinate - they bet on how many ships will collide upon defold on Mars orbit, drink together to celebrate victories, and Khyron often trusts Grel with commanding the 7th Division cruisers while himself leading mecha assaults.

On Mars, when a pilot goes berzerk, endangering the whole operation, Khyron manages to shoot him down without killing, though is himself under severe stress. On Earth, as soon as he hears that his soldiers are under attack, Khyron interrupts the pleasureful demonstration of feeling towards Azonia, even abandons the recently captured hostages, and mounts a relief attempt to save the Zentraedi, falling into a Micronian trap.

Disregard for a soldier's life was an accepted standard in Zentraedi strategy. Breetai wastes hundreds of mecha and pilots in countless frontal assaults, while Khyron always uses advanced tactics of stealth, speed, sudden powerful blows, concentrating maximum power against minimal resistance. Most of his operations would've been a complete success if not for superiors' interference.

Only once Khyron is seen killing Zentraedi troops, and that is when mass defection spreads through Zentraedi forces as they break into SDF-1. Extinguishing traitors seems only proper in any war, and is even more useful than destroying enemy units since the defectors possess valuable knowledge vital to the war effort.

At last I'm in battle again!Khyron's soldiers remain loyal to him years after The Rain. If he was only hated and feared, beyond doubt no Zentraedi would ever want to have him as commander again. If he was a direct, everpresent and unjust threat to soldiers' lives, one of them sooner or later, especially after The Rain, would've shot him in the back, Backstabber fashion. Nothing like that ever happened; soldiers seem to trust him, and even follow their commander in his quest for vengeance against SDF-1.

After successfully recovering a fuel tank and wrecking havoc upon New Detroit, Khyron awards himself with a new nickname - The Destroyer, which perfectly suits the reckless commander.



Is Khyron mad?

Me? Insane? MWAHAHAhahahahahahahehe.... ahem. Sorry.Many accuse Khyron of being insane - because of his often unstandard, sometimes seemingly irrational behaviour, "maniacal" laughter or just in accordance with traditional anticipation of villains as crazy people who want to blow up the world.

While exhibiting enough bravery to personally lead countless mecha assaults and engage in hand-to-hand combat with Veritech fighters, Khyron never takes senseless risks. As soon as things get out of hand, be it a deadly new model of enemy craft, an unexpected overload of a barrier system or simply being heavily outnumbered and outgunned, Khyron never hesitates with ordering a retreat. He obviously values his life, along with the lives of his friends and even soldiers. Thus it is highly doubtfu, for example, that he would arrange a collision with Breetai's ships if he wasn't sure it was safe.

Obsession with revenge is not uncommon among the Zentraedi warriors. Miriya decides to infiltrate SDF-1, alone and with no weapons, just because she wants to kill the micronian ace who once beated her in combat. Not very rational behaviour, yet no one declares Miriya insane.

Violation of orders? Disregard for superiors? That was common among the Zentraedi as well. Among many other examples, Miriya directly disobeys Azonia, her commander, and instead of stopping Khyron decides to help him with his attack on the SDF-1.

True that Khyron's passionate nature somehow singles him out from other Zentraedi. However, all Zentraedi exhibit various emotions both before and after contact with micronians, so even by Zentraedi standards Khyron wasn't mad... else he wouldn't even be allowed to hold an armed rifle, much less command a fleet.

When Dolza's Grand fleet arrives, Khyron chooses the sanest alternative - stay out of fight and possibly finish off the weakened victor. This allows his division to survive the Battle of Rain and make refuge on the micronian planet.

The choice to go after SDF-1 after the Rain seems irrational at first, but not after thinking it over. Doubtful that, after discovering the level of psychological changes in Khyron, Azonia and their troops, Robotech Masters would grant them command over a force sufficient to destroy the battlefortress. After all, Dolza had direct contact with the Masters, and Dolza wanted to annihilate all Zentraedi "contaminated" by micronian culture, not speaking of that the Masters never wanted the fortress destroyed. So relying on them would've been insane, or at least irrational.

Second, Khyron possessed an ultimate weapon, which he was never before allowed to control - a Rineunadou Lojmeuean reflex cannon platform, equal in firepower to SDF-1 and the Zentraedi Flagship.

SDF-1 was crippled by the lengthy war, especially its final battle; the barrier system was down, energy level extremely low. Khyron was probably aware of this through the network of Zentraedi spies. With the element of surprise on his side, Khyron could be positively sure of his success.

That SDF-1 would be able to survive the deadly blast from Khyron's Monitor, take off and fire its main gun was not anticipated. With the Monitor going down, Khyron's choice was either die senselessly or take his enemy with him, and it was in the Way of the Warrior to do the latter...


Is Khyron evil?

Hooowdy-ho! Check out the kewl stuff I brought ya for Xmas!That depends on what is "evil". Since it is so hard to define, let us first state what Khyron is not.

He is not a megalomaniac bent on the destruction of Earth. Our planet was virtually destroyed by Dolza, a person unarguably sane and rational, while Khyron preferred to stay out of the mess.

He is not an insane killer whose only goal is murder-death-kill. Khyron kills in battle, kills enemies and defectors, kills civiliansaccidentally or to terrorize the enemy population, he enjoys killing and takes pleasure in violence (like so many micronians) yet killing is not his ultimate goal but only a means to achieve military tasks. He is perfectly able to harness his bloodlust - when a hostage or an insubordinate pilot is more valuable alive than dead.

Well then, what is Khyron? To me he seems nothing more than a young field commander, brought up in a society centered on war, boyish, passionate and emotional, arrogant, loving and caring, merciless to enemies and with an ego equal only to his talents. He is not evil, just a soldier carrying out orders, pursuing personal vendettas and immensely bored by the stiff Zentraedi society. The Robotech RPG claims him to be approximately 15 earth years old... adolescent mentality suits Khyron perfectly.

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The Lady

It seems we have a problem with Khyron again....The T'sentrati race has been engineered for performing tasks beyond normal human capacity - in physical as well as mental means. Their creators, the Robotech Masters, understood perfectly well that biomechanisms of such complexity, being so close to humans, will not be devoid of emotions, hence will be unpredictable. Unreliability was the price payed for higher intelligence and creative thinking, but Masters were eager to minimize risks of their servants going out of control.

The way to restrict T'sentrati independence was to squish their personality into nonexistence in the face of society and its interests - a method all to common in so many a micronian state. A strict military hierarchy was created, where each individual had his place right from birth; an ideology of unquestioning obedience was stressed, forcing the whole society to adopt a form of one army.The T'sentrati were brought up to fight and die; war was imperative - the only way of life they knew.

In order to prevent the evolution of any emotions short of hatred and lust for battle, female T'sentrati were separated from male, forming Meltrandi units. These were the elite, with faster reflexes and higher intelligence; they were reserved for special operations, given best weaponry and treasured for experience.

Living for war, T'sentrati needed an enemy. In Robotech, such foes were the Invid; in Macross: Do You Remember Love? after a victory over their short-sighted creators, the Protoculture, T'sentrati began to fight among themselves, separated into two clans by the obvious difference of sex.

After Breetai's failure to stop micronian POWs from escaping, Dolza summons the Meltran fleet to take over the operation. As Supreme Commander, Dolza has access to information about the Protoculture, and he immediately recognizes the danger presented by the free micronian society. He foresees the confusion micronians may wreck upon the T'sentrati order; Breetai, an old and experienced commander, seems untrustworthy, and Dolza puts Meltran commander Azonia in charge, understanding that stern relationships between males and females will prevent any conspiracy attempts.(His choice proves right when Azonia reports that Breetai has conducted a peace treaty with micronians, and that many T'sentrati have contacted the micronian society).

Azonia tries to be a calm and effective leader, but is constantly upset by her subordinates. Miriya, the best T'sentrati ace, is quite selfish, and wants everything done her own way, bringing a lot of confusion into Azonia's plans. Their first "test" task was getting the spies onboard SDF-1; Miriya disregards her commander's plan of a diversionary support strike, certain that she alone is capable of fulfilling the objective. Afterwards, when ordered to stop Khyron, Miriya decides to join the fight instead. Finally, she demands to be micronized and sent as a spy to the battlefortress, not explaining why should the best pilot be allowed to perish within the micronian ship.

An even greater threat to Azonia's plans and career is Khyron, the notorious commander put under her jurisdiction by the whim of Dolza.

Well, I don't know....Azonia's mission is not capturing SDF-1; Dolza knows better than allowing the dreaded contact. But he is uncertain of what to do - destroy the invaluable ship, or revoke capturing attempts and risk contamination; so the baffled Meltrandi are simply following the battlefortress to Earth. Such actions are questioned not only by Khyron, but by Meltrandi themselves, and when the 7th division starts another prohibited attack, Azonia decides to wait and see what happends - perhaps the passionate bluehead will find a way to both gain control of the ship and avoid the threat to T'sentrati society. However, Khyron's goal is simple - destruction of his opponents; as soon as this becomes evident to Azonia, she dispatches the Quadranos to force him back, but Miriya prefers to join the long-awaited fight instead of stopping it. This could really go out of hand, if Khyron didn't decide to leave the task of finishing off SDF-1 to his cruiser's bow section. The attack is stopped by the Daedalus maneuver, and the relaxed Azonia mocks Khyron for his failure, which in fact saved her career.

When informed that the doom she brought to Breetai's fleet (by letting Dolza know of their treason) extends on her forces too, Azonia doesnt hesitate to contact Breetai and offer immediate withdrawal from Earth orbit. What she didn't know from the start was the desperate shortage of protoculture supply on T'sentrati ships, making spacefolds impossible. Contrary to Khyron, who prefers sliding away on conventional thrusters, she decides to fight alongside Breetai and the micronians against Dolza's Main fleet.

The battle is a victory due to Minmay's success as a psychological weapon; but Azonia's flagship was ruined, and if not for Khyron's fortunate arrival, the lady would've burned up in space.

During two long years of living among males, Azonia got rid of many Meltran complexes. Her uniform changed - dumping the high collar made her cape look less official, and the ripped-off sleeves offered a more womanly, if not sexy, look; she also got addicted to drinking wine, probably thanks to Khyron's influence, and acquired a fresher skin color. Nevertheless, her attitude of superiority remained - quite soon after joining the 7th she was ordering around Grel and other subordinates.

Khyron was immensely glad that finally he was the supreme commander and no one could direct him. A special pleasure - Azonia, whom he previosly hated like any authority, was now in his power. However, soon this turned out to be an illusion - the smart Meltran used her charm to control Khyron - to a certain extent, though, because soon it became evident that the feelings she simulated for her own purposes indeed existed.

Contrary to Khyron, Azonia is not a stereotyped villain; in fact, she gets nowhere near the concept of "evilness", and even plays a "good" role when fighting alongside Breetai and the micronians. Her love to Khyron (well, the only decent Zentraedi male around) persuades her to join him in the last battle against SDF-1, where both meet a glorious death hand-in-hand.

The ancient tradition of killing "villains" is common to all genres, anime being not an exception. If Khyron deserved to die in a certain way (he was behind the New Macross massacre and was the evil spirit following SDF-1 from Mars to Earth), Azonia was just a woman in love, and her death was senseless.... well, every story should have its underappreciated tragedy.

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Behind the ScenesAlexandra Kenworthy

Greg SnegoffIn Robotech, the voice of Khyron Kraveshera was done by Greg Snegoff (Snow),and Azonia Laplamiz was voiced by Alexandra Kenworthy.




The Links Section

Naia Zifu's T'sentrati Web Page -Home of "The Backstabber Preservation Society", this page is devoted to T'Sentrati warriors and their famous leader, Khyron Kraveshera.

The Robotech Page - Khyron profile - written by Macross, thanks for the novel info.

The Khyron Kraveshera Image gallery - A place stuffed with Khyron pics captured from Robotech episodes. This is where I got most of the series screenshots you see here. Big Thanks to Jillari!

The Robotech X site - a crazyass pack of hilarious parodies, some of which feature Khyron and Azonia eating pudding, riding go-carts, goin' down to South Park, serving meals, singing and dressing up like Minmay (NOOO!!!!)

This is an animation - let it load, kay?

Questions? comments about the page? Email me and share your dreams.