Sailor Sparkle

Name: Penny
Age: 15
Birthplace: Unknown
Birthdate: November 9, 1976
Signe: Scorpio
Guardian: Swan
Planet: (No planet)
Star Name: Lovely Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Hairstyl: ???
Color: Aquarium, Light pink, and silver
Fav. Food: Fried Shrimp
Least Fave. Food: Chocolate coverd bugs
Fave. Subject: Science (Solor System part)
Least Fave. Subject: Math, English
Penny lives forever just like Sailor Pluto she can go back in time and become anyone she wants to be. If she is sad or lonely she will be a new identity so she has a lot of identitys. She doesn't have many friends but she is a warm loving person. She comes form the Lovely star and she was the ruler (princess) one day the other stars had a big war and attacked the Lovely one. Thats when Penny discoverd she was a Sailor Scout and her mom held the time key she took it to get out of the war. She is very selfish but very loving. She is also very good friends with Sailor Pluto they once fought together guarding the time gates.
Time Gates Portal Open!
This is how Penny/Sailor Sparkly can open the time gates
Mysterious Identity become me
Penny can be someone dif. every time she says this
(This once got her in a lot of trouble)
Sparke Star System!
This is where Sailor Sparkle takes her staff and creates huge wind with thunder
Lovely Sparkle Star Power!
This is how Penny transform into Sailor Sparkle
Cosmic Sparkle Power!
This is how Penny transforms into Super Sailor Sparkly