Guardian Universe / Fanfic Center

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What's new for the moment?

Who is Sailor Moon
How and why Sailor Moon came to be
Summaries of episodes, including enemy names, new weapons, and more.
From the Sailor Scouts to Luna and Artimis
Profiles on the adversaries of the Sailor Scouts
Excellent Sailor Moon works, plus my fanfic I'm working on
Lyrics to the songs you've heard on television and then some
Links to other sites that are worth checking out
For news and updates regarding Sailor Moon
Also feel free to sign my guestbook or

Sign, or on behalf of the moon, I will punish you

just view the Guestbook


Adopted Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Jupiter
was adopted on October 4th, 1999
Click to Adopt!

For the normal Disclaimer stuff. Sailor Moon, images, character, etc. are protected by copyright by Naoko Takeuchi and TOEI Animation, 1992. English adaptation copyrighted by DiC Entertainment, 1995. This site is being presented with out the consent or knowledge of the copyright holders. Now nobody go suing me, okay?! ^_^

Guardian Univere banner created by Jeff Harris, an ultra cool guy who runs the CN2: Toonami page,1999


Star clusters were drawn up by me, so I guess I've gotta protect them.(C) 1998, Blkcloak