Art Gallery 1

So you want to see our first Art Gallery? ::Guardian Earth asks. You say that it
would be nice and Sailor Moon Beam smiles:: Right this way... ::They lead you through the palace to a huge room. All around you are many pictures, sketches, and paintings. They lead to one wall and begin to show you all the paintings, etc. hanging there.:: These are some pictures of our good friends. ::Sailor Moon Beam explains:: Yes, Michiru, and Haruka (Who are now in the American version called Michelle and Armara) Hotaru, and Setsuna. We feel we don't address them enough... ::Guardian Earth begins, Sailor Moon Beam gets a sweat drop on her head and coughs:: We don't mention them at all actually ::Guardian Earth sweat drops too and laughs softly:: Oh right... We feel really bad for forgetting... ::She elbows him lightly:: We DIDN'T FORGET them! They just haven't entered the scene yet! I haven't gotten that far in the story yet REMEMBER? Just be quiet and let them look! ::she says under her breath:: Go a head and look around. ::He says and Sailor Moon Beam smiles and nods. Guardian Earth raises an eyebrow at her then shakes his head in disgust::

Meet the outer Scouts

A really good Picture of Sailor Saturn

Sailor Uranus and her Transformation pen

Sailor Pluto Looking Good!

Neptune's Deep Submerge

Haruka Yeah she DOES look like a guy.

Setsuna STILL Looking good!

Hotaru Isn't she cute?!

Michiru Playing her violin as usual.

Another Group Picture Awwww!

A nice sketching of Haruka and Michiru

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