Warning: This page contains bad language and you might not want your younger kids reading it. But if they do and they start saying them don't be writing ME any BAD letters! It's you own DAMN fault! That is an example of the kind of things written on this page. Thanks and have a good day.

Story 1: The Name Game

::The woman frequently known as the creator of this page is found sitting typing at her computer as usual. The fierce tip tap of the keyboard echoes around her as she types frantically to finish everything on her "To Do" list which she also needs to type up and add a link to on her Home Page. A HOT guy wearing a red trench coat, blonde hair sticking straight up, and really cool sunglasses with yellow lenses (Vash from Trigun) stands behind her watching her type.:: So what are you doing? ::He asks::

Can you wait a sec? ::The brown haired woman asks:: I'm ALMOST done!

::Vash nods slowly:: Oh ok... ::Suddenly out of no where a short, big chested, little girl (Amelia from Slayers) runs into the room and trips falling into the woman's lap knocking her chair over. The chair in turn falls against Vash knocking him over as well. Amelia jumps up and continues to run. A moment before she gets up a short, small chested, orange haired, sorceress (Lina from Slayers) runs in after Amelia also tripping over the woman causing her to kick the desk which she was recently sitting at and a loud -BEEP- is heard. The woman jumps up and looks at her now blank screen. Fire rages in her eyes and she turns on her intruders.::

YOU DELETED THE WHOLE THING! ::She rages. Lina slowly stand up and Amelia steps behind her both have sweat drops. Vash lays making a Funny face under the chair.::

I'm sorry but she just... ::Lina begins::

GET OUT! ::The woman shouts and breaths fire at the two that run away very quickly as they are known to constantly do. Vash shakes his head and the funny face he was making is gone. Again looking HOT as usual he pushes the chair off of him. He steps up behind the woman who is staring blankly at the empty screen.:: I... I... After... All... I WORKED SO HARD ON THAT! ::She bursts into tears and Vash turns her around and holds her against him::

Hey now. You can always start over. ::He says. She stops crying and looks angrily up at him.::

What the HELL kind of IDOIT are you!? Start over!? I JUST had the whole thing typed up! The LAST thing I want to do is START OVER! ::She shouts at him and pushes him away::

::A tall golem/man walks in he has periwinkle blue fur, wears cream colored pants with matching long sleeve shirt and cape (Zelgadis from Slayers):: What’s with all the yelling?

::A tall VERY VERY HOT guy with long red hair (Touga from Utena) walks in right behind him:: What seems to be the trouble in here? ::He says in that hot voice of his. The woman looks a bit surprised to see them then sighs::

Well I was just finishing the last of my new "Random" page when Stupid Amelia ran in and knocked me on top of Vash then Lina came in and tripped on me in turn causing me to kick the bottom of the desk and some how delete the whole thing. ::She explains without stopping for a breath.::

Yes that can be a problem. ::Zelgadis agrees. Touga nods solemnly.::

Why don't you come with me and I'll help you with some ideas for a new one. ::Toga says manipulatively. The woman smiles with glazed eyes and is about to take a step to go with Touga when Vash stops her.::

Wait! WE have a date tonight remember? ::He reminds her glaring at Touga the whole time.::

Oh man that’s right! I TOTALY forgot! Sorry Touga maybe later? ::Touga remains smiling and ignores Vash's look.::

Come now I have a free night and I was hoping to spend it with you. ::He smiles seductively at her.::

Do you mind? ::Zelgadis asks crossing his arms and glaring at Touga as well. Then he turns to the woman::

Hey why don't you join me for dinner I know this great place... ::but the woman is lost in the depths of Touga's manipulative eyes but before anyone can say or do anything a tall woman with short blonde hair and one gold colored hoop earring wearing a men's suit looking very manly (Haruka from Sailor Moon), enters the room and smiles at the woman.::

Is there a problem here? :: She asks in her deep voice. The woman explains about Lina, Amelia, the computer, then Touga, Zelgadis, Vash, and his date with her. Haruka nods knowingly:: Yeah that is a problem. Do you want to come with me instead? Then you won't have to choose between them. ::The woman looks about to agree when Vash interrupts::

Hey now! I made this date with her last week! If ANYONE deserves it it's ME! ::He says obviously getting angry. The woman nods at this.::

He does have a point. ::Then out of nowhere appears a tall man with dark skin and long white hair back in a pony tail (Akio from Utena). Upon seeing him the woman dives behind Vash for protection muttering:: Holy fucking shit... how did HE get here! ::Zelgadis, Vash and Haruka become agitated by his entrance. Touga stands still smiling confidently. Haruka stands to one side of Vash as Zelgadis takes the other::

What do YOU want? ::Zelgadis demands as Vash draws his BIG gun (Minds OUT of the gutter people!)::

That will do you no good. ::Akio assures Vash:: And there is no cause for concern. I'm not here for a fight. I also would like a date with her but I do have a way that we can decide who gets her. ::The woman looks fearful and peeks shyly over Vash's shoulder.::

And what... what would... that be? ::She chokes out::

Whoever knows your name. ::The room goes silent and the woman's legs give out on her. Being the only one who can do anything about it Touga grabs her just before she hits the floor. And picks her up swiftly in his strong arms::

You've GOT to be kidding! ::Haruka exclaims.::

NO ONE knows her name. ::Vash reminds Akio with a stupid looking blank stare::

Ah yes that may be true but I believe there is a place on one of her sub pages that it is mentioned once and completely by accident I assure you. ::The woman jumps out of Touga's arms upon hearing this and pushes Vash one way, Haruka the other and stands between them glaring at Akio::

That’s impossible! I KNOW I haven't mentioned MY name on ANY page! ::Akio laughs loudly::

Oh no it was not you who typed it. ::Zelgadis steps forward::

What do you mean she didn't type it? She wrote the whole site herself! ::The woman's eyes are wide and she stands stalk still staring unbelieving at Akio::

You... You didn't!? ::Akio nods with a smirk:: You... You... ::She shakes her head as if the mere idea was so wild that she just couldn't even consider it a possibility:: You went to the GUESTBOOK! ::Vash grabs her shoulders::

What? I thought that was locked? ::The woman suddenly calm shrugs::

Must have forgotten to lock it one time. Honestly... I don't really care if you all know my name. ::Everyone present sweat drops and falls face first on to the floor. The woman just stands smiling. Zelgadis is the first to get up::

If you don't care then why didn't you ever say it? ::The woman shrugs::

No one ever asked I guess. ::Zelgadis' face turns blue. Vash jumps up and grabs the woman's hand::

May I know your name Miss? ::The woman blushes and sweat drops::

It's really nothing big...

::Haruka crosses her arms:: Well?

::The woman laughs nervously:: It's... ::Everyone holds their breaths and leans in close so they won't miss it:: Stephanie ::The room is silent and there is obvious disappointment on everyone's face:: Well what did you expect? ::She asks::

Well, something different... not so plain maybe. ::Touga says in a normal voice for once::

Oh, GREAT! ::Vash sighs:: NOW how are we going to decide who gets to go out with her tonight? ::Everyone begins to talk at once::

Ya know I gotta go see how Lina is doing...

Yeah I better go and find Utena...

I'm going to take Michiru out for dinner I just remembered that I promised her I would...

I have to go find Becka...

::Stephanie sweat drops and falls to the floor:: Oh Just GET OUT! I DON'T CARE! ::She shouts and everyone looks a bit guilty but they slowly start to leave. Soon only Vash is left::

Steff can we go on that date now? ::He asks smiling brightly Stephanie smiles back::

I'd love too

::As they leave to go to dinner Haruka, Zelgadis, Touga, and Akio watch with smiles then stand in a circle and high five each other. The moral of this story is... well there really is no moral just a Random story for my Random page. It WILL continue... just... not right now::

Story 2: Do you Know? Do you know?

::Eric is walking down a hall, when suddenly he stops and notices Mina leaning against the wall as if waiting for someone. He smiles and hurries to her:: Hey there! Waiting for someone? ::He asks cheerily::

Actually yeah. Tristan said he saw you comming down this way so I thought I'd say "Hi". ::She smiles brightly::

Just say "Hi" eh? ::Eric chuckles. Mina gets really close to him::

Well, I was also kinda hoping... ::She trails off Eric keeps himself from taking a step back as Mina leans forward getting up on her tip toes. He blushes and swallows hard then shrugs and is about to put his arms around her to kiss her when he hears someone running down the hall. He turns and sees a short young girl with brown hair up in two buns (Miaka from Fushigi Yugi or The Mysterious Play for you dubbed types).::

Oh Hi Eric! Mina! ::She calls out to them in her cheery voice. She stops and pants for a moment infront of them then smiles:: Hey have either of you seen Tomahome? ::Eric looks thoughtful::

Yeah I think he's talking to Utena in the South wing's main Hall. ::Eric tells her::

Oh THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! ::Miaka says and quickly runs down the hall to the South wing. Eric smiles after her then turns back to Mina who looks like she's still waiting for that kiss. Eric clears his throat and puts his arms around her and is just about to kiss her when someone taps him on the shoulder he jumps and turns around seeing an odd looking sorcer with a smile (Xelloss from Slayers)::

Pardon me Eric but I was wondering do you know where your partner Jade went? ::Eric scratches his head::

Well, I think she went on a date with Kent.

::Xelloss opens one eye:: Oh are you sure?

::Eric nods:: Yeah, why? ::Xelloss closes his eye again and holds a finger to his lips::

Now that is a secret. ::He says and dissapears. Eric shakes his head and sighs then turns back to Mina who now is looking a bit annoyed::

Oh, don't be mad... ::He pulls her close to him and hugs her for a minute then again trys to kiss her when Amelia runs screaming past them::

It wasn't MY fault Miss Lina! How was I supose to know?! ::Then Lina comes into view chasing her::

Come BACK here! You CAN'T run forever! ::Lina shouts. Eric and Mina sweat drop and quickly throw themselves against the wall to keep from being trampled. When they are gone Mina falls to the floor in dramatics::

All I want is one little kiss from my boyfriend is that Too much to ask!? ::She exclaims::

No ::Eric smiles, picks her up and trys once more to kiss her::

Oh Hey Eric! ::Calls a calm girls voice (Utena from Revolutionary Girl... Utena):: Oh Hi Mina! ::Utena comes into view down the hall way and walks slowly to them smiling:: Hey Eric Nova is looking for you. ::Eric sighs deeply::

Nuzule's stupid red cat? What does HE want? ::Eric says angerly::

Well, he says that the Guardian's are having a meeting. ::Utena explains with that passive voice of hers::

Oh so thats why Xelloss was looking for Jade?... Wait why didn't HE just tell me?!

::Utena shrugs:: You know how he is everything is a secret to him.

::Eric sighs:: Yeah... ::He turns to Mina and jumps back seeing fire burning in her eyes. Utena yawns and smiles::

Well, I'm going to have some dinner with Anthy hey Mina why don't you join us? ::Mina falls face first to the floor and twiches a bit. Eric sweat drops::

Hey I gotta go... If I'm late Star will have my head. ::He picks Mina up off the floor and is yet again about to kiss her when a vid screen randomly pops up between them. In the screen is a tall woman with blue hair in a captian's outfit (Yurika from Martian Successor Nadisco)::

Excuse me Sir. Star has an incomming message for you. ::Yurika says in her chipper voice. Eric sighs deeply and nods::

Put him through. ::Suddenly the picture on the screen swiches and there sits the yellow cat, Star::

Eric, this is an emergency meeting so PLEASE HURRY UP! ::The cat's sophisticated voice shouts. Eric jumps back from the vid screen::

Ok Ok! I'm comming! ::The vid screen dissapears and Eric grumbles something while Mina turns chibi and breaths fire burning Eric accidently. Eric falls to the floor black and smoking. Utena sweat drops. Mina turns back to normal blushes and sweat drops::

Oh sorry Eric. ::She laughs lightly:: Hey thanks for the offer Utena I think I will.

::Utena smiles:: Let's go then. ::Mina steps on Eric while trying to walk over him::

Oops... sorry. Hey I'll talk to you later. ::Eric is left twiching and smoking on the ground::

Why me... ::He mutters sitting up and brushing the ashes off his clothes. With that he uses a teleport spell and goes to the meeting. This is the end of this random short pointless story. But only the beginning of... uh... Well... I'll have to get back to you on that one...::

Story 3: A Sleepy Disposition

::An Average day at the castle which quickly turned into a not so average day as GOLDEN silence crept through the halls. Suddenly:: AAAaaaaahhhhhh!!!! ::Comes a scream and a set of running footsteps echoes throught the west wing suddenly there is a loud -THUMP- and a -THUD- as someone is clothes lined. Evil laughter echoes throught the halls::

MUHahahahahahahaha!! -SMACK- OUCH!!! ::Comes the no longer laughing voice::

You jerk! ::The previously screaming voice that can now be recognized as female accuses::

You're the one running around at 3:00 in the morning screaming at the top of your lungs! ::The male voice grumbles::

Am I? ::The aformentioned female voice asks. As finally a good look at the two who are presently involved in the quarel. They can now be identified as Umi (RayEarth) and our resident hero Eric who is clad in not but a pair of black sweat pants. He's standing in what might be presumed as his bedroom door way. A loud yawn is heard from behind him as Jade peeks out around him sleep in her eyes::

What's going on? ::She mumbles hardly cohearently. Eric rubs a red cheek and shakes his head at Umi::

This DITZ is running screaming through the halls for unknown reasons ::Eric sighs and steps aside so Jade can also stand in the door frame::

Oh so it was you... ::She yawns:: Umi eh? ::She clears her throat and leans her back against the frame::

Yeah. ::Umi admits with suprising innocence that causes Eric to face fault::

Why? ::Jade asks un-effected or maybe indignant to Umi's tone::

Cause it was too quiet. ::Umi explains:: I thought it was later. ::She says casualy putting her hands on her hips::

Oh... ok. ::Jade says and yawns again:: Just... go back to sleep ok? ::She says standing... er... sorta... and stumbling back into the dark room. Eric stares in wide eyed confusion after her::

You gotta be KIDDING Jade! You're just gonna let her off like that!? ::He exclaimns in horror::

Damn right I am. ::Jade mumbles as bed springs are heard squeeking under her weight:: Come on it's too early for this anyway. ::She yawns. Eric sighs and shrugs she had a point. After one last good glare at Umi as she headed back to her room he closed the door. Again silence spreads through the castle::

But Miss LINA! ::Amelia's fimiliar voice echoes loudly throught the momentairly silent halls with the sound of two people running::

NO! Amelia you've gone too far this time! ::Lina shouts. -THUD-THUD- two people fall and Jade and Eric sigh::

Go BACK to BED! ::Zane grumbles at the two noise makers::

Yeah it's too early! ::Nuzule agrees as they re-enter the same room Jade and Eric are trying to sleep in::

But... ::Lina tries::

But nothing. ::Zane yawns and slams the door behind him. Several moans are heard in the darkness of the room as silence again courses through the castle. Suddenly Duo (From Gundam Wing) looking good as usual walks slowly down a hall in the east wing. Out of nowhere he's knocked flat on his face by A little green ugly lookin bug thing (A mini Cell from Dragon Ball Z). It is being followed by an EXTREAMLY pissed short, yet large man with blonde hair sticking up and a bright yellow aura looking much like flames around him (Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z)::

Come back her you cowardly BUG! ::Vegeta rages firing a burst of yellow energy at the mini cell hitting him but all the thing does is laugh. Duo dives into a room and slams the door::

That guy's CRAZY! ::He exclaims trying to figure out who's room he's in:: Where am I? ::He wonder's aloud::

Now that is a secret. ::Xelloss' fimiliar annoying voice is heard::

Xelloss? What the heck are YOU doin in here!? ::Kent exclaims outa no where. Duo jumps realizing who's room he dove into and quickly flips the lightls. Xelloss is floating in the center of the room a good 6 feet above the floor. The room is HUGE and there are three doors off of it leading to amazingly detailed fancy bathrooms. The four oversized beds are all occupied by two people except one that long green hair can be seen coating what can be seen of the pillow. There is some groaning and moaning (Minds OUTA THE GUTTER PLEASE!) and the Guardians all slowly sit up in their beds and one girl with long blonde hair who's in the same bed as Eric (Yes, it's Mina). Jade rubs her eyes and jumps seeing Xelloss then notices Duo::

What's going on? ::She asks quickly. A loud explosion is heard down the hall there are simultanious face faults among the parts of all the Guardians::

Oh GREAT! ::Tristan mutters and lies back down in attempt to go back to sleep::

It's WAY too early! ::Kent who's in the same bed agrees and also lies back down. Nuzule, Zane, Eric, and Jade sigh and start getting up::

Xelloss report. ::Eric says while he gets dressed in his usual garb::

Well, it seems that one of Cell's... mini Cells has gotten into the castle. Vegeta is tracking it down as we speak. -BANG--BOOM-

::Zane cringes:: Apparently he found him. ::Jade dresses in a bathroom then comes out and walks straight up to Duo::

We still on for breakfast? ::She smirks::

Oh Yes Ma'am! ::He says quickly. Kent sits up at this and looks to Jade::

Bu... ::He begins but, Jade holds up a hand::

Don't even start you lazy SOB! ::She smirks. Duo grins and Zane gives Duo a thumbs up:: You guys can handle this right? ::Jade asks::

Yeah it's nothin. ::Eric laughs:: Go on.

::Jade nods:: Thanks guys! ::Dou offers his arm and she takes it giggling lightly and then they head out into the hall the door closing behind them::

::Sometime passes the chrisis long averted and the Guardians back in their room still trying to sleep all but Jade. The two Guardian cats are in the room tryin to rouse everyone. Finally they all get up and Mina heads back to her own room::

::Later on they start to wonder where Jade and Duo are. So they wander around and start to grow concerned as they find that the couple in question are... nowhere. Finally they decide to head to Duo's room as a last ditch effort and there they find Jade and Duo sleeping peacefully in Duo's bed. They all glare at the sleeping couple and Eric suddenly gets an evil smirk he looks around at all the Guardians and they all nod. They bend down real close to Jade's ear and scream at the top of their lungs::

WAKE UP!!! ::She jumps and immediatly swings managing to catch Kent in the jaw. She stops and looks at them and Kent who is now on the floor twiching::

Oops... Uh.. Hi guys....

::Duo chuckles lightly:: Hey boys!

::The rest of what happened can not be explained in words but we'll continue... About 5 minutes later Duo and Jade exit the room smiling brightly at each other and headin down the hall::

How does Lunch sound? ::Jade offers::

Sounds GREAT! ::Duo grins and they both laugh. From the room comes an evil laugh and Akio exits pulling 5 freshly straight jacketed confused Guardians behind him in a net with one hand while holding a fat wad of money in the other::

Shall we? ::He flashes his knee melting smile at them then continues to drag them down the hall. Well, I think this story had been drawn out enough... Stay tuned for the next installment... Volume 4 "The daggers of Dios" Comming soon to a "Random" page near you!::

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