This is a list of some Internet resources on the US Congress.
This is not meant to be an extensive list, just a starting point.
This page is from a group called Capital Advantage and it has profiles of the members of Congress and some other features including a bill search. Also this page has information about Federal Agencies and links to agency pages.

Legislative Branch links from University of Michigan
This site, part of UMich's Federal Government Resources on the Web,includes biographies, historical directories, information about congressional districts, and an extensive section on legislation. Some resources are limited to UMICH students only but not many

Senate's Official page
There is a lot of information on this page and the page is easy to use. There is historical information about the Senate available on this page. .

US House of Repersentatives
There is a lot of information available on this page however including committee reports, bill text, and bill status for the 107th congress. (There is some legislative information going back to the 104th congress as well.)

There is legislative information going back to the 93rd Congress available at this site and information from the Congressional Record going back to the 101st Congress. There are links to other government resources on this page as well.

Legislative Links from LSU
This is part of LSU’s government links which is pretty good. It is a menu oriented page with a search engine and it has a fairly large collection of congressional links. There are also links to the Government printing office and the library of Congress.

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