These are some Texas government webpages that might be helpful.

This is a good starting pointing for Texas government pages. It includes links to the Texas Statutes, state agencies, and Texas City government webpages. The layout of the site is good and the page is easy to use. This page links to almost every Texas government website, if not all of them. There is a verison of the page in Spanish
In a way this page is similar to Firstgov.

Texas Legislature
This is the Texas Legislature page and it has links to the Texas House and Texas Senate pages. This is also a good page to search Texas legislation and the Texas Statutes. There is a feature on this page called Who Repersents Me?, which can be useful to determine who repersents your district in the Texas House, the Texas Senate, and the US House and Senate.

Texas Judiciary Page
The page might in the process of being reworked, so there might not be a lot of information on it currently. This page has links to pages about the Texas Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal Appeals and other courts.

Texas State Agencies
This is a listing of Texas State agencies by the Texas State library. There are pages about the agency, links to the agency�s page, and a link to online publications by the agency (if the agency has online publications).

Governor's Page
It has information about the governor and his office. It has press releases and speeches from the governor.

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