地続à︹ Roles in Movies

產! 舧ㄓ Andy Love!
"み羘伙"琌產砞ミだㄉ稰ぱ. и穦Τぃ杠肈. 舧.

琌稱? 硄参糶ㄓ

иΤ杠弧 | 戳杠肈:攀薄胣 Ever After

惩 - 03/28/00 17:45:09

Amy Lau - 03/26/00 07:17:22
My Email:amy17zizi.com.tw
City: 芖

true mob - 03/20/00 05:45:44
My Email:maddizm@hotmail.com
City: toronto,can
Hey all the way from toronto cananda. I watch hk movies from here all the time with sub titles and thay all suck except for the Andy Lau movies. It's got more of a personal touch, he really gets into his work and you can tell he cares about the acting. Tr e mob story was bomb

撤ㄠ - 03/11/00 11:20:38

Cindy - 03/04/00 15:45:50
City: Singapore
∕驹琵и眔み痥 и地簍はê娩 ┮ǜぃ秤タ挡Ыи泊柑澈Θ磀粿 砆界临璶谅纒 叉纒砊逞虫痢フ︾ 沧そ胔柑и常礹 程ぃヌみ琌ぃ粿い常籔寄 硈芠渤常ぃ眔ぃ眖磀粿い砆┰刮蛾猑挡Ю柑 ぐ或笵 地璶簍àи粄荡癸Τ硂龟 и┤璶跑碿

ゝゝ - 02/28/00 13:16:06
My Email:0410.0927.kimo.com.tw
City: 浆郡
さ,и地~档窽~,祇瞷и痷琌尺舧,,礚阶琌簈佰┪琌筿紇и常尺舧,!!獺,璶琌痷 み尺舧,﹚常㎝и妓!! い,地┮簍à︹瘤琌は,弘苂мォ,琌ぃ块倒 ヴà︹,临ゼ地癵,璶е,,玥, 竒岿筁场~~栏~~,е,

Kanas - 02/26/00 15:35:59
My Email:christycheonghokwan@hki.com
City: hong kong
haha`~of coz is all kinds la...... but i myself like that kind in 穞驹the best la.......so ying ar..and he acted as a clever but nearly dead man,he skill was so good le......and 1 scene that when she had tea with mung ka wai ,he suddenly spilt out blood,even made me cry ar!!! i believe he will get the award ---the best actor ....it's his 'biggest' wish ar.SUPPORT U 4-EVER N EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Navian - 02/23/00 16:25:31
My Email:m971220@ubd.edu.bn
City: BSB
"暗戰"及"黑馬王子"裡的角色是最適合Andy了。 我個人較喜歡看他演comedy的戲,而"暗戰"由他來演也最能發揮劇中人的性格特點(Andy的醒目樣及cool樣很適合嘛!). 而"龍在江湖"及"賭俠1999"我個人就不太喜歡,我覺得戲裡的親熱鏡頭是很刻意的,而且劇本也並不特出,雖然Andy的表 很不錯,但很難憑此戲種奪得他一直想要的影帝寶座.

Polly - 02/22/00 04:15:50
City: H.K
ㄤ龟诨厨笵地Τ╃14╈狟ねぇ,痷玒谋眔礛,ヲΤぶぶ钡,讽иみ薄キヱ,и秨﹍篊篊钡硂,ㄤ龟иō地fans,莱赣蔦砞稱,璶琌尺舧,и碞琵暗,ぃ璶倒溃. Τ谋眔砆腇,и谋眔硂琌だぃΘ剪稱猭,狦琌痷みや杠,セ碞ぃ赣ざ種.

oy - 02/20/00 05:55:31
琍 畄 ら 厨  腑 в 礰  產 眏 "地   o偿  " 眏  ρ 龟 量  ∕ 驹 荡 癸 ぃ 琌    禤 烦    匡   量 娩 甅       虫   肚 ю 墩 τ ē 碞  陪 耕  狥 ㄊ ю 菠    そ じ 2000)畓 眔    ま  蒒 oヌ  琌 ゲ 礛 ㄆ  礰  ㄤ 龟 地   Ekinㄢ     瞶 莱   noise,   地  膥  穞 驹    簍 ョ タ ョ ǜ à ︹  礟   o  畓  眏  地  耿 簍 腑 ﹖   虏  琌   斑   芠 ぇ 矪  瘤 礛  衡  ▇  甮   琌     腑 ﹖  o  ю  み 璸  ぃ 拒 も 琿 笷 Θ   冠  柄 动    疭  琌 程   Ekin癸 ∕  Τ  ㄢ     ヘ 臩 た   繷   o兢 常  Τ  狦  礰  и  谋 眔   地   莱 赣  o 栏   薄 猵 碞   そ じ 2000   马  妓  à ︹ 硑  常 oヌ  ま  熬 熬  皗  硊  璸 и 杠 眎 產 辦 耿 簍 o   ず 盞 贝 纒 纒   栏 碞 莱 赣 搭 ぶ  ぃ 琌 杠  暗 眔 ぃ   u ぃ 筁  稴  薄 竊 ⊿ Τ び  佩 尺     Ekin 碞   Ч  ぃ   篈  眏  ぃ 筁 繷  辊 地  琁 甶  ぱ      ㄤ 龟 会 ㄣ  墩    蝗 緑   フ 甅 杆  硑   镑 焚   ﹍ 沧 溃 眔  初   狦 磞 瓃   栏   ㄇ  Θ 场 栏  芠 稰 莱 赣 Τ だ 秖   

PAULINE - 02/02/00 17:01:49
My URL:http://@ismart.com
My Email:pauline.yhl@ismart.net
City: HongKong
и穞驹,地倒и佩尺稰谋,佩地簍 м秈˙,尺琌地ш簘獹. 戳辨地"档"ず倒и佩尺!!

steven - 01/29/00 14:28:01
My Email:s8814250@.cycu.edu.tw
City: taiwan

steven - 01/29/00 14:26:00
My Email:s8814250@.cycu.edu.tw
City: taiwan

steven - 01/29/00 14:24:50

Kung Po Sheung - 01/24/00 10:03:47
City: H.K.
I think andy should play more roles in the detective movies in the future.He plays very well in those kind of characters .He acts as a hero when he wears the police uniform.All of the thieves will afraid of him .If he actually being a policeman, I think here will be no crime in the world.I hope andy will reply me a letter since I have no email address.I hope andy will give me some advice on my dealing attitude on the matter of Mr. Lau 's ex-wife.Should I hate her or give a mercy to her. this matter alway interrupted me for 5 years. I felt exhausted already.Therefore andy should immediately give m

Kung Po Sheung - 01/24/00 09:55:47
City: H.K.
I think andy should play more roles in the detective movies in the future.He plays very well in those kind of characters .He acts as a hero when he wears the police uniform.All of the thieves will afraid of him .If he actually being a policeman, I think here will be no crime in the world.

Daisy - 01/23/00 06:31:21
99香港评论学会大奖 最佳男演员这一项,评论学会指出吴镇宇与演《暗战》的刘德华争持激烈,最后刘德华,仅以些微票数输给吴镇宇,令吴镇宇第二度夺得最佳男演员奖。

candy - 01/20/00 01:43:25
My Email:inmacau@yahoo.com.hk
City: macau
地竒琌続盉闹,碞衡挡盉и常﹚や蔦!yeah! 硂琌ネゲ竒顶琿ma! ^_^ IN.

JENNIFER LAM - 01/08/00 17:11:02
地иッ环や 碞衡Τ狟ね挡盉и癸ッぃ跑 辨е龟瞷腀辨Θ " 紇 " ┮Τ FAN'S 常穦や 褐ッ环е贾 癸ぃ跑ッ环やFAN'S JENNIFER

YDNA - 01/06/00 16:17:31
City: Hong Kong
地穝紇е崩!!るぇ羘いиеㄇ纗硂场,瞏獺硂ゴ笆!!! 辨地Θ紇!!!!

cyLau - 01/03/00 16:46:55
My Email:cyLau@yahoo.com
City: Hong Kong
筁琘ㄇfansmessage痷蠢地稰螟烦硂妓╧砆肚碈厨旧Τ狟ね(硂柑ぃゴ衡蝶阶琌痷琌安)澈Τfans弧砆┮腇 êㄇセ礚地砞稱筁----- ΤびぃΘ剪fansセぃ稱地ō娩Τヴ狦地そ秨Τね穦ア北㎡ 狦產稲地や地叫やパ!!礚阶Τ⊿Τ狟ね? 叫碙Τそ秨籔┯粄籔パ 地и穦ッ环や匡拒 抖 ㄆ穨承蔼畃

mm - 12/31/99 10:56:03
My URL:http://www.channelv-chinese.com
癸ぃ癬~~~ゴ.... и琌璶――[v]щ布癘眔埃地ㄤ璶щ倒地Τ诀穦眔程贱翅!!!谅谅產~~~ 地癸ии璶荷や^________^

Daisy - 12/26/99 06:07:58
砛ぃ癸琌и痷尺舧纒 祇凳妓㎝傈帝產薄次 иぃは癸地╃ゅ美ゑ耕甧贱估 琌打柑地Τ摆 羆ぇ地程琌–╃ㄇぃ摸à︹ㄤいぶ璶Τ场打 砛Τぱ地咎打贱㎡

pp - 12/03/99 04:29:28
и谋眔穞驹琌獶盽羙à︹地簍眔痷琵產谋眔羙常琌酚璸购ǐ, ㎝纒琌ㄢ伐てиゑ耕尺舧穞驹柑地痷琵穛ㄘ羙

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