
Duckie loves the goosey..

Names: OK, some of the names have changed.. There's Peter, Mary-Jane, Zach, Eric and Mulan. Buffy was killed by a Great Blue Heron..EVIL, possessed thing.. It happened while my dad was taking care of them, I was away on vacation..
Age: two months


Appearance:Beautiful..though my family's comments differ. My mom is afraid of them because they walk like raptors and shriek really loud. ^.^*
Info:The geese had a short childhood. After about 3 weeks, they grew iinto the scraggly phase. They looked like they were missing large tufts of feathers and going bald. But soon enough, they grew in real feathers and looked a lot better. UNFORTUNATELY, they were eating too much and became realllly fat and even their wings/tails started growing in crooked. ^.^* The scientific name of this is "Angel Wing". Anyway, it can be easily solved by exercising the wing/tail that is growing in crooked. Most sites say to form a sling, but it doesn't work. Stretching the wing out fully about 20 times on each bird accommodates for immediate results.

