SONJUNTA19's Stuff Page


Hey everybody, this is just a fairly temporary page for ppl to dl stuff that i'm too lazy to send them.  Later on this will become some sort of theme page based on Angelfire or something... i've already got my Sakic/Ryoko page that i'm working on so i'm not concerned about this one so much.  Basically this page has 3 sections, Angelfire section which contains the latest episodes as well as some other crap from the literary/anime series i'm writing, the computer club section which is just for the comp club of which i'm pres of and it has the mud code from the example mud and the character gen prgrm i wrote, the last section is just a story section which contains stories from my friends and me and is temporarily the site of our literary Zine Universe in a Bottle, until i come up with something a little more permanent for it.  Also, there MAY be one or two mp3s lying around.  Anyhoo, that's about it.  Cyall!


Computer Stuff

Universe In A Bottle