Welcome to my World of Wonder

please enjoy your stay

i live in a world
torn by hate and rage
i go in search
of lost love and lost joy
i am struck
and fall broken hearted
i search for comfort...
find someone who'll listen
i receive love and caring
and to those special few
i give it back freely...
with all of my heart and soul

written by Mel Booth (me)
with much love to my friends...
you know who u r!!

this is the newest of my many poems... i hope to have more up later..
and i know it's not much right now but please feel free to hop on over
to my other page... (down der in de links!!)... if you want to know
anything... just ask! i'll answer any and all messages sent to:
so don't be shy!!! for now i'm off on my never ending search...
read the poem above again if you don't remember what it is.. *smiles*

Links to other pages

phritzi's domain

Women of Fantasy Gallery

Fantasy Art Gallery (mostly animals)

i promise if you give me a little time
i'll have more stuff...
so please come back again... we don't bite... hard!
in the words of my hero... TTFN

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