Chugar Meet Joe Condor

Dr. Nanbu -" this is top secret classified, understand."

Joe- "Just spit it out everything we do is classified"

Dr. Nanbu-"this (picture appears on screen of girl at picnic) is the queen of th earth, her name is chugar albright. she denies this for fear of being corrupted by poer. somehow while in Peru she was given a sedative and kidnapped. i fear by the (galatics?).

Ken-"I know her (as he jumps back) but I don't know how or when?"

dr.nanbu-your memories are strong, ken. you see she is of a race of beings that considered immortal . every 100 years they lose their memories and return to infancy in a stage called rebirth. sometimes it takes years or hours to remember their past lives. she always remembers her past when she reaches her 13 birthday. anyone she loves may remember her on sight or uh maybe i should let her explain if you can get her.. but you must save her first.


c-Where am i? i have to ahH(passes out as gas fills the room

man#1- what were you thinking she can't be awakened ever.

man #2- why she's jus a little girl?

man#1- if the rumor is true she'd be free in a nanosecon of her own accord and then this ship and our plans will crash.


JOE- can we stop gossiping and go already?

ken-wait, i remember some training

dr. nanbu- good that will help if you have to resort to more drastic measures. oh before i let you go. she doesn't know about gatchaman to gain her trust be honest she can detect lies.

"gatchaman take flight"

in the pheonix looking toward the fairy star

hahaha it looks like a fairy-spice


uh sorry, but shouldn't you like make it something mean kinda like that dragon king ship , you know, dangerous -spice

the only dangerous thing i want to focus on is joe condor(both girls eyes filled with hearts)-chugar

hey don't be a hog he's mine too-spice

we haven't reached that point yet-chugar

yeah, he's gorgeously dangerous-spice

that's a new phrase to add to your vocabulary-chugar

to all girl/women readers how much do you like joe condor email me i'll add any comments to my site posted monthly, and i may have a gift for you.

llok at joe fight-spice

yeah deadly moves-chugar

what about ken-spice

ohh yeah you can have him-chugar

i know its very violent but they move like poetry and rythym

i think ken saying their catch phrase. how's it go? something about dark and flashlights.

do you know?

they faught through the horde of foes finding chugar lying unconscious in a cell. joe grabbed her in his arms and the left for the pheonix.a few more foes willing to stop them met their doom at the end of a feather.

in mid flight she awoke jerking away from jow and fell through the clouds below. all gasp. still of joe with a look on his face of surprise.


SWOOSH !! she flew back up to them (joe still surprised)

phew good thing chugar has wings she looked like an angel.

c-do i know you?

-dr. nanbu sent us. please follow us.

c- nanbu huh? (hovering in one spot tapping her cheek) i remember. wow it's been a long time since i last heard from him.let's go , and thanks.


c-so are you gonna keep those bird suits on while i'm here

ken-it's policy to keep our identities secret

alright...ken but no mask can mask your idenities from someone like me.

lucky guess you know him-jinpei

yeah you could say that jimmy but it's not the case for you

jimmy scratches his head. chuckling in background

chugar glances at joe.

viewer comes on

j- do we have to babysit now

what? you think just because of my girlish charm i have to be a kid. NO WAY!! I need somewhere to practice someplace wide and clear of trees.

k- i know

change to normal attire and go to joe's place. dr nanbu takes another flight to joe's to meet them (he has wings what does this men)

k- enough room

chugar begins to do some backward flips til she reaches a far distance.

c-will do

jun- where's that music coming from?

dr. nanbu- her mind she fights to the music the beat and rythm keep her adrynolin up

monster appear and ken jumps into the action.

rocky- are those real

dr. nanbu- of course not . i guess she's feels she'd hurt any one else.

jimmy- that does look painful.

c- take this psychic shock

monster- awwwww!

j-impressive little brat

chugar disappears


something tells me... follow me

time passes as the team races to the pheonix

she's trying to pull some data from the computer.

c-why are you so kranky (clicking on keyboard)

as they enter the room screen goes blank

are you trying to be a pest-j

i got bored and a little tired.

she just may be as good at hacking as you (rocky pointing at jimmy)

c-me hack never ask nanbu where his passwords came from

music plays "4 page letter" sung by aleeyah

c- seeya

she runs back outside

jimmy and the others look to see what was accessed

rocky-does it smell like roses in here

ken-huh 'sniff' with a little honey.

jun-where's joe

chugar, now outside, makes a holigram of her sisters(they all look alike) honey and rose and they do a dance routine. joe peeks out the door and notices out of the corner of his eye.

j- it's a holigram of me? but those clothes(refering to the old englishman style)

the holigram walks over as the sisters disappear four pieces of paper float around the couple.

joe, i'd never suspect you-jun

j-no, i she's dancing with ...

chugars pushes through door and looks at joe with a mean look in her eyes. she then looks at ken.

c- let's show the others some moves

k- which ones? ninjety, kung fu, tai chi

c- all sound good

k- i only remember those

c- that's fine


what now

are'nt you suppose to be after

i'm trying to make him jealous

did you get the 411

sure photographic memory . 90% of my mental capacity

what about the other 10%

only when I'm thinking about joe (drool)

seems like you use only 5% then

back to the story (chugar bonks spice on head)

okay- replies a squooshed spice

joe storms out of room. thinking to himself. what is it about her? she's seems lik a kid but somehow amazes me. how old could she possibly be? why choose me as a dance partner? i don't dance. that's not me.

we need to focus on the fairy star


man#3- status report

man#4-Kamicland in sight

dr . nanbu- no more fun and games. the ship is headed for kamicland

c- let me go too

what and let you get in the way-joe

you've seen me in action i was just playing around this i my planet too.

she will need to be wearing a suit

no problem (chugar jumps and flips and when she lands ...)






much better


oh no not again will you stop interrupting me

you're a dove it doesn't sound dangerous

swan is taken missy and flamingo is just silly

swan isn't she a crane

NO i guess i could have been a crane


shhh! we're getting to a good part


not yet

let's go already-j- i want to pluck that fairy's wings


I am more experienced than i look i used to be a detective

why'd you quit?

too much time


too little clients


illegal practice



too much money

money (cough) how much?

approximately , i'm worth more than billgates on his best day. yes , i have every material thing a girl could want but it's not enought for the priestess of's been 2 years since i've heard those 3 words.

i love you


the other three i can't say in front of him(pointing at jimmy) or would that be four but i used an apostrophe.

but where's the love in that

i think my kides would need to explain it.

KIDS, your still a kid... right

no how! we're heRE!!


Small ships ( i wrote it down as littler shipsHa)came toward the pheonix

they knew but how

i'll take'm chugar jumped through the cockpit glass as it shimmered like water and acted as such.

"flying throught the air with greatest of speed, grace and agility. it's fun when things get sugary,"chugar sang."diamond... touch!" chugar uses steel touch to slice through the planes wings and causes the engines to malfunction. pilots eject as planes disintigrate. (no explosions necessary for a good story)

the phoenix is in action firing at the fairy star but interceptors keep stopping them

they must have motion sensors to fire so quickly

let's fly i'll take care of the guns TALON STRIKE ( his hands twisted like talons and placed together made a beem of blue light destroying the guns)

that's a new one

thank chugar for that move took me years to figure it out

once inside

captain their on board

captain- where does that dove girl get such power


what are you waiting for send security

chugar see's the camera that catches her moves

i don't care if you hear me. you'll pay for treating like a prisoner.

the team split in tow to set the bombs. jun, jimmy and rocky got surrounded by security as they set the last one. we are in a tight corner guys-jun

"chugar is sweet and nice but to take a piece of me will make you think twice"

chugar you could possibly

"bubble trap"

all the soldiers found themselves floating

joe and ken arrived observing the specticle

she's not trying to kill them why?-joe thought-"kill them they're the enemy"

why? life is precious eve in the person who possess it is not quite right-c

yaw!- joe leeped toward chugar for the captain snuck up behind her ready to leap

oh noooo-chugar yelled as joe falls

TO BE CONTINUED (this will be a link)


NO i did noT



YES i do i thought you liked him*sob**sob**sniff**sniff*

i love him, his eyes, his hair, his body . the story isn't finished yet it's just beginning

the title isn't chugar kills joe condor. it's about our fate

oh i can't wait to read the continuation. is it gonna get steamy

NO, i'd like to not have any hentai you know keep the pg13 rating

darn, i won't curse NO MORE oh can i be in it


lines from "REMEMBER MY LIFE" PART 2

"what his heart..." -c

"i don't believe this"-joe

"this i jake"-dr. nanbu

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